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isaiah 41:10 commentary

"Commentary on Isaiah 41:10". “I will help thee.” Now this implies one step further. Those who, when he was going on in the ways of sin, never uttered a single word of advice to induce him to flee from the wrath to come, no sooner behold him turning into the way of righteousness, than they express the deepest concern about his welfare, and labour to the uttermost to reclaim him from what they account the most egregious folly — — —. Fearfulness of spirit casts many slanders upon God. Yea, this would be their dread; they would be glad to escape from God if they could. (Isaiah 41:19) … Oh the rhetoric of God! The Lord of Hosts is with us: the God of Jacob is our refuge [Note: Psalms 46:1-2; Psalms 46:5; Psalms 46:7; Psalms 46:11. God can be God and fearless, but we can scarcely be creatures and fearless. He could not manage to carry his big book any farther; he was disappointed and unhappy. “Yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness.” The right hand is an emblem of power--here, of omnipotent power--so that the work of righteousness which you do shall never cease. If God be for us in mission work, who can be against us? A religious fear is nothing but an awful reverence, whereby people keep a fit distance between the glorious majesty of God and the meanness of a creature. It is more than the Father looks for under the present mode of our existence. My text is such a harp. What higher consolation can man desire than the assurance that he is with him to protect him? The world is a strange place to them, and they are strangers in it. (J. W. II. Martin Luther used to say, that to comfort a desponding spirit is as difficult as to raise the dead; but, then, we have a God who both raises the dead from their graves and His people from their despair. Barnes's Isaiah 41:10 Bible Commentary Fear thou not - This verse is plain in its meaning, and is full of consolation. It makes the sense more complete. Besides, this fear is such a torment, that commonly those evils so much feared, prove not so hurtful nor evil to a person as the present fears; and, besides this, it many times doth not only daunt the spirit of a man in himself, but proves very dangerous to others. Read Isaiah 41:10 from the story A Teens Bible by DaughterOfTheFather with 1,977 reads. 2 Corinthians 3:5.] ].” In this expression there is something deserving of especial notice. Fear thou not, for I am with thee.] how dreadful the thought of dwelling with everlasting burnings! Copyright StatementThese files are public domain.Text Courtesy of BibliographySimeon, Charles. him.”, Yet, because the Christian’s enemies are far too strong for an arm of flesh, and he is apt, notwithstanding the strength imparted to him, to be discouraged; God further engages to aid him with,], [Fear not; for “I will help thee,” says God: “I will help thine infirmities [Note: Romans 8:26. He knows that many a fellow-soldier has fallen. Be it so then, that our burthen is too heavy for us: but is it too heavy for him also? Fear not, thou worm Jacob — Who art weak in thyself, despised and trodden under foot by thy proud and potent enemies. Now, as evil appears greater or lesser, and more or less tolerable, so the passion of fear is more or less in persons. "Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged". There is the assurance of God’s presence. They are God’s servants, doing His will (Isaiah 41:8). Pain lost half its terror, and seemed to expect its dismission, once he stood by the sick. While you have all things else but this, you have the rays of the sun; while you have this, you have the sun itself in its brightness and lustre. It weakens the believer’s influence and so causes mischief to others. All Rightes Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario.A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855. “Now,” said the father, “I knew he could not do it, but as he wanted to be doing something, to please him and to do him good by encouraging his industry, I told him he might take a book and carry it up.” So away he went, and picked out one of the biggest volumes--Caryl on Job or Poli Synopsis, I should think--and when he had climbed a step or two up the stairs, down he sat and began to cry. A promise is nothing to me unless I have good security that it will be kept. 1 Be silent to Me, you islands, and kingdoms shall renew [their] strength; they shall approach, then they shall speak, together to judgment let us draw near. Why, faith can look forward to it without a single tremor; she fears not, for she hears the voice of the everlasting God saying to her, “I am with thee.” Thus have I mentioned a few of the occasions in which this harp sounds most sweetly. I do not say they must not be afraid to sin (Romans 8:1). Your fellow-men may ridicule you because you have become religious. 2012. 'If God be for us, who can be against us?' He always could help them if He saw it best. The word signifies to look about, as persons in distress, and amazed: I will strengthen thee; with strength in their souls, to perform duties, exercise grace, withstand corruptions, resist temptations, bear afflictions, suffer persecutions, and do their generation work, according to the will of God; and if God is the strength of his people, they need not be afraid of any persons or things, Psalm 27:1. yea, I will help thee; help them out of all their afflictions and temptations, and out of the hands of all their enemies; help them in the discharge of duty, in the exercise of grace, in bearing the cross, in fighting the Lord's battles, and in their journey to another world; help them to every mercy, temporal and spiritual, to all needful supplies of grace, and at last to glory; whose help is suitable and seasonable, and may be expected, since he is able to help, either with or without means; has promised to help his people, as here, and he is faithful that has promised; he has laid help on one that is mighty, and set up a throne of grace to come to for help in time of need; and seeing he is their helper, they need not fear what men or devils can do unto them, Hebrews 13:5. “I am with thee,” poor, feeble thing as thou art. BECAUSE HE IS ALWAYS NEAR TO HELP. A stranger may see a person injured, and not feel himself sufficiently interested to interpose for his relief: but a husband, or a father, will not so act: he will feel the injury as done to himself; and will make the cause his own. I know of no encouragement like this text if we properly appreciate it. THE SPEAKER. - Isaiah 41:10 AMP Sometimes, we can read certain verses from Scripture a hundred times and fail to take them to heart, the way the Lord wants us to. .—The thought of the election of God gives a sense of security to His chosen. 1. Who then can lay us low? It may be seen in maintaining unpopular opinions amid difficult or dangerous circumstances, or in meeting death with unblanched cheek. He never looks the creature should bring anything that he might procure it. Faith realises that others are learning from her experiences lessons which nothing else would teach them; and that glory is accruing to God in the highest, because men and angels see and know and consider and understand together that the hand of the Lord hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it (Isaiah 41:20). https: Did you never feel the delight of saying, “The best of all is, God is with us; and, in the name of God, instead of folding up the standard, we will set up our banners.” If you have ever passed through that ordeal, then have you needed the words, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God.” “Who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die, and of the son of man which shall be made as grass?”. in spirit. I hope the day will come when, even without thought or intention, we shall, from the new nature of our being, take up God as easily as the blade of grass takes up atmosphere and light. "Commentary on Isaiah 41:10". Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Version. The God of heaven was their God; and as he had all power, and that power was pledged for their protection, they had nothing to fear. God is our God. The encouragement here afforded them—. I hope the day will come when, even without thought or intention, we shall, from the new nature of our being, take up God as easily as the blade of grass takes up atmosphere and light. Conclusion--“To whom wilt thou flee for help? You are not alone, because God is with you. Consider the use the children should make of this sufficiency of their Father. It makes all duties merely selfish. How wonderful to hear God say to any man, “Fear not”; because all have reason to fear Him. Bunyan says of Mr. ]?” Do not so dishonour your Lord and Saviour: but believe him able, believe him willing, to afford you all needful succour, and to “save to the uttermost all who come unto God by him” — — —], Yet let me not conclude without adding a few words for the conviction of those who know nothing of such fears as these—, [They who have never had a fear of their state, are at this moment destitute of any scriptural hope: for, What can they know of themselves? A.). ), I will, I will, I will. It is to be regarded as addressed primarily to the exiled Jews during their long and painful captivity in Babylon; and the idea is, that they who had been selected by … They are sailors on a stormy ocean, where sun and stars in many days appear not, and no small tempest lies on them. 2. They are soldiers in a field of hard fighting; their enemies vastly out-number them, overmatch them, and besides this, in themselves they are but weak, yea, powerless, and, unless perpetually encouraged, timid. I will support you with my right hand that saves you. I. Fear puts a man beside his wits, that while he is in such a passion, he is to seek for common ways of safety; so that, whereas men think that fear will help them to avoid danger, commonly, in amazement, you shall have people stand still, not able to stir to save themselves. I. So can we lie in God's bosom. A.). I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. ", George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Commentary Critical and Explanatory - Unabridged, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. 1. II. 10. V. AN INVITATION TO SINNERS. It is a strange land, and hostile too, for there is much in it that opposes them. With the right hand of my righteousness - With my faithful right hand. Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. To those whom God has called (Isaiah 41:9). Sermon Bible Commentary. When Christ asked them if they were able to drink of the cup which He should drink, and be baptized with His baptism, they readily replied that they were able. The Christian, however, is awake. 2. he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow. BibliographyBullinger, Ethelbert William. We are quite safe in God’s hands, and fear is really unbelief. Courage makes heroes, and amongst the ancients, at least, heroes were second in rank to the gods. "The 1599 Geneva Study Bible". vii., p. 1; A. Maclaren, Old Testament Outlines, p. 201; Spurgeon, Sermons, vol. I. He hates and punishes sin. https: BibliographyConstable, Thomas. Why did Jehovah so tenderly chide his people of old for their fears, and give them such rich promises of aid, if their situation did not require such supports [Note: Isaiah 40:27-31.]? We want even more than this. But to reassure you and make you feel how safe you are, see here!” and he straps a rope round the traveller and round himself. “Is there any thing too hard for the Lord?” “If he be for us, not all the powers of earth and hell combined can with any effect exert themselves against us [Note: Romans 8:31. God is our God. We begin to need it in many ways as soon as we are born, and we never cease to need it as long as we live. . God often teaches us our inability. Sometimes the spirit of dismay comes over us. BibliographyJamieson, Robert, D.D. All through life I may picture the saints as marching to its music, even as the children of Israel set forward to the notes of the silver trumpets. https: Bible Language English. 2. A proposal of motives and arguments of sufficient effect and prevalency to pull down vain fear out of the heart. Fearing, “He was a man that had the root of the matter in him, but he was one of the most troublesome pilgrims that I ever met with in all my days.” Many things may help us to conquer our fears. Ay, and when you can quote a Divine promise, God is engaged in your affairs, because if He do not keep that promise, He is not true. Isaiah 41:10 is a great example of the encouragement found within the book of Isaiah. "The ו vau is added by twenty-one of Dr. Kennicott's MSS., thirty of De Rossi's, and one of my own, and three editions. What will be the end? “Knowledge is the antidote to fear.” “Courage is equality to the problem before us.” Socrates was condemned to drink the hemlock cup because he taught the youth of Athens noble truths about God, which were esteemed by the authorities as heresy. “I am thy God, I will strengthen thee.” One of the finest things that one finds after affliction is when the strength is returning and weakness is departing. Spurgeon. There is something sadly weak about this state of experience, though there is also much to admire: these are they whom the Master carries in His bosom, and doth gently lead. 3. 1599-1645. be not dismayed — literally, anxiously to look at one another in dismay. The young man being reckless of danger himself, asked with considerable surprise, “You are not afraid, are you?” “I am afraid,” was the reply; “and if you were half as afraid as I am you would run.” Two of our Lord’s disciples once displayed the courage of ignorance. 1871-8. And if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, it will break out of your midnight, and up from your deepest valley too, that voice of the Father, the All-in-all. Does not the atmosphere press sweetly round about its edge and ask to be received, and give itself into the myriads of little mouths of the blade of grass that it may lift itself up and be strong? Fear continues in good men because sin continues in them. "Commentary on Isaiah 41:10". Copyright StatementThese files are a derivative of an electronic edition prepared from text scanned by Woodside Bible Fellowship.This expanded edition of the Jameison-Faussett-Brown Commentary is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. ].” Yes; the veriest stripling, with his sling and his stone, may go forth against all the Goliaths in the universe, assured of victory: for “he can do all things, through Christ who strengthened! It is a well-guaranteed promise. “Fear not” is a frequent utterance of the Divine mouth. Study this Bible verse and Commentary so you can rest easy, knowing that God takes care of everything. I. https: Temporal calamity often visits the people of God. Isaiah 41:10 ICB. Three times within the compass of a few verses, the exhortation, “Fear not,” is given. Though I have spoken of my text as a harp yielding rarest music, yet IT NEEDS THAT THE EAR BE TUNED BEFORE ITS MUSIC CAN BE APPRECIATED. True religion differs from false in this respect. They are those whom He has not rejected from His service, in spite of the imperfections of which they are penitently conscious (Isaiah 41:9). I strengthen you— yes, I help you— yes, I uphold you with my saving right hand! Have you heard the clamour of many, some saying this thing, and some the other--some saying, “He is a good man,” but others saying, “Nay, but he decieveth the people”? BECAUSE HE IS ALWAYS WILLING TO HELP. 2. Oh, the certainty of the promise! The verse reads, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. "George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". The downcast ones who are in the depths and ready to perish, ready to faint by the way, in that condition hear a voice; and what does it say to them? I will strengthen thee; I will help thee, &c. Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible, "Even though no exiled nation had ever before in history been brought back to start life anew in their ancestral homeland, and even though the Gentile government would have no practical means of inducing the Jews to return home, nevertheless God would bring this seeming impossibility to pass. For I am thy God - I am able to preserve and strengthen thee. 1999. Isaiah 41:2 Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? Don’t be afraid, because I am your God. Some codices, with Syriac, read "and be not", &c. It is this that dismays (see notes on Psa 73 and 77). Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Other nations fear disaster and their response is to band together to produce idols to worship with their own hands (Is 41:5-7). It has been said that the comforting words, Fear Not, appear in the bible 366 times, one for each day of the year, plus one for leap year. The young officer who was fighting by the side of an old veteran was surprised to find his face blanched with fear. Show content in: English Both Hebrew. 5. A child in the dark fears nothing while he hath his father by the hand. I will uphold thee - I will enable you to bear all your trials. He explained to them that he knew it was a dangerous thing to tell a lie; but that it might even be a blessing to die. Isaiah 41:10 is so rich with the promises of God, that it warrants some special attention from us. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. You say this invitation is not in the text. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 31:6, Deuteronomy 31:8). 11–16. IT IS WRONG TO FEAR. And we get gold wherever we like, and we get iron wherever we like, and we get coal wherever we can. Over the last couple of weeks God has placed this scripture in my path and on my heart continuously. 3. Charles Simeon's Horae Homileticae. The God of heaven was their God; and as he had all power, and that power was pledged for their protection, they had nothing to fear. So with the sinner; he enters upon this year amidst smiles and songs, and little dreams that ere the next year comes he will be in eternity. Oh, the rhetoric of God! God is with us in secret sustaining power. God is always near when people are in trouble. God will strengthen us as He did David and Samson. Be not dismayed - The word rendered here ‹dismayed‘ (תשׁתע tı̂shetta‛ ) is derived from שׁעה shâ‛âh “to see, to look”; and then to look about as one does in a state of alarm, or danger. THE GROUNDS ON WHICH THIS INJUNCTION IS BASED. A VERY COMMON DISEASE OF GOOD MEN--FEAR. (F. B. Meyer, B. They need them in every stage of their journey, every moment of their lives, every step they take. The lie was the greater danger. But the eye of faith beholds a paradise of beauty, murmuring brooks filling the air with melody, leafy trees spreading their shade. Isaiah 41:10. A turbulent fear is a fear of disquietness. 4. God is nearer to us than He was to even the Old Testament saints. 5. Fearing, they could lie down and kiss the flowers, because the place is so suitable to their meek and lowly spirit. Friday trembled all over on first meeting Robinson Crusoe; but soon his terror vanished. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you! II. III. Faith recognises the reality of an eternal choice, that God has entered into a covenant which cannot be dissolved, and that His love and fidelity are bound to finish the work He has commenced. https: gospel, christian, heaven. Still less is it likely that sinful creatures should be fearless. There is nothing in idols worthy of regard. (Isaiah 41:10 ESV) The Context: In Isaiah 41 the Lord is contending with the nations and expressing his sovereignty over all human events. 3. Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a child is born” Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord” Isaiah 41:10 “ Fear not, I am with you ” Jeremiah 29:11 “ For I know the plans I have for you ” Ezekiel 23:20 “ There she lusted after her lovers ” Ezekiel 25:17 “ And I will execute great vengeance upon them ” Occasions when comfort is needed are many; for some there be, who, like the willow, will only flourish in a soil which is always wet with consolation. How He will be found of them. Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. 4. OF the contest between Jehovah and the worshippers of idols, we who have never witnessed the madness of idolaters, have no conception: and, consequently, the pains taken by Jehovah to vindicate his exclusive right to the worship of his creatures appear almost superfluous. God … They are less than nothing, and worse than nothing. What can they know of the Christian warfare? And yet the Prophet does not mean that believers stand so boldly as to be altogether free and void of all fear; but though they are distressed in mind, and in various ways are tempted to distrust, they resist with such steadfastness as to secure the victory. 930, vol. Fear sometimes arises from a sense of personal weakness. We see Isaiah telling them here, that the idols of their own, and the idols of their friends, are not enough to save them. Isaiah 41:10 was the most read scripture in 2018, according to the YouVersion Bible app. I. III. I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness; either by his almighty power, or by his Son, the man of his right hand, made strong for himself, and the author of righteousness to his people: this is expressive of his sustentation of them, not merely in a providential way, but in a way of special grace; and of his powerful protection and preservation of them, so as that they shall stand in the grace of God, go on in his ways, and not fall finally and totally, but persevere to the end, though their trials and temptations may be great and many. IV. 4. Ever since Adam hid himself in the garden, fear has been characteristic of our attitude towards God. “Fear thou not; for I am with thee.” What does it mean? So there are tens of thousands of men who know nothing at all of what it is to have God with them. Fear not, thou worm Jacob: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small as chaff, so that the wind shall carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them [Note: ver. He who made you knows all about you. Isaiah 41:10. The sweetness of all the notes melt into each other, but now we shall touch each string severally and by itself, and if you have an educated ear you will hear that which will solace your souls. IT IS UNNECESSARY. xvi., No. I recommend that believers underline Isaiah 41 in their Bible and meditate on it frequently. https: Not that nothing bad will happen. But Jehovah promises to them his support, and assures them, that, however severely tried for a season, they shall triumph at last. The phrase is a Hebrew mode of expression, meaning that God‘s hand was faithful, that it might be relied on, and would secure them. IV. It may be seen on the battlefield, and in the quiet endurance of difficulties in the home. BibliographyJamieson, Robert, D.D. But no matter how many times these words of encouragement appear, let us always remember that they are spoken by the Creator of the Universe. The Manx people have for their motto three legs, so that whichever way you throw them they are sure to stand; but as for the saints, it is impossible for them to be thrown down by misfortune, or even by the infernal powers. Happy indeed are they who bathe in the bath of such a promise as this, “I am with thee!”. (J. right hand of my righteousness — that is, My right hand prepared in accordance with My righteousness (faithfulness to My promises) to uphold thee. Without a doubt, this is a verse that was given to bring peace to those who love the Lord. Thou shalt seek them, and shall not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought. THE TEMPER OF SPIRIT that the Lord aims to reduce His people unto. Isaiah 40:10-11). If we have faith and stick with the Lord, he will get us through all of it. God was their protector, and of whom should they be afraid. They are not our stones. The guide has said, “You are trembling, sir, but the way is safe; I have passed it many a time with many a traveller as weak as you are. No entry exists in Forerunner Commentary for Isaiah 41:10. (J. It is the LORD that is behind the rise of Cyrus the Great—who will come from the east and conquer the wicked Babylonians. Of course the meaning of the word is, in the first place, that God is our All-sufficiency, and not disrelated but related to us. "Commentary on Isaiah 41:10". So, when the Lord gives us a work to do, we are glad to do it, but our strength is not equal to the work, and then we sit down and cry, and it comes to this, that our blessed Father carries the work and carries the little man too, and then it is all done and done gloriously. BECAUSE HE IS ALWAYS KIND IN HELPING. Brewin.). In the strength of heavenly food and drink” Elijah “went forty days and forty nights.”. We must not steal from God’s Scripture any more than from man’s treasury. Still the tiny garret, and the wasting illness; still the pining child; still the straitened circumstances--still the deferred hope. There is a way by which the Lord can be with His people, which is best of all, namely, by sensible manifestations of His presence, imparting joy and peace which surpass all understanding. 1859. To the ordinary eye it is probable that there would appear no difference. They are not our stones. Isaiah 41:10: Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. When the trouble comes in another shape, namely, in our relative sorrows, borne personally by those dear to us. It is no other than “JEHOVAH,” “JAH,” “I AM.” who has become the Friend of His people. To these every honey-dropping word of this text belongs. And then all that is with it and all that it introduces is righteousness. xiii., No. THE COURSE HE TAKES to reduce them to it. Some fear that friendly succour will fail. The Targum is. 3. Let us enter our home—enter and be comforted, as all helpless things are, to find their source of supply so near. Is not God’s presence security sufficient? (k) That is, by the force of promise, in the performance of which I will show myself faithful and just. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. 3. 4. Be not dismayed - The word rendered here 'dismayed' (תשׁתע tı̂shetta‛) is derived from שׁעה shâ‛âh, "to see, to look"; and then to look about as one does in a state of alarm, or danger. The tendency with us all is always to make it our doing. (C. Lets break this verse down so that we can see more clearly the blessings and assurance of what it says. When one of God’s people is seeking an anchor in turbulent times, this is the right passage for the job. 1. Isaiah 41:6 "They helped every one his neighbor; and [every one] said to his brother, Be of good courage."

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