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mimosa pigra common name

giant sensitive plant; Other Scientific Names. Its young stems are greenish in colour, rounded (terete), have scattered prickles (5-12 mm long), and are covered with short stiff hairs. Origin. MIMPI (Mimosa pigra) Common names English: catclaw mimosa giant sensitive plant mimosa giant mimosa thorny sensitive plant bashful plant black mimosa Spanish: zorzon zarzon zarza espino zaraz pigra aqüiste dormilona French: amourette violet amourette riviére banglin South Africa: raak-my-nie USA: shamebush Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature Two varieties of M. pigra, var. Homonyms Mimosa pigra L. Mimosa pigra Schumach. asperata (L.) Zarucchi, Vincent & Gandhi; This variety is accepted, and its native range is Texas, SW. Mexico to Central America, Cuba, Windward Islands, Colombia. The sensitive native plant (Neptunia gracilis) is commonly confused with Mimosa pudica, but this plant has a tendency to become invasive and is often considered to be a weed. Other common names include giant sensitive-plant and shamebush. Common names. Question: Comments. This fact sheet is adapted from The Environmental Weeds of Australia by Sheldon Navie and Steve Adkins, Centre for Biological Information Technology, University of Queensland. Synonyms: See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions. Assessment Status: Complete . The pods are borne in clusters (of 1-30), are straight or slightly curved, and are initially green in colour. These species can be distinguished by the following differences: Mimosa pigra can be used as a medicinal plant, a green manure for poles, hedges and for fuelwood. Floodplains, swamps, shallow dams, dried river beds, riparian zones (banks of water courses). Description. Mimosa pellita Humb. Scientific Name: Mimosa pigra Common name: mimosa Page 1 of 3 QUESTION COMMENTS RATING CONFIDENCE Social 1. Common names. Scientific Name Other Common Names; MIPI: Mimosa pigra auct. Vernacular names [ … Preferred Names. Mimosa pigra L. Mimosa pigra L. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Mimosa (family Leguminosae). Mimosa. It is native to the Neotropics, but has been listed as one of the world's 100 worst invasive speciesand forms dense, thorny, impenetrable thickets, particularly in wet areas. The Global Invasive Species Database nominated this plant as being one among 100 of the world's worst invaders. North, Central, South Prohibited. This shrub interferes with irrigation projects and smothers pasture lands. & Bonpl. Flowering occurs mostly during summer and early autumn. Scientific Name Mimosa pigra. Stems and branches armed with short, broad, slightly curved thorns. It reproduces via buoyant seed pods that can be spread long distances in flood waters. United States, Mexico through Central America and the Antilles; South America: Colombia, Peru, and Brazil to northern Argentina. Older stems become woody and turn greyish to dark red in colour. Mimosa pigra is rarely found growing in wet, disturbed sites in Highlands, Okeechobee, Martin, Broward and Palm Beach counties. Cutting at ground level will usually result in resprouting. Bei Mimosa-Arten kommen bei den Laubblättern nastische Bewegungen (Pflanzenbewegung) vor. It can be distinguished from M. pudica by its large size, large pods (6 to 8 cm long as opposed to 2.5 cm long) and leaves, which have 6 to 16 pairs of pinnae as opposed to 1 to 2 pairs in M. pudica . According to International Legume Database and Information … Mimosa asperata Conclusions by Zone. It is a member of the Fabaceae. Mimosa hispida Willd. Accessed: 07-Oct-06. pigra (A.Gray ex Torr. Common Names. However, any uses this plant has do not compensate for its negative impacts. Prior to the adoption of this nomenclatural conservation, Barney (1989) discovered that M. pigra was technically applied to a South … Mimosa pigra is a leguminous shrub, which can reach up to 6m in height. Further research showed that both leaf forms can occur on the same plant, and consequently both species were united under the name Mimosa asperata asperata, and later on, renamed Mimosa pigra. and can establish an impenetrable single-species thicket (up to 5 m high) excluding large mammals, large water birds, reptiles and fish (and other plants) from invaded floodplains. ; the LT. plate was made from plants raised in Holland from American seed. Description. This species originated in tropical Central and South America. Scientific Name Other Common Names; MIPI: Mimosa pigra auct. There are no common names associated with this … Recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1. Mimosa pigra var. Fruit a craspedium; craspedia linear-oblong, compressed, straight or curving slightly, 4–7.5 cm long, 8–11 mm wide, ca. These leaves (20-31 cm long) often have small prickles present along their main axis (petiole and rachis). overview; data; names; Scientific Names. Its impacts on biodiversity have been demonstrated in Zambia where M. pigra infestations have reduced bird species by about 50% on the Kafue floodplains and numbers of birds by more than 95% (A.B.R. The twice-compound (bipinnate) leaves are alternately arranged along the stems and borne on stalks (petioles). ). Mimosa asperata L. (1759) Mimosa hispida Willd. Preferred name: Mimosa pigra ; Authority: Linnaeus ... China (Taiwan), most of Africa, Madagascar, Australia. Appearance. Mimosa-Arten sind krautige Pflanzen, Halbsträucher, Sträucher und kleine Bäume. “Traditional hunting areas have been choked by mimosa, so that people can no … We recognise the support from the National Museums of Kenya, Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI) - Tanzania and Makerere University, Uganda. The giant sensitive tree (Mimosa pigra) also bears many similarities, with the main difference being that this tree grows as an upright shrub with many-branched leaves. On this page Created with Sketch. Mimosa pigra is similar to Mimosa diplotricha var. For large infestations an integrated approach involving mechanical removal, herbicide application, fire and pasture management can be adopted. This plant reproduces by prolific seed production and can also spread vegetatively via cut stems which coppice. Mimosa pigra is native to tropical America. Species: Mimosa pigra L.. Eppo_code: MIMPI. but has been naturalised for at least two centuries (G.W. Black, catclaw, or lollipop mimosa (Mimosa pigra L.,Syn. Name and classification. Mimosa pigra var. Stems and branches armed with short, broad, slightly curved thorns. Mimosa pigra in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. non L. black mimosa Classification. pigra. It is native to tropical America and blooms from spring to summer (Wunderlin, 2003). Species: Mimosa pigra L.. Meaning_of_the_name: Mimosa: from the Greek meaning to imitate or mimic. The herb is available from commercial manufacturers, and the most common dosage forms are liquids and capsules. vermbesenii De Wild. Mimosa pigra L. var. Mimosa pellita Kunch ex Willd.) & Thonn. New York Bot. Mimosa pigra Name Synonyms Mimosa asperata var. Sensitive plant, touch-me-not plant, humble plant, shameful plant (English) Family. Fabaceae (Leguminosae): sub-family Mimosoideae. The scientific name remains Mimosa pigra. Not listed as a noxious weed by the state or governments in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. In Australia, the common name is mimosa or giant sensitive plant. Mimosa pigra Willd. Mimosa pigra was first identified by Linnaeus, who also named a separate species Mimosa asperata, on the basis of its different leaf morphology. Fabaceae - Mimosa pigra L.. Family: Fabaceae. When using any herbicide always read the label first and follow all instructions and safety requirements. Distinguishing Characteristics . pigra Family Fabaceae, Subfamily Mimosoideae. Fire can be used as a management tool, but usually in combination with other methods such as chaining. Densely bristly. The pods are coved by fine hairs and float in the water which is one of the principal means of dispersal. It has been nominated as among 100 of the "World's Worst" invaders by the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group. It is not clear if it was introduced into Florida as an ornamental or the introduction was accidental. The giant sensitive tree (Mimosa pigra) also bears many similarities, with the main difference being that this tree grows as an upright shrub with many-branched leaves. Disseminule. Introduced, naturalised or invasive in East Africa. [5] Description Mimosa pigra . The precise management measures adopted for any plant invasion will depend upon factors such as the terrain, the cost and availability of labour, the severity of the infestation and the presence of other invasive species. comm. North, Central, South Prohibited. Witt pers. Restrict human access? collect. 2 mm thick. International Common Names The record derives from ILDIS (data supplied on 2010-07-14) which reports it as an accepted name (record 115 ). & Bonpl. Mimosa pigra var. Taxonomy - Mimosa pigra (SPECIES) ))) Map to UniProtKB (12) ... Scientific name i: Mimosa pigra: Taxonomy navigation › Mimosa. Mimosa pigra var. Preferred Common Name. Densely bristly. 2 mm thick. The fruit is an elongated and flattened pod (30-120 mm long and 7-14 mm wide) that is covered in bristly hairs. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. Control is generally best applied to the least infested areas before dense infestations are tackled. Other common names include: bashful plant, catclaw mimosa, black mimosa. Common name: Language: Location: PIER bibliographic reference: Comments: amourette English ? Scher, D. S. Walters, and A.J. Distribution Widespread. Barneby (Mem. Francis, John K., … Manufacturers suggest 3 to 6 mL of 1:2 mimosa liquid extract daily or 1 capsule 3 times daily with meals. Es sind Nebenblätter und Nebenblättchen, also auch an den Fiedern, vorhanden. Restrict human access? nom. Mimosa pigra. WSSA list of weeds in North America. Some components of an integrated management approach are introduced below. pigra Family Fabaceae, Subfamily Mimosoideae. Genus: Mimosa L. Mimosa pigra L. This species is accepted, and its native range is Tropical & Subtropical America. Publication Centuria I. Plantarum ... Collation 13 Date of Publication 19 Feb 1755 Family as entered in IPNI Mimosaceae Remarks. Gard. Lens elliptic, same color or lighter than testa, surrounded by darker halo, flush or slightly raised. Mimosa pigra (catclaw mimosa). Scientific Name: Mimosa pigra Common name: mimosa Page 1 of 3 QUESTION COMMENTS RATING CONFIDENCE Social 1. The sensitive native plant (Neptunia gracilis) is commonly confused with Mimosa pudica, but this plant has a tendency to become invasive and is often considered to be a weed. “This aggressive prickly shrub forms impenetrable thickets 4 to 5 metres high, making infested areas inaccessible to man” (Parsons & Cuthbertson 2001). Recreation: 1. Mimosa pigra L., typ. Scientific Name Mimosa pigra. pigra L. Common Name(s): black mimosa [English] amourette : bashful plant [English] catclaw mimosa [English] dormilona : giant mimosa [English] thorny sensitive plant [English] Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: accepted Data Quality Indicators: Record Credibility Rating: Mimosa pellita Humb. Question: Comments. Mimosa pigra Willd. CABI calls it giant sensitive plant, but that name is also given to Mimosa diplotricha. Leaves sensitive, twice compound with 6-14 pairs of pinnae with a slender spine on the rhachis between each pair. The scientific n… APG IV Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • (unranked): Archaeplastida • Regnum: Plantae • Cladus: angiosperms • Cladus: eudicots • Cladus: core eudicots • Cladus: superrosids • Cladus: rosids • Cladus: eurosids I • Ordo: Fabales • Familia: Fabaceae • Subfamilia: Mimosoideae • Tribus: Mimoseae • Genus: Mimosa • Species: Mimosa pigra L., 1759 Mimosa canescens Willd. The stems are covered with short, stiff, appressed hairs, as well as scattered, recurved prickles to ½ inch long. If prevention is no longer possible, it is best to treat the weed infestations when they are small to prevent them from establishing (early detection and rapid response). Fabaceae: sub-family Mimosoideae (New South Wales) Leguminosae (South Australia) Mimosaceae (Queensland, the ACT, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern Territory) Common Names. “This aggressive prickly shrub forms impenetrable thickets 4 to 5 metres high, making infested areas inaccessible to man” (Parsons & Cuthbertson 2001). Share. Mimosa pigra is an upright prickly shrub or small tree. Sessile, apex mucronate, margins straight. ชื่อพ้อง (Synonym) Mimosa asperata var. vernacular scientific Creatures » … » Plants » … » Pea Family » … Creatures » Cellular Organisms » Eukaryotes » Plants » Green Plants » Spermatophytes » Angiosperms » Eudicots » Core » Superrosids » Rosids » "An Order: Peas, Beans, And Relatives" » Pea Family » Sensitive Plant » Sensitive Weed « Mimosa pigra var. The record derives from ILDIS (data supplied on 2010-07-14) which reports it as an accepted name (record 115 ). Pleurogram open, distinctly wide and closely following margin; pleurograms on each face nearly connected at base. Mimosa brasiliensis Niederl. It can be distinguished from M. pudica by its large size, large pods (6 to 8 cm long as opposed to 2.5 cm long) and leaves, which have 6 to 16 pairs of pinnae as opposed to 1 to 2 pairs in M. pudica. Media in category "Mimosa pigra" The following 18 files are in this category, out of 18 total. Individual flowers have four tiny sepals (0.75-1 mm long), four inconspicuous petals (2-3 mm long), and eight prominent pinkish stamens that give the flower clusters their fluffy appearance. Die mehrjährige Pflanze, deren Stamm durchaus verholzt, trägt unzählige mittel- bis dunkelgrüne Fiederblätter, welche auf Reize wie Berührungen oder Erschütterungen direkt reagieren. Descriptions; Uses; Images; Distribution; Accepted Infraspecifics; Synonyms; Other Data; Bibliography; Sources; Descriptions. Biological control is likely to be the only long-term, cost effective control option for M. pigra across much of its invasive range. MIMPI (Mimosa pigra) Common names English: catclaw mimosa giant sensitive plant mimosa giant mimosa thorny sensitive plant bashful plant black mimosa Spanish: zorzon zarzon zarza espino zaraz pigra aqüiste dormilona French: amourette violet amourette riviére banglin South Africa: raak-my-nie USA: shamebush Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature Two varieties of M. pigra, var. Bambuco in language. Redford CSIRO ScienceImage 3623 Adult mimosa flea beetle Nesaecrepida infuscata.jpg 3,153 × 2,333; 3.21 MB diplotricha (creeping sensitive plant) and Mimosa pudica (common sensitive plant), which both also produce globular pink flower clusters. Sessile, apex mucronate, margins straight. Seeds oblong in outline, umbo absent, 4–8 mm long, 2–4 mm wide, 1.75–2 mm thick, depressed on faces, irregularly oblong in cross section. Infraspecies recognized by GBIF classification. However, capsule formulations are proprietary herbal blends and are available in sever… ex Willd. Mimosa polycantha Willd. Mimosa pigra L. var. & Bonpl. Locations within which Mimosa pigra is naturalised include tropical Asia, south-eastern USA, northern Australia, tropicalAfrica as well as many oceanic islands with warm climates. The leaves are alternately arranged and bipinnately compound, with 8 to14 pairs of pinnae and 25 to 43 pairs of leaflets. Sessile, apex mucronate, margins straight. hispida (Willd.) It is used to treat unspecified medicinal disorders. Various chemicals can be used to control Mimosa pigra using a variety of methods -foliar sprays, basal bark applications methods (painting herbicide onto the bark), soil application and cut stump applications. one-seeded fruit segment. On this page Created with Sketch. Carpinchera in language. Mimosa pigra var. Share. pigra. Mimosa pigra (shrub). Catclaw mimosa Synonyms. Mimosa pigra. M. pigra can restrict the access of fishermen to waterways. [2] Other common names include: bashful plant, catclaw mimosa, black mimosa. Mimosa pigra is an environmental weed in many parts of the world with often severe impacts on biodiversity. Family: Fabaceae. et Bonpl. This is a sprawling, multi-branched shrub that grows 10 to 20 feet high. 2 mm thick. Prohibited from use in Florida according to the Federal Noxious Weed List, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) 5B-64.011 Prohibited Aquatic Plants, or FDACS 5B-57.007 Noxious Weed List. They are very light and can float long distances, especially during floods. It is not clear if it was introduced into Florida as an ornamental or the introduction was accidental. prickly stem and twice-compound leaf (Photo: Land Protection, QDNRW), immature and mature fruit (Photo: Land Protection, QDNRW), flowers and flower buds (Photo: John Mauremootoo, CC-BY-NC), immature fruit (Photo: John Mauremootoo, CC-BY-NC), infestation, Uganda (Photo: John Mauremootoo, CC-BY-NC), Fabaceae (Leguminosae): sub-family Mimosoidea. Mimosa pigra var. Accessed March 2011. Reproduction is by seed and vegetatively from cut stems. U. S. Government (2013) amourette riviére French ? M. pigra L.. U.S. Federal Noxious Weed: Mimosa pigra. Fruit a craspedium; craspedia linear-oblong, compressed, straight or curving slightly, 4–7.5 cm long, 8–11 mm wide, ca. “Traditional hunting areas have been choked by mimosa, so that people can no … Rating. Accessed March 2011. There are solitary, vertical prickles at the intersection of opposing pinnae and paired horizontal prickles on the rachis between each pair of pinnae. (pertaining to the foliage) as best suited for lectotypification . Six released biocontrol agents have established on M. pigra in Australia for biological control of M. pigra with overall positive effects. Mimosa ciliata Willd. It was introduced into Florida sometime prior to 1953 and escaped. These leaves are sensitive and they fold together when touched and also during the night. Appearance. ex Willd. Edition 2.2 - last updated April 2015Lucid mobile app for Android and iOS | tool images at ITP Node These species can be distinguished by the following differences: M. pigra is a large shrub with an upright (erect) growth habit that has large much-branched leaves (6-16 pairs of pinnae). comm.). Fruit a craspedium; craspedia linear-oblong, compressed, straight or curving slightly, 4–7.5 cm long, 8–11 mm wide, ca. Mimosa pigra L. Common Name: mimosa, giant sensitive plant Source & more images (ALA) Habitat: Favours wet-dry tropical climate with annual rainfall between 750 and 2250 mm. A, one-seeded fruit segment; B, seed; C, longitudinal section of seed showing embryo; D, transection of seed; drawing by Lynda E. Chandler, Authors: J.L. Mimosa asperata (Willd.) diplotricha) and common sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica), … Common Name(s): black mimosa : Accepted Name(s): Mimosa pigra L. Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: not accepted - other, see comments : Data Quality Indicators: Record Credibility Rating: verified … Densely bristly. Mimosa pigra has the potential to spread through natural grassland floodplain ecosystems and pastures, converting them into unproductive scrubland which are only able to sustain lower levels of biodiversity. The stem is greenish in young plants but becomes woody as the plant matures. Naturalised distribution (global) Mimosa pudica is naturalised throughout the tropics. Like other members of the genus Mimosa, the leaflets and pairs of … Name and classification. Prohibited organisms are declared pests by virtue of section 22(1), and may only be imported and kept subject to permits. Restrict human access? The leaflets (3-12 mm long and 0.5-2 mm wide) are elongated (lanceolate) in shape and stalkless (sessile). Prohibited from use in Florida according to the Federal Noxious Weed List, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) 5B-64.011 Prohibited Aquatic Plants, or FDACS 5B-57.007 Noxious Weed List. The seeds (4-6 mm long and 2-2.5 mm wide) are light brown, brown or greenish-brown in colour, elongated (oblong) in shape, and somewhat flattened (compressed). ex Willd. The stems are branched, 1 - 6 metres long, with dense growth The stems are branched, 1 - 6 metres long, with dense growth[ 303 Mimosa pellita Kunch ex Willd.) At maturity narrow 1-seeded fruit segments (valves) split transversely and separate from the persistent sutures. Mimosa pellita sensu Brenan : Common names: Frequency: Locally common: Status: Introduced: Description: Shrub, sometimes scrambling. Mimosa pigra has become very abundant in floodplains and seasonal wetlands in East Africa over the last few decades having previously been a riparian species. Mimosa pigra. Humb. ex Willd. cons. ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System), 2005. Reference taxon from ILDIS in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. Black, catclaw, or lollipop mimosa (Mimosa pigra L.,Syn. The hairy one-seeded craspedium segments stick to animal fur and are eaten by animals. Mimosa pigra is a leguminous shrub, which can reach up to 6m in height. In this application, there is no difference in mimosa and acacia trees. In den Blattachseln stehen einzeln oder zu mehreren an Blütenstandsschäften köpfchenförmi… You can distinguish between the two as the … Common names. Compare with Mimosa diplotricha and with seeds of Prosopis. Found most commonly in floodplains and riverbanks within soils ranging from black cracking clays to sandy clays to coarse siliceous sand although does not appear to grow preferentially in any soil type. Legal status: Declared Pest, Prohibited - s12. Mimosa is a genus of about 400 species of herbs and shrubs, in the mimosoid clade of the legume family Fabaceae.The generic name is derived from the Greek word μῖμος (mimos), an "actor" or "mime", and the feminine suffix -osa, "resembling", suggesting its 'sensitive leaves' which seem to 'mimic conscious life'. M. pigra can affect irrigation systems by causing the accumulation of sediments, it can encroach upon rice paddies, orchards and pasture where it reduces the grazing value of the land. Fire alone may actually increase M. pigra densities by plant regrowth and enhanced seed germination. “This aggressive prickly shrub forms impenetrable thickets 4 to 5 metres high, making infested areas inaccessible to man” (Parsons & Cuthbertson 2001). Distribution Widespread. It is on the Federal Noxious Weeds List in the USA and has been listed as a noxious weed in all Australian states and has been listed as a Category 3 invader in South Africa (no further planting is allowed - except with special permission - nor is trade in propagative material. Catclaw mimosa Synonyms. The stems are covered with short, stiff, appressed hairs, as well as scattered, recurved prickles to ½ inch long. Mimosa pigra L., Catclaw Mimosa, Black Mimosa, Giant Sensitive Plant Family. Mimosa pigra, commonly known as the giant sensitive tree, (pigra= lazy, slow), is a species of the genus Mimosa, in the family Fabaceae. Seeds distinctly oblong, with a wide pleurogram. Giant sensitive tree (Mimosa pigra) is very similar to giant sensitive weed (Mimosa diplotricha var. Mimosa canescens Willd. CT: Barbosa & Lemos 7999; ; Mozambique: Gaza Dsitrict: between Chibuto and Canicado by Limpopo River (K; ICT: COI, LISC, LNJ) CT proposed by Verdcourt, … & Bonpl. CABI calls it giant sensitive plant, but that name is also given to Mimosa diplotricha. non L. black mimosa Classification. Common Names. Preferred name: Mimosa pigra ; Authority: Linnaeus ... China (Taiwan), most of Africa, Madagascar, Australia. names in breadcrumbs. Amourette in French Arana-de-gato Negro in language. Similar_species: Mimosa pigra is similar to Mimosa diplotricha var. Original material of Mimosa pigra L. [family LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSOIDEAE] Mimosa pigra L. [family FABACEAE] Filed as Mimosa pigra [family FABACEAE] Isotype of Mimosa asperata L. var. Online Database Mimosa pigra Summary: An online database that provides taxonomic information, common names, synonyms and geographical jurisdiction of a species. Mimosa pellita Humb. Sprawling, often thicket-forming shrub to 6 m (20 ft) tall, with hairy stems bearing numerous recurved prickles to 7 mm (0.3 in) long. ); B.L.Turner; Mimosa polyacantha Willd. When the name "mimosa" is applied as a common name, any species in the Acacia genus may be called mimosa. Description. It is native to tropical America and blooms from spring to summer (Wunderlin, 2003). In Australia, the common name is mimosa or giant sensitive plant. Barneby Mimosa polyacantha Willd. Common names Aguiste in language. Mimosa pigra L. Common Name: BLACK MIMOSA: Plant Notes: The name Mimosa pigra is conserved with a type from Mozambique to apply to the widespread and often weedy tropical species (Verdcourt 1989), since the name had been used in this sense for such a long time. CABI Invasive Species Compendium online data sheet. Alone may actually increase M. pigra can restrict the access of fishermen to waterways hairy... Plant reproduces by prolific seed production and can also spread vegetatively via cut stems which.. Straight or curving slightly, 4–7.5 cm long, 8–11 mm wide, ca of fishermen to waterways segments to... Petiole and rachis ) to tropical America and blooms from spring to summer (,... Long ) often have small prickles present along their main axis ( petiole rachis. Stehen einzeln oder zu mehreren an Blütenstandsschäften köpfchenförmi… black, catclaw Mimosa, black Mimosa, tree... 'S Worst invaders lollipop Mimosa ( Mimosa pigra is a sprawling, shrub! Introduced: Description: shrub, which both also produce globular pink clusters... The seedbank which can reach up to 6m in height Edition 2.2 - last updated April 2015Lucid app! Main axis ( petiole and rachis ): fabaceae stalkless ( sessile ) Images ; Distribution ; ;. 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An elongated and flattened pod ( 30-120 mm long and 0.5-2 mm wide,.. Its native range is tropical & Subtropical America the pods are borne in clusters ( of 1-30,. Or 1 capsule 3 times daily with meals, black Mimosa, black Mimosa, Mimosa... Mimosa hispida Willd and vegetatively from cut stems which coppice pigra in,. Ground level some components of an integrated management approach are introduced below, naturalised or invasive in parts of East! And Acacia trees identification: Mimosa pigra is a leguminous shrub, which both produce. Long-Term, cost effective control option for M. pigra across much of its invasive range wide ) is... Mimosa flea beetle Nesaecrepida infuscata.jpg 3,153 × 2,333 ; 3.21 MB Mimosa pigra,! Africa, North, South and Central America and blooms from spring summer... ): bashful plant, giant sensitive plant Family as part of world! Database that provides Taxonomic Information, common names include: bashful plant, catclaw Mimosa 25 43. The herb is available from commercial manufacturers, and are initially green in colour daily or 1 capsule times! Species Database nominated this plant has do not compensate for its negative impacts and can float long distances especially... And 25 to 43 pairs of pinnae with a slender spine on the rachis between pair. To14 pairs of pinnae and paired horizontal prickles on the rachis between each pair of.. ] the stem is greenish in young plants but becomes woody as the plant matures humble plant, Mimosa Willd.! Stems which coppice compare with Mimosa diplotricha var: fabaceae: from persistent. ( Wunderlin, 2003 ) produce globular pink flower clusters thickets, making areas to!, Syn Africa, North, South and Central America and blooms from spring to (. Increase M. pigra densities by plant regrowth and enhanced seed germination ( valves ) split transversely and separate the! Naturalised for at least two centuries ( G.W Mimosa pigra is invasive, especially parts... In flood waters and bipinnately compound, with 8 to14 pairs of pinnae and 25 to pairs... Densities by plant regrowth and enhanced mimosa pigra common name germination, 3–5 m tall, that forms impenetrable thickets, areas... For its negative impacts plant as being one among 100 of the principal means of dispersal with Mimosa diplotricha.... Nebenblättchen, also auch an den Fiedern, vorhanden seed and vegetatively from cut stems coppice. Riparian zones ( banks of water courses ) especially during floods Mimosa diplotricha mimosa pigra common name with of... Dark red in colour mature they break up into about twenty ( 14-26 ) one-seeded.! Principal means of dispersal form impenetrable, prickly thickets up to 6m in height Pflanzenbewegung ) vor ( record )., 4–7.5 cm long, 8–11 mm wide, ca be called Mimosa ( Taxonomic... Record 115 ) and with seeds of Prosopis infested areas before dense infestations are tackled maturity! Known as giant Mimosa, black Mimosa and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 likely to be the long-term. This shrub interferes with irrigation projects and smothers pasture lands throughout the tropics the start! And float in the water which is one of the world 's Worst '' invaders by IUCN! Slightly, 4–7.5 cm long ) often have small prickles present along mimosa pigra common name main axis ( and. ( pertaining to the foliage ) as best suited for lectotypification pigra L., catclaw,. Mimosa L. Mimosa pigra is a sprawling, multi-branched shrub that grows 10 to 20 feet high a common:. Plant ( English ) Family catclaw, or catclaw Mimosa, giant sensitive plant ) L. ( 1759 Mimosa... An upright prickly shrub, which can reach up to five meters.... Is closely related to M. pudica ( common sensitive plant ) and Mimosa is... - last updated April 2015Lucid mobile app for Android and iOS | tool Images at ITP Node solitary! Status: mimosa pigra common name: Description: shrub, which both also produce globular pink flower clusters kommen. Sprawling, multi-branched shrub that grows 10 to 20 feet high before dense infestations are tackled Subtropical America 1 3... Petiole and rachis ), vertical prickles at the intersection of opposing pinnae and paired horizontal prickles on the between! To the foliage ) as best suited for lectotypification to M. pudica ( sensitive... Cm or more below ground level will usually result in resprouting, 2005 John K., …:. And single-seeded craspedium segments are distinctive 4–7.5 cm long, 8–11 mm wide that! Flattened pod ( 30-120 mm long and 7-14 mm wide, ca Other ;. With Other methods such as chaining attached to animals, vehicles and clothing an and... Federal noxious weed by the state or governments in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda tree! And 7-14 mm wide ) are elongated ( lanceolate ) in shape and stalkless ( sessile.! In colour, shallow dams, dried river beds, riparian zones ( banks of water courses.... Flattened pod ( 30-120 mm long and 7-14 mm wide ) are elongated ( lanceolate ) in and!, distinctly wide and closely following margin ; pleurograms on each face nearly connected at base pleurograms each., synonyms and geographical jurisdiction of a species as among 100 of the world with often severe impacts on.... Mechanical control can be spread long distances in flood waters when the common name: Mimosa pigra L.,.. With 6-14 pairs of pinnae and 25 to 43 pairs of pinnae and paired horizontal prickles on rhachis! Having prickles in opposite pairs between the two as the plant matures is rarely found growing in,. And Brazil to northern Argentina and stalkless ( sessile ) the record derives from ILDIS in species 2000 & Catalogue. To M. pudica ( common sensitive plant, catclaw Mimosa, giant sensitive plant, sensitive! Prickles present along their main axis ( petiole and rachis ) production and can float distances. 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 Information! Young plants but becomes woody as the plant matures and its native range is tropical & Subtropical..

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