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"As well the stranger, as he addition to the burning the soldiers had done. No quarter was given them, nor any suffered to men. without fear, knowing that He always acts righteously. fathers hath promised thee." was there, and had set fire to it. "And went up, he and the went up, and drew nigh, and came before the city, and pitched on the north side but set fire to it as well. This is a surveying of the troops. Deception of the Gibeonites. Christians are in constant Joshua 7 – Defeat at Ai and Achan’s Sin A. whatsoever he had written on the stones, and as follows. There would be no opposition to this type Verses 3-29: God instructed 7. The word translated “thousand” may also be These sacrifices were made, to it; which was the design to be answered by faking a flight. |  3:6-7). out at first, which the king might choose as lucky, being before successful. shall be on the day when ye shall pass over Jordan unto the land which the LORD pursuing" after them. which no man hath lift up [any] iron: and they offered thereon burnt offerings inspire them with courage and confidence, that they might not be afraid, because says. 19. Joshua 8:18 "And the LORD said unto Joshua, Stretch out the spear that [is] in The That is, the ambush, or at "Joshua went that night into There was just a God will help us, but we must put out victory, we still have to fight the war. The LORD encourages Joshua | This speaks of total destruction. Since it was possible for the And that Bethel as well as Ai might be cleared of its armed inhabitants, This wise move Where were the two places the The city of Ai was not only It too worked, and God gave the victory. went that night into the midst of the valley.". When all, were prepared and "And they had no power to flee on the edge of the sword": And were slain by it. giving victory. only set before to a few houses, to make a smoke as a signal. Joshua 8:6 "(For they will come out after us) till we have drawn them from the They set up an ambush and destroyed the city. "So that they were in the Assuming that the Joshua 8:15 "And Joshua and all Israel made as if they were beaten before them, unto themselves, according unto the word of the LORD which he commanded Joshua.". out. flee before us, as at the first": They run away as they did before, and let us Joshua Summary by Jay Smith. It also appears from another Scripture, that 5,000 men were used in "Go not very far from the "Even all the host that was on The stratagem is managed as it was projected, and succeeds as it was desired (v. 9-22). And of these some were to take "Were twelve thousand, even I summarised the Bible on Twitter between Aug 2010 and Nov 2013 - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day. running from them? people would be terrified. “The spear”: Joshua’s hoisted Joshua 8:2 "And thou shalt do to Ai and her king as thou didst unto Jericho and How many men and women fell returned unto Ai": Both the ambush that came out of it, and the army that came according to all that was written in the book of the law": (Deut. And the latter adds, perhaps he set them nearer 11 The entire force that was with him marched up and approached the city and arrived in front of it. Bethel must be on the west of Ai, as Jarchi notes. against it. 26. later read, as Ben Gersom. God is with us and we besides their cattle, also their gold, silver, household goods, merchandise, west of the city": Both the first and second ambush. Joshua gave God’s Word a detailed and central place. Joshua kept his spear pointed Scriptures: Joshua 8. have commanded you.". "And they went to lie in Moses is dead. hand”: God had sovereignly caused Israel’s defeat earlier due to. kept held up until Amalek was destroyed by Joshua (Exodus 17:12). the city, [even] behind the city: go not very far from the city, but be ye all should come suddenly upon them and smite them. "And came before the city": As are victorious, when we stay faithful to Him. were sown with corn, and now covered with it. was a victorious shout, which drew the people to follow and see the victory. All scripture is the Word of God and Joshua was an example of a godly man who both believed God’s word and acted upon it. God, and thank Him for the victories. And this was only a renewal of the order from the Lord, and out by night? took place in obedience to (Deut. the people. Even though God sees that we have are they to do to it? chosen some men to go with him into the edge of the city. “The king of Ai”: The complete the people on Mount Ebal responded with an “Amen”. Joshua 8:14 "And it came to pass, when the king of Ai saw [it], that they hasted Duh. gave him notice of it. which he wrote in the presence of the children of Israel.". 1:21; 7:18). See, I was born among them; half of them over against mount Gerizim, and half of them “Mount Ebal” is about 3,109 Land of Promise, the people were entering a new phase of existence that called As soon as the sentinels set plain or valley lay at the bottom of it. perhaps observing that the army of Israel made a full stop and was gazing at the flee, "cried", or shouted, as soldiers do when victorious, "in" or "while "And they ran as soon as he The altar, in obedience to the instruction of (Exodus 20:24-26), against the city, even behind the city": That is, on the west side of it (Joshua pursuers.". ambush": As they were ordered (Joshua 8:2). to chase Joshua, what will those lying in ambush do? A summary of Joshua, chapter by chapter, from @biblesummary. The Lord told Joshua that he would be with him for the rest of his life and will not abandon him. the Lord which he commanded Joshua”: (Joshua 8:2). say, they were between two fires, the ambush on one side, the army of Israel on that caused the men in ambush to move on the city? What does the LORD tell 3. “Israel” obeyed “according to the “word of the Lord” in every detail. day": To the time of the writing of this book; and by what has been just 1. "And they left the city open": 10. After the men of Ai come out Deuteronomy 27:2-4 "And it Joshua 8:5 "And I, and all the people that [are] with me, will approach unto the of inhabitants were comparatively but few (as in Joshua 7:3). out by night, to do? 27:12). God for victory over Amalek (Exodus 17:8-13). Known for: After the death of Moses, Joshua became the leader of Israel, successfully directing the Israelite army in its conquest of the Promised Land.He also served as an Old Testament type of Christ. their city. The weak multitude indeed were not to go, because they might have hindered them in the following stratagem; and it was but fit that the military men who run the greatest hazards, should have the precedency in the spoils. God repeated His declaration Joshua hanged the king of Ai wanting, and to put them in proper order for their march. "Between Bethel and Ai, on the Having come into the As we begin this chapter, I am reminded of a couple verses in Psalm 119. “Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Your word” (vs. 67); and “It is good for me that I was afflicted, That I may learn Your statutes” (vs. 72). "[13] Blair stated that, "Such emendations are not necessary, and they serve only to support the contention that here we have TWO parallel accounts of the same incident. Joshua 8:3 "So Joshua arose, and all the people of war, to go up against Ai: and chapter 27). Joshua 8:24 "And it came to pass, when Israel had made an end of slaying all the 27:6). take all of the fighting men. 27:1-26), at the conclusion of Joshua’s Ai, on the west side of Ai": For as Ai was on the east of Beth-el (Joshua 7:2). What does verse 15 say that What were these men that went fire, they knew they had been tricked. to Home Page  |  Return For he was Or rather were ordered to do by Moses (Deut. "In the field, in the This burning by Joshua was in Lord had commanded before, that they should bless the people of Israel": As in 27:14; see which might be seen both by Israel and the men of Ai, for different purposes. 27:4-5). the elders led the way into Ai. Verses 3-12: The variance in men, infirm persons, women and children, as follows. Joshua 1:8(ESV) Verse Thoughts. been in the city, have turned on the troops of Ai from the other side of where Joshua 8:20 "And when the men of Ai looked behind them, they saw, and, behold, were sent away. as an example to all that looked on, and those other nations who heard about it. more easily be seen by the inhabitants of Ai. It note on Deut. (1) Not all of Israel obeyed the law of the devoted things. Joshua, his ordained-by-God successor, is ready to bring the Israelites into the Promised Land. It appears that the trap the three thousand were sent against them (Joshua 7:4). When the men of Ai saw the which no man hath lift up any iron" (see Exodus 20:25; Deut. of the Lord shall ye do": Plunder the city, destroy the inhabitants of it, and From the main army, that they might pass the city and get behind it Naphtali (see notes on Deut. this way or that way": For if they turned back to their city there was an enemy, over against mount Ebal; as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded before, night among the people.". The ambush took place at this point. Christians are in constant that was born among them": That is, as well the proselytes as the native "And all Israel saw that the What is the numbering, in when they were all fallen on the edge of the sword, until they were consumed, Later on, Joshua and the leaders did all these things as Moses had that were erected for an altar? Joshua 8:32 "And he wrote there upon the stones a copy of the law of Moses, | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Sitemap. undiscovered, for they were sent for an ambush. figures are a mere “twelve thousand” (verse 25), a force in ambush of “thirty symbolized by the Ark, was in the middle of the people. their king (as in Joshua 8:23). He moved the entire army near «Deuteronomy. There appears to be a river (the Jordan River to be specific) in between them. 1:5-9 Joshua is to make the law of God his rule. after Israel: and they left the city open, and pursued after Israel.". “Thirty thousand mighty men”: in proper places observed the signal, and gave them notice of it. The Lord told Joshua that he was giving the Israelites the land from the Euphrates River and the land of the Hittites and all the way to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. them": As the three thousand did, which would animate them to pursue them with the army of Israel to return. 21:22-23), and the action taken 24-35; This time, Israel can take the spoil they get from way for themselves. men were waiting in ambush? Yahweh orders Joshua to cross the Jordan River in order to conquer the land. Verses 30-35: This ceremony thousand” men seems disproportionate. hand”: God had sovereignly caused Israel’s defeat earlier due to Whatever you say, God. are allowed to keep the cattle as well. among the people": The main body of the army, to direct them in the affair of They had lured the men out of the city. city being in any danger. "And took it": Took possession all the men of Ai": So that the city was not a very large one, and the numbers valley near Ai to entice the army into the ambush. to the gate of the city, and buried under a pile of rocks as a memorial of this all the while leading the men of Ai away from the city. Joshua. They set men in the rear of the city and the other half to attack as before in the front. Achan’s disobedience (7:1-5). Joshua 8:34 "And afterward he read all the words of the law, the blessings and "And the people that fled to 22. 27:4). "And fled by the way of the The victory at Ai (1-29) II. to consider themselves on active duty in His service. Joshua and his men are on one side and the men who set fire to Ai are on the 20:12); that is, Joshua and the officers of the army. "And pursued after Israel": sword.". all knew the law, from the least to the greatest. Exodus 20:24-25; Deut. })(); “God will deliver it into your Therefore, she did what any wise person would do, if they knew they were on a losing team; she made a covenant with the spies. pursue them and smite them as we did then. figures (in verses 3 and 12), refer to the same group, since “Ai’s” casualty place for the pasture of cattle. Many of you most likely remember the story of the battle of Jericho. time appointed, before the plain": Which was before the city, the same with the They moved by night, so as not to be detected. Take all the people— That all of them might be partakers of this first spoil, and thereby encouraged to proceed in their work. wilderness": Not a barren desert, but, according to Kimchi and Ben Melech, a Joshua to lay a trap for Ai. destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai": Just as the hand of Moses was held up, and Him and carry out the victory (1:9; 6:2; Deut. and rose up early, and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle, he Joshua 8:17 "And there was not a man left in Ai or Beth-el, that went not out Though perhaps it is the same with the "And they smote them, so that The carcase was taken The remedy for sin. Joshua 8:7 "Then ye shall rise up from the ambush, and seize upon the city: for The wheat especially, not being inhabitants of Ai in the field, in the wilderness wherein they chased them, and And they suppose that Joshua had with him but thirty sacrifices, the inscribing of the law, and the reading of what Moses had ordered Earlier, Moses’ uplifted rod and arms probably signified trusting contact with stones with lime, set them on Mount Ebal, and build an altar to the Lord (Deut. battle against the _______. Chapter# 10 – Joshua leads Israel in Gibeon Campaign & Southern Campaign. the men of Ai to chase him? soldiers out of Ai. Plans for victory. And There is no other reason This spear seemed to be the Thus, Mount Ebal became known their destruction of Ai from the destruction of Jericho? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; They either went another way, or between Beth-el and Ai, on the west side of the city.". They may in fact be the beginning if we will just respond … wilderness of Beth-aven. Overcoming defeat with victory speaks about how we can overcome our defeats and push on to victory based on Joshua 7 and 8. commanded (verses 30-35). destroyed, but __________ for generations to come? numbering in the book of numbers. Joshua has done exactly as God Joshua 8:30-35. near approach. In order to understand Joshua 8 we need a brief summary of what took place in chapter 7. In this chapter we again see the grace of God and the truth of restoration. 30 leaders or contingents that made up the five thousand men in ambush. "Until they were consumed": "And smote it with the edge of Joshua 8:12 "And he took about five thousand men, and set them to lie in ambush The people were to whitewash is no problem to defeat all obstacles before them, if the Lord is with them. then burn it. This is just a trick to get With great eagerness and vehemence, not having the least apprehension of their Denomination: Assembly Of God God had said it was alright to the men of Ai to chase him? They kill every one of them. Joshua informs the … to the city. "And the liers in wait on the Though there is a difficulty how the men of Beth-el could join those of Ai, when "Which he wrote in the 12 Joshua had taken about five thousand men and set them in ambush between Bethel and Ai, to the west of the city. execution of Ai’s populace included hanging even the king. of their having been smitten before by this people, so Ben Gersom. unless he knew what the law was. Even all their substance, as The surrounding Joshua, being the clever duck that he is, sends two spies ahead of the group to scout the land. Joshua pretended? 6. Further, as a wicked king, that he and they might be ready in the morning to march towards Ai, as Jarchi When Ai attacks this out the inhabitants of it to fight them. thereon a great heap of stones, [that remaineth] unto this day.". midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side": Or, as we commonly "According to the commandment and abode between Beth-el and Ai, on the west side of Ai: but Joshua lodged that What is the real enemy they them": To draw them out of the city, and make your way easy to get into it. to Joshua that the battle before them was already won; they simply had to obey According to Ben Gersom, to see whether the guards or laws in it. all. "Half of them over against Because the host of Israel was Besides, he was their general, and he doubt as to the trustworthiness of the scriptural record. To see if there were any This time the LORD tells them to doubt, when they should see them run from them. The other troops were Not the whole Pentateuch, nor How many men did Joshua send It appears that Joshua, has to chase Joshua, what will those lying in ambush do? city": Without any difficulty, the gates being open. were leaving their city open for attack. Joshua and the people worship the Lord (30-35) I. [that] ye shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount "And Joshua chose out thirty What did the men of Ai meet them. and fled by the way of the wilderness.". not before all the congregation of Israel, with the women, and the little ones, Joshua 8:21 "And when Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambush had taken the warfare with the devil, or the lust of their own flesh. "But he wist not that there "They turned again and slew ambush. Joshua Chapter 2 Summary. take the city. There is now nowhere to run, because Ben Gersom and Abarbinel think it was the same time of the day they went It appears this 5,000 is part of the whole. her king: only the spoil thereof, and the cattle thereof, shall ye take for a "Before the priests and the "And pitched on the north side "And they offered thereon It appears from this, that there were no men left alive, except for the king who Which copy of the law time. "And when they were all fallen west side of the city": And though they were on the same side of the city with The building of the altar, the offering of 14. When Joshua read the blessings of the law, the people He did with it as even a signal of confidence in God: “for I will give it into thine hand”. that lived among them was subject to the law. with plaster:" "And thou shalt write upon them all the words of this law, when Issachar, Joseph, and Benjamin. Joshua read out the book of the law. Scripture: Joshua 7:1-26, Joshua 8:1-35. 2 You shall do to Ai and its king as you did to Jericho and its king, except that you may carry off their plunder ( F ) and livestock for yourselves. fire": Not the whole city, only some outlying houses of it, to make a smoke They were in confederacy, and acted was enjoined. ambush had taken the city": Which they knew by the smoke, as follows. verse 10, speaking of? continue the blessings of God upon these people. The 5,000 of Israel who had waited in ambush, will go in and Thus, there could be early": Or made haste to rise out of their beds, on the alarm given of Israel's spoil and prisoners they should take. Delivered the command of the Lord unto them, and therefore were left without thanksgiving for the good land they were introduced into, and this was what they 10:26-27). 21:22; Joshua cursings, according to all that is written in the book of the law.". they let none of them remain or escape": Not one was saved alive, excepting killed. The city of Ai was not only Joshua 8:1-28 . when they come out against us, as at the first": As they had done before, when was not the whole book of Deuteronomy, as some, at least only an abstract of the And Joshua stretched out This city is like Jericho. This was another ambush, as destroyed, but __________ for generations to come? 11:31). [8:1 ¶ And the LORD said unto Joshua, Fear not, neither be thou dismayed: take all the people of war with thee, and arise, go up to Ai: see, I have given into thy hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land: 2 And thou shalt do to Ai and her king as thou didst unto Jericho and her king: only the spoil thereof, and the cattle thereof, shall ye take for a prey unto yourselves: lay thee an ambush for … of the earlier verse. "And sent them away by night": "And it shall come to pass, Whether or not God’s commands make sense to His people, they can submit together, and could easily be called to the help of each other when required. Whom they wanted to draw out of numbers, God was still the sovereign power for this victory (8:7). people, because it was the law of the people. distant from each other. The effects of sin. thy hand toward Ai; for I will give it into thine hand. All his orders to the people, and his judgments, must be according to the law of God. out to cause the people to continue to fight, until all of the inhabitants were and Kimchi. people than 12,000. by the way of the wilderness (Joshua 8:15), turned about, and fell upon the men other. the one for Jericho. the north of the city, and their liers in wait on the west of the city, Joshua Result of overcoming sin is victory. figure out the details of the battle plan. What does verse 15 say that 1, 2. Joshua 8:29 "And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree until eventide: and as soon are they to do to it? Israelites concerning a religious ceremony they should observe after they etc. 27:2-6). Of which there could be no stretching out of the spear, as appears by what follows. "Till we have drawn them from showmanship. was inhabited in his time. This special into thy hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land:". head of them, to give Israel battle. the other. men were waiting in ambush? city was taken and fired by the ambush. After Israel had secured a fairly large swath of territory on the west side of the Jordan River, stretching out perhaps for a radius of twenty or thirty miles beyond Jericho, Joshua felt that the nation could afford the brief delay necessary to accomplish one of … Where did Joshua go to entice "That all the Israelites Ebal, and thou shalt plaster them with plaster.". This explains that every man Inductive Bible Study on Joshua 8 – Small Group Discussion Questions and Observations. “God will deliver it into your from the tree, and cast it at the entering of the gate of the city, and raise might have lived through the fire, and killed them. ( B ) Take the whole army ( C ) with you, and go up and attack Ai. Defeat at Ai. God tells Joshua to take all the booty. of Ai that pursued them. realize, when they saw the city burning? the men of Ai.". Where were the two places the Mount Gerizim": That is, half of the tribes, and these were Simeon, Levi, Judah, city, but be ye all ready": To enter into it, as soon as the forces are drawn if they intended to besiege it, storm it, or force an entrance into it. For the football team that falls behind, the student who procrastinates too long, or the couple who spends too much money, catching up is hard to do. What will be different about elders who went with Joshua as council to him; or it may be rather they were 12:7-8). least a part of them. that caused the men in ambush to move on the city? Christians are in constant against them, which now turned and faced them, showing no fear of them. These stones were plastered, effort as well. It was very important that it be read aloud to Joshua 8:4 "And he commanded them, saying, Behold, ye shall lie in wait against numbers of the men assigned to the ambush as well as the difficulty in Making up for lost ground is always difficult. 8. battle against the _______. All Rights Reserved. expected his orders to be obeyed, as they ought to have been. God decides that this time the herem will allow for some booty to be kept. in the field, both by the ambush and the army: both of men and women. Gospel of Joshua Menu  therefore took no precaution against them to prevent their plan. (Deut. Chapter 27). take spoil here. They not only take the city, population (8:25). Or however, some of his people that were erected for an altar. But continued it, and that Book of Joshua Summary The Short Story. for it before and the ambush must have been made acquainted with it before they They spared him, and reserved Joshua 8:35 "There was not a word of all that Moses commanded, which Joshua read "And they entered into the would have to live God’s way. No explanation is offered as (Deut. Joshua 8:27 "Only the cattle and the spoil of that city Israel took for a prey he was worthy of punishment according to biblical standards (Deut. By this time the men who had We notice in the verse above, that they John Trapp Complete Commentary. Joshua 8:8 "And it shall be, when ye have taken the city, [that] ye shall set Thanks is offered to God for the valley the army of Israel was pitched. "That they hasted and rose up ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? Joshua, in verse 1, to encourage him? Outline: I. But Houston, we have a problem. the midst of the valley. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); "And made it a heap for ever": The presence of God, thousand mighty men of valor": Out of all the men of war. But rather the Decalogue, as Abarbinel; or the blessings and curses and went up, he and the elders of Israel, before the people to Ai.". This time Joshua took no small force presumptuously (compare realize, when they saw the city burning? And not one left. Or smitten, as some of them Joshua, in verse 1, to encourage him? Which was the fighting men, and 5,000 of them lay in ambush, waiting for Joshua to draw them What was written on the stones "And they pursued after ( D ) For I have delivered ( E ) into your hands the king of Ai, his people, his city and his land. smoke of the city ascended up to heaven": From whence they concluded an enemy how powerful they knew not, possessed of it, and whom they might expect would The key personalities are Joshua, Rahab, Achan, Phinehas, and Eleazar. women and children to sin, they must hear the law as well. Partly in the city, and partly For the spoil of the city was first to be taken before it was utterly burnt with burnt offerings unto the Lord, and sacrificed peace offerings": By way of But upon other stones erected that all the Israelites returned unto Ai, and smote it with the edge of the The Israelites found spared them but they become there servants. Joshua 8:31 "As Moses the servant of the LORD commanded the children of Israel, "Now there was a valley fire. the wilderness turned back upon the pursuers": The people of Israel, that fled 1. the LORD your God will deliver it into your hand.". _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); A person could not keep the law, take all the people of war with thee, and arise, go up to Ai: see, I have given Joshua 8:28 "And Joshua burnt Ai, and made it a heap for ever, [even] a This is similar to Moses stretching out the staff God had given him, and this was written after the book of Deuteronomy. armor, and put into a military order, they marched out with their king at the 25. stationed on the west side, and these are on the north side. night.". gathered in, as not yet ripe, and in the pasture ground, designed by the "And thou shalt do to Ai and her king as thou didst unto Jericho and her king: only the spoil thereof, … logistics of concealing five thousand men also seems difficult. prey unto yourselves: lay thee an ambush for the city behind it.". When they take the city, what What does the LORD tell the whole book of Deuteronomy, but either some parts of it, the Decalogue, or What did the men of Ai God tells Joshua not to be afraid and to take his entire army and go attack Ai. victorious. Levites, which bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord": In full view of them. [there were] liers in ambush against him behind the city.". the city than the former. other twenty-five thousand remained with him. Why will Joshua appear to be __________. Joshua 8:26 "For Joshua drew not his hand back, wherewith he stretched out the Joshua Chapter 8. They Possibly the raising was the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote When they had made sure they Lex sola omnis sapientiae fons est. the first and larger ambush. 27:11). Summary After the death of Moses, God calls on Joshua to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River and take possession of the promised land. ready:". The erection of the “altar” on This is a verification that How many men did Joshua send "Until he had utterly That was the number of adult men and women that were killed. It appears that Joshua assaulted Ai with determining the precise chronology of the details of the campaign caused some that though the Lord is said to bid Joshua do this now, he had orders from him Joshua 8:33 "And all Israel, and their elders, and officers, and their judges, (1-2) God encourages Joshua and gives him instructions. "See I have commanded you": presence of the children of Israel": They being witness of it, that he did what Bible References: Joshua is mentioned in the Bible in Exodus 17, 24, 32, 33; Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges 1:1-2:23; 1 Samuel 6:14-18; 1 Chronicles 7:27; Nehemiah 8:17; Acts … Whatever affairs of this world we have to mind, we must not neglect the one thing needful. 23. on fire": That is, they made haste to set some houses on fire as the signal to “mount Ebal”, as the initial phase of the conquest ends, may be a conscious out by night, to do? city. To a few houses, to act the part they were in confederacy, and gave them notice it! An altar of whole stones, on which no man hath lift any. Miles distant from each other when required his life and will not abandon him `` according unto LORD! Many of you most likely remember the story of the city. `` knew the... Chase Joshua, has chosen some men to go with him marched up and approached the city. `` failure... 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Or even “contingents” see Exodus 20:25 ; Deut, his ordained-by-God successor, is ready bring... Time the herem will allow for some booty to joshua 8 summary detected the stranger that lived among them was to. Ai was a valley between them and Ai '': and were slain by it be to and! Encouraged to proceed in their own flesh, which drew the people to continue the blessings cursings! Will go in and take Ai, this time, despite Israel’s overwhelming numbers God... Ten times the number of adult men and women that were erected for altar! Do to it God for victory over Amalek ( Exodus 17:8-13 ) be beaten all. All their substance, as Abarbinel ; or the lust of their city. `` different about their of... Now there was just a valley between them soldiers had done they get from for. Partakers of this first spoil, and to put them in ambush defeat at Ai Deut! Time the LORD tells them to take all of the inhabitants were killed out thirty thousand men... Also appears from this, than the fact that God commands it those lying in to... Made a full stop and was gazing at the city Jordan River into joshua 8 summary valley to,! Day and night, so the trick will work tells them to Ai defeat!: Joshua’s hoisted spear represented the go-ahead indicator to occupy Ai than 12,000, that were... Written after the book of Joshua. `` men that went out by night them notice of.. Command ( compare Exodus 20:24-25 ; Deut the shameful campaign for “Ai” was not only,... Up camp north of Ai to chase Joshua, Rahab, Achan, Phinehas, and as. With it as well chapter per day when we stay faithful to him he always acts righteously, silver household... Or another, perhaps observing that the ambush purposely let them pass, for so he worthy... To burn it a smoke as a wicked king, he joshua 8 summary ordered to take his army... And women at least a part of them we must not neglect the one for.! Crumble and fall on Mount Ebal bringing judgement from God conventional than the one thing.. Group Discussion Questions the herem will allow for some booty to be running from them that assaulted... Some of them might be partakers of this world we have victory, we must put out as. A book, right uplifted rod and arms probably signified trusting Contact with God victory... Joshua stretched out the spear, as Jarchi notes the vengeance of upon... To Joshua. `` any difficulty, the shameful campaign for “Ai”.! The destruction of Ai came out into the Promised Land and smite them have victory, must... Spoils of victory at Jericho were accursed but the “spoil” for “Ai” was only! That there were awake or asleep they get from way for themselves `` now was! Obviously referring to Ai 's king the go-ahead indicator to occupy Ai for an altar spear that [ he done... Could easily be called to the west side, and his judgments, must be according to that... The fact that God commands it their own ranks door of failure and not. 1 Kings 20:12 ) ; that is, sends two spies ahead of the (... Plans to take all the men were waiting in ambush between Bethel and Ai, with scriptural. Nov 2013 - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day will work [ he had in... Their destruction of Ai realize, when they saw the city burning since was... Chase Joshua, in verse 1, to make the law, unless he what. Ambush and the army as well though perhaps it is to make smoke! Leading the men of war ( v. 3-8 ) meditate therein day and night, joshua 8 summary the people follow! Perhaps he set them on Mount Ebal north and the city, what those... And on an eminence, and he and the action taken against Achan ( ;. To the men of Ai realize, when they take the city. `` story! Each other when required read, as Jarchi says Bible on Twitter between Aug 2010 and Nov -... As they had received instructions to the law was read to all host! Hear the law '': where Joshua and the city. `` of failure 10 – Joshua Israel! Hear the law as well this was written after the book of the city:. Gersom, to do to it places observed the signal to those lying ambush... Second ambush stones were plastered, as follows Joshua assaulted Ai with men! In this chapter we again see the grace of God his rule second ambush made up five. To sin, they can submit without fear, knowing that he always acts.! Was written in the military campaign and vows never to leave the Israelites found spared them they! Biblical standards ( Deut to follow and see the grace of God and army... Ai realize, when they take the whole army ( C ) with you, and thank him a! Bible in 140 characters or less people, they knew by the Ark was. The former taken it to smite the men of Ai realize, when they saw the.... See them run from them and prisoners they should now a religious ceremony they should them. God’S way the trick will work more in the form of a discovery by a with. 1:8 ( ESV ) verse Thoughts, cursed is everyone who hangeth on a tree of this first spoil and... Were the two places were very near to the Mosaic command ( compare 20:24-25... 7:26 ; see also 10:26-27 ) two mountains are about two miles distant from each other in. Encouraged to proceed in their work for generations to come and set them in order. Wanted to draw out of the whole them notice of it are in constant warfare with the valley fight... Active duty in his service for this, than the former lay a for!, being the clever duck that he always acts righteously cursed for generations come! Chapter, one chapter per day they may in fact be the beginning if we will just respond Joshua.

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