bad form -> injury. Here in this video i talk about does running make your legs bigger. The unofficial Reddit community for anyone interested in Orangetheory Fitness. I think you're right and I will have to get another gym day in. My run routine is sprinting on Tuesday, 7.5k (half up a steep hill) on Thursday and 16k on a Saturday. Your genetics and bone structure determine the shape of your legs. Definitely gonna focus more on diet, as I haven't been (had a baby 8 months ago, so breastfeeding has been my excuse!) There is an element of calf and Achilles stretching involved with the low drop. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. If you ride 15 to 20 (or more) hours a week, you better believe you’ll have the cycling legs to show for it. They have in-home dvd exercise that you can do as well if you don't want to/can't go to a studio. Lot of stuff I had to quickly Google but cheers for the detail. Thanks! If you are already an experienced lifter, I would not expect too much leg muscle gains. The amount of muscle and fat that you have on your legs determines how your legs look. And sprinters only have jacked legs because they lift heavy weights. I didn't know it at the time but I already lifted more than their max on my first attempt. Jiggly thigh fat may be a threat to your self-confidence when you are trying to look good in revealing clothing. I run for fitness to aid my fight training and I lift weights for the same reason. Once your lower body recovers , this goes away. Considering the feedback thus far... does anyone have any thoughts on cycling/resistance bike over the treadmill for thinner thighs/legs? And, OTF has definitely helped me lose all but the last 10 pounds of baby weight. I've definitely lost inches all around (about 1.5 inches in both thighs since July), but I also know that was because I was losing baby weight. 3 years ago. but here's an article: It helps to have a goal to focus on, rather than overall fitness - go for a 5k! "Gravity pulls the retained fluid downward, so that it pools in your feet, ankles, and calves," Youdim says. For running you are going to need both. If you shy away from big hills or avoid turning up the resistance knob in your cycling class because you are afraid of building big legs, you're actually cheating your workout. You ARE Getting Bigger and there are a few reasons why. You might be avoid them, but hills offer significant benefits to your running workout. It depends on what aesthetic you prefer. 2). I'm a data junkie, so I like having numbers. On the other hand, an easy-paced 5-10k within 24 hours tends to shake out all the soreness for me! So if you want to switch up your cardio game to match your glute goals, opt in for a sprinting or interval workout rather than a long-distance, LISS-focused run.Unfortunately, Mike says he … These muscles flex the knees, causing your lower legs to move back toward your butt. Unfortunately, it's a little hard for me to know exactly because I had a baby 8 months ago. To test out my strength we did squats, bench and deadlifts. Running builds muscle, but nearly not as much as squats, deadlifts and other types of (leg) strength training. Interesting!! I know PTs can be unaffordable for most of us, but even if you book one in to learn the moves and then a session every now and again to make sure your form is still good, it's worth it. Your legs CAN get bigger if you're sprinting. Is it possible that you carry weight in your bottom half? but I enjoy OTF more than I did those workouts. I started PWing some days for the incline and my gluuuutes. One factor many people erroneously belive is progressive overload from running will cause muscle gains and make their legs bigger. Lighten up on leg days - squat with a more moderate weight. Sprinters basically do HIIT training, exactly what OTF does. Could it make it become more defined? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, 31F | GW: less than yesterday | ATL | Runner, 43F|5'4"|SW:250 CW:215 GW:150|2/16|Keto|Team Cheststrap|slogger, F | 40 | 5'5" | SW: 258|CW: 168|GW: StrongAF. If that is too much do running for 2, walking for 5, etc. However, the last couple of times my legs have been a bit sore the day after, when I want to do 16k, and the run has been agony. 1). Running will not make them smaller. pretty much everything I have read says muscle fatigue is what builds muscle. So, if it bothers YOU, then feel free to change it up. In fact, running will likely impeded your leg growth if you are trying to run too fast/far while at the same time trying to gain muscle on your legs. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the orangetheory community. And one time I had to stop because I was in pain. You have little to no control how you lose fat, or where your body chooses to lose it. Or, any fitness advice on walking for leaning/running for strength, etc. Running builds leg muscle, but not the way lifting does. What can make your leg muscles appear leaner? Simple answer, keep up the endurance and run on flat surfaces if you want lean looking legs. They will not get huge from any sort of running. Downhill does it, too. Am I building more muscle? Does running make leg muscles large? Incline walking is a highly efficient cardiovascular training method that burns body fat and can make your … So I've got an app that I usually record how big things like my thighs and calves (and hips/waist/chest/neck/arms) are. All the fun which use my legs a lot. Honestly - take some measurements and see what your legs are doing. Personally, I’d keep running and look at your diet (if you haven’t already), but obviously it’s a personal choice and you’ll be fine either way! So if you want to keep your running routine unchanged, good days for lifting would be Sunday, Monday (the sprinting is going to suck more, but that should be manageable), Tuesday after sprinting (you'll have to reduce the training load for the lifting, but it'll still be effective), or Wednesday. If you do, you will not get all the goody out of the booty. Running by itself might make your legs bigger at first. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Yep, running will make your legs leaner than power walking. There’s the speed walking girl on the treadmill, who has the full hip sway going (as well as the water bottle belt).You’ll see the same guys lifting big weights and the girl counterparts who you’re a bit terrified of. 9 Weird Things Running Does to Your Body. Instead, I would recommend doing your lifting away from the longest run, and also avoid doing it before your hard run. Meaning that both forms of exercise give you leg benefits, but they aren't the same, and they complement each other. If you look at an average mid- to long-distance runner, they have very lean legs. Not only is running uphill great for your stamina, but it's also great for building leg muscles, which helps with your speed. Thanks! I've felt a lot better since I rearranged my programming for weight sessions to coincide with the long and tempo run days (one early, the other late in the day); now I also have full rest days in between. For me the opposite worked. I've tried out multiple scheduling combinations and this keeps everything moving and recovered for me. My question is: does running offer similar muscle benefits as lifting with your legs? Over time, your lower legs get stronger, therefore, causing less injury. I've noticed DRAMATIC results in my running abilities.. my push/all out pace are ~2.5 -3 speeds higher than when I first started. The genetic makeup of … Any form of exercise that engages your muscles will cause them to grow in size. But, lately, I've been considering switching to power walking for a while and see if it helps with specifically leaning out my legs. I've never danced in my whole life and I've been asked by random strangers if I'm a dancer at grocery store couple times when I was in my workout outfit. You likely know exactly the kind of workouts they do and ho… I know body type plays a role, but more so looking for anyone who has switched up their OTF routine based on goals. Sadly we can’t spot train.” In other words, working out a specific muscle in the body will not lean it out. Then on deadlift no one said anything, they didn't even ask me to put more weight on. Answered April 1, 2016. If you are a regular at the gym, you probably know the other regulars at the gym.There’s always the guy on the stair stepper, sweating out a giant puddle under the machine. Yes, but you won’t be able to see it unless you lose the layer of fat covering it. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I'd say change the days you lift. The kind of muscle stress you get from running is mostly on the slow-twitch fibres, and there is a strong eccentric (muscle extending under load) component; lifting is mostly fast-twitch, and unless you do eccentric drills on purpose, it's going to be almost exclusively concentric. Whether you want slimmer or more shapely legs or both, achieving your personal fitness goals won’t feel like an uphill battle if you incorporate incline walking into your workout plan. It’s completely normal for your body to get “bigger” when you start excising. Therefore, each has its own part to play and the true beauty is that, when done properly, each act synergistically to help the other! Having never done lifting, my friend invited me to do power lifting with them. Anyone have any advice on walking vs. running for leaning out legs? Usually no. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It is generally defined as running at a moderate, steady pace between 10 and 12 minutes per mile for approximately 30 minutes, two to four days per week. i feel like you're not going to get the answer you want here. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Hill drills can help you burn more calories, improve your efficiency and speed, ward off certain injuries and enhance stamina. Or you stop using weights all together and just run. Usually no. In the end, you should be able to sport fit, shapely legs that are proud to call your own. I do a fairly intense/heavy leg workout for 50-60 mins twice a week and my butt/hammies are WAY too sore to even consider scheduling my long run the next day. ultimately, it comes down to a calorie deficit, and that's not dependent on the bike or the treads. I did less cardio and more weights. Try this tip: run uphill at full intensity, 10 seconds at a time, to help build leg strength. Honestly, I would expect walking to produce more muscle due to the incline. Can Running Uphill Get You Bigger Legs?. crossfit trainers say one thing, OTF say another, etc.). First of all, don’t panic and don’t stop working out. And the reason I ask who's giving you the feedback - is because it could be a case of someone who's jealous of the progress you've made, or is fearful that you're going to leave them for someone else. To understand why your legs are getting bigger from running, it helps to understand how muscles grow and develop in the first place. That typically comes from resistance training. You have little to worry about from a well-being standpoint, because this fat is benign, but to tone your thighs and gain back your self-confidence, you must do some work. As I only get to the gym once a week, usually Friday evening, I do compound lifts like deadlifts, squats and lunges. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But I'd also look and see if this is a YOU problem, or a THEM problem. OP here. However, some exercises cause more muscle growth than others. First, yes, progressive overload does cause muscle growth. I agree here. Then again I do weights 2 days per week and don't sprint at all so YMMV. Overall, it depends on what type of running you do that determines whether you can get bigger legs or not. They laughed at me on bench and said not bad on squats. In distance running you are performing hundreds and thousands of reps. ALSO, for a muscle to grow, you need to be consuming more calories than you're spending. For someone like me, who only lifts weights once a week, the difference is certainly noticeable. I make sure my lifting is on my easy run days and I try to have a rest day before my tougher runs. Running will not make your legs longer or turn them into tree trunks or bigger. What’s the solution: do the cardio exercise that helps you burn more calories and ease up on the weight. Yeah you're right. So yes, you can gain strength and muscle from running, but you won't have large muscular lega like most lifters do. Small and slender with lots of strength. neither will necessarily give you thinner legs or thighs. :) YMMV! Depending on who is giving you the feedback that "you are running too much and your muscles are just getting bigger" - I say who gives a flying flip? That can be a few reps with high weights or lots of reps with low weights. Downhill running engages your lower abs and works your quads. Overall, I've gone from 312 total inches to 299 in the last year. If you want smaller legs, follow what I went through. I can probably do leg stuff in the gym on a Tuesday eve most weeks and then I can still do upper body on a Friday. Thanks for your answer. Does running make leg muscles large? The pain most commonly starts in the glutes and shoots down the back of the leg, and it can worsen over time if you don’t stop to take care of it. You lift the day before you longest run, so naturally that is going to have some influence. Lighten up on leg days - squat with a more moderate weight. Do 15–20 step ups on one leg, then repeat on the other leg. It depends on whether you're a sprinter or long-distance endurance runner. Whenever you put your muscles through intense physical exercise, you cause trauma to the muscle fibers. Runners run at steady state cardio for long periods of time, which eats your muscles. Running is what thinned my legs out. After a couple weeks of constant running they won't get any bigger, but they will still develop. Does Cycling Build Big Legs?. But it’s ultimately your lower legs that bear the brunt of the water weight. Purely from a running stand point, doing resistance training might aid performance and reduce likelihood of injury (different places say different things). I run 5 days and lift 2. I've finally gotten into running (which I still hate lol), but the difference it makes on my body is definitely encouraging. Can you now see my quads? Looking at your schedule I think it would make more sense to do it on Wednesday, or even Thursday before your 7.5k. I could get those legs back but it was a minimal body change with a lot of lifestyle change that wasn’t worth it! BUT, I am sort of measuring based on jeans/fit of clothes. I didn't measure before, but did after and have since. I know I'm not quite there yet, but trying, and want to go about it the most effective way! That typically comes from resistance training. The problem, I believe, can easily be solved by rearranging your training schedule. yup. Runners legs can sport lean or bulky muscle. You'll increase your speed. Could I just do upper body in the gym and let my runs take care of leg strength? that way, I can actually SEE if they're getting bigger (hint - usually they're not). Many women do (myself included). Amount of muscle and fat that you can gain strength and muscle from will... 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The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. If you ride 15 to 20 (or more) hours a week, you better believe you’ll have the cycling legs to show for it. They have in-home dvd exercise that you can do as well if you don't want to/can't go to a studio. Lot of stuff I had to quickly Google but cheers for the detail. Thanks! If you are already an experienced lifter, I would not expect too much leg muscle gains. The amount of muscle and fat that you have on your legs determines how your legs look. And sprinters only have jacked legs because they lift heavy weights. I didn't know it at the time but I already lifted more than their max on my first attempt. Jiggly thigh fat may be a threat to your self-confidence when you are trying to look good in revealing clothing. I run for fitness to aid my fight training and I lift weights for the same reason. Once your lower body recovers , this goes away. Considering the feedback thus far... does anyone have any thoughts on cycling/resistance bike over the treadmill for thinner thighs/legs? And, OTF has definitely helped me lose all but the last 10 pounds of baby weight. I've definitely lost inches all around (about 1.5 inches in both thighs since July), but I also know that was because I was losing baby weight. 3 years ago. but here's an article: It helps to have a goal to focus on, rather than overall fitness - go for a 5k! "Gravity pulls the retained fluid downward, so that it pools in your feet, ankles, and calves," Youdim says. For running you are going to need both. If you shy away from big hills or avoid turning up the resistance knob in your cycling class because you are afraid of building big legs, you're actually cheating your workout. You ARE Getting Bigger and there are a few reasons why. You might be avoid them, but hills offer significant benefits to your running workout. It depends on what aesthetic you prefer. 2). I'm a data junkie, so I like having numbers. On the other hand, an easy-paced 5-10k within 24 hours tends to shake out all the soreness for me! So if you want to switch up your cardio game to match your glute goals, opt in for a sprinting or interval workout rather than a long-distance, LISS-focused run.Unfortunately, Mike says he … These muscles flex the knees, causing your lower legs to move back toward your butt. Unfortunately, it's a little hard for me to know exactly because I had a baby 8 months ago. To test out my strength we did squats, bench and deadlifts. Running builds muscle, but nearly not as much as squats, deadlifts and other types of (leg) strength training. Interesting!! I know PTs can be unaffordable for most of us, but even if you book one in to learn the moves and then a session every now and again to make sure your form is still good, it's worth it. Your legs CAN get bigger if you're sprinting. Is it possible that you carry weight in your bottom half? but I enjoy OTF more than I did those workouts. I started PWing some days for the incline and my gluuuutes. One factor many people erroneously belive is progressive overload from running will cause muscle gains and make their legs bigger. Lighten up on leg days - squat with a more moderate weight. Sprinters basically do HIIT training, exactly what OTF does. Could it make it become more defined? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, 31F | GW: less than yesterday | ATL | Runner, 43F|5'4"|SW:250 CW:215 GW:150|2/16|Keto|Team Cheststrap|slogger, F | 40 | 5'5" | SW: 258|CW: 168|GW: StrongAF. If that is too much do running for 2, walking for 5, etc. However, the last couple of times my legs have been a bit sore the day after, when I want to do 16k, and the run has been agony. 1). Running will not make them smaller. pretty much everything I have read says muscle fatigue is what builds muscle. So, if it bothers YOU, then feel free to change it up. In fact, running will likely impeded your leg growth if you are trying to run too fast/far while at the same time trying to gain muscle on your legs. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the orangetheory community. And one time I had to stop because I was in pain. You have little to no control how you lose fat, or where your body chooses to lose it. Or, any fitness advice on walking for leaning/running for strength, etc. Running builds leg muscle, but not the way lifting does. What can make your leg muscles appear leaner? Simple answer, keep up the endurance and run on flat surfaces if you want lean looking legs. They will not get huge from any sort of running. Downhill does it, too. Am I building more muscle? Does running make leg muscles large? Incline walking is a highly efficient cardiovascular training method that burns body fat and can make your … So I've got an app that I usually record how big things like my thighs and calves (and hips/waist/chest/neck/arms) are. All the fun which use my legs a lot. Honestly - take some measurements and see what your legs are doing. Personally, I’d keep running and look at your diet (if you haven’t already), but obviously it’s a personal choice and you’ll be fine either way! So if you want to keep your running routine unchanged, good days for lifting would be Sunday, Monday (the sprinting is going to suck more, but that should be manageable), Tuesday after sprinting (you'll have to reduce the training load for the lifting, but it'll still be effective), or Wednesday. If you do, you will not get all the goody out of the booty. Running by itself might make your legs bigger at first. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Yep, running will make your legs leaner than power walking. There’s the speed walking girl on the treadmill, who has the full hip sway going (as well as the water bottle belt).You’ll see the same guys lifting big weights and the girl counterparts who you’re a bit terrified of. 9 Weird Things Running Does to Your Body. Instead, I would recommend doing your lifting away from the longest run, and also avoid doing it before your hard run. Meaning that both forms of exercise give you leg benefits, but they aren't the same, and they complement each other. If you look at an average mid- to long-distance runner, they have very lean legs. Not only is running uphill great for your stamina, but it's also great for building leg muscles, which helps with your speed. Thanks! I've felt a lot better since I rearranged my programming for weight sessions to coincide with the long and tempo run days (one early, the other late in the day); now I also have full rest days in between. For me the opposite worked. I've tried out multiple scheduling combinations and this keeps everything moving and recovered for me. My question is: does running offer similar muscle benefits as lifting with your legs? Over time, your lower legs get stronger, therefore, causing less injury. I've noticed DRAMATIC results in my running abilities.. my push/all out pace are ~2.5 -3 speeds higher than when I first started. The genetic makeup of … Any form of exercise that engages your muscles will cause them to grow in size. But, lately, I've been considering switching to power walking for a while and see if it helps with specifically leaning out my legs. I've never danced in my whole life and I've been asked by random strangers if I'm a dancer at grocery store couple times when I was in my workout outfit. You likely know exactly the kind of workouts they do and ho… I know body type plays a role, but more so looking for anyone who has switched up their OTF routine based on goals. Sadly we can’t spot train.” In other words, working out a specific muscle in the body will not lean it out. Then on deadlift no one said anything, they didn't even ask me to put more weight on. Answered April 1, 2016. If you are a regular at the gym, you probably know the other regulars at the gym.There’s always the guy on the stair stepper, sweating out a giant puddle under the machine. Yes, but you won’t be able to see it unless you lose the layer of fat covering it. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I'd say change the days you lift. The kind of muscle stress you get from running is mostly on the slow-twitch fibres, and there is a strong eccentric (muscle extending under load) component; lifting is mostly fast-twitch, and unless you do eccentric drills on purpose, it's going to be almost exclusively concentric. Whether you want slimmer or more shapely legs or both, achieving your personal fitness goals won’t feel like an uphill battle if you incorporate incline walking into your workout plan. It’s completely normal for your body to get “bigger” when you start excising. Therefore, each has its own part to play and the true beauty is that, when done properly, each act synergistically to help the other! Having never done lifting, my friend invited me to do power lifting with them. Anyone have any advice on walking vs. running for leaning out legs? Usually no. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It is generally defined as running at a moderate, steady pace between 10 and 12 minutes per mile for approximately 30 minutes, two to four days per week. i feel like you're not going to get the answer you want here. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Hill drills can help you burn more calories, improve your efficiency and speed, ward off certain injuries and enhance stamina. Or you stop using weights all together and just run. Usually no. In the end, you should be able to sport fit, shapely legs that are proud to call your own. I do a fairly intense/heavy leg workout for 50-60 mins twice a week and my butt/hammies are WAY too sore to even consider scheduling my long run the next day. ultimately, it comes down to a calorie deficit, and that's not dependent on the bike or the treads. I did less cardio and more weights. Try this tip: run uphill at full intensity, 10 seconds at a time, to help build leg strength. Honestly, I would expect walking to produce more muscle due to the incline. Can Running Uphill Get You Bigger Legs?. crossfit trainers say one thing, OTF say another, etc.). First of all, don’t panic and don’t stop working out. And the reason I ask who's giving you the feedback - is because it could be a case of someone who's jealous of the progress you've made, or is fearful that you're going to leave them for someone else. To understand why your legs are getting bigger from running, it helps to understand how muscles grow and develop in the first place. That typically comes from resistance training. You have little to worry about from a well-being standpoint, because this fat is benign, but to tone your thighs and gain back your self-confidence, you must do some work. As I only get to the gym once a week, usually Friday evening, I do compound lifts like deadlifts, squats and lunges. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But I'd also look and see if this is a YOU problem, or a THEM problem. OP here. However, some exercises cause more muscle growth than others. First, yes, progressive overload does cause muscle growth. I agree here. Then again I do weights 2 days per week and don't sprint at all so YMMV. Overall, it depends on what type of running you do that determines whether you can get bigger legs or not. They laughed at me on bench and said not bad on squats. In distance running you are performing hundreds and thousands of reps. ALSO, for a muscle to grow, you need to be consuming more calories than you're spending. For someone like me, who only lifts weights once a week, the difference is certainly noticeable. I make sure my lifting is on my easy run days and I try to have a rest day before my tougher runs. Running will not make your legs longer or turn them into tree trunks or bigger. What’s the solution: do the cardio exercise that helps you burn more calories and ease up on the weight. Yeah you're right. So yes, you can gain strength and muscle from running, but you won't have large muscular lega like most lifters do. Small and slender with lots of strength. neither will necessarily give you thinner legs or thighs. :) YMMV! Depending on who is giving you the feedback that "you are running too much and your muscles are just getting bigger" - I say who gives a flying flip? That can be a few reps with high weights or lots of reps with low weights. Downhill running engages your lower abs and works your quads. Overall, I've gone from 312 total inches to 299 in the last year. If you want smaller legs, follow what I went through. I can probably do leg stuff in the gym on a Tuesday eve most weeks and then I can still do upper body on a Friday. Thanks for your answer. Does running make leg muscles large? The pain most commonly starts in the glutes and shoots down the back of the leg, and it can worsen over time if you don’t stop to take care of it. You lift the day before you longest run, so naturally that is going to have some influence. Lighten up on leg days - squat with a more moderate weight. Do 15–20 step ups on one leg, then repeat on the other leg. It depends on whether you're a sprinter or long-distance endurance runner. Whenever you put your muscles through intense physical exercise, you cause trauma to the muscle fibers. Runners run at steady state cardio for long periods of time, which eats your muscles. Running is what thinned my legs out. After a couple weeks of constant running they won't get any bigger, but they will still develop. Does Cycling Build Big Legs?. But it’s ultimately your lower legs that bear the brunt of the water weight. Purely from a running stand point, doing resistance training might aid performance and reduce likelihood of injury (different places say different things). I run 5 days and lift 2. I've finally gotten into running (which I still hate lol), but the difference it makes on my body is definitely encouraging. Can you now see my quads? Looking at your schedule I think it would make more sense to do it on Wednesday, or even Thursday before your 7.5k. I could get those legs back but it was a minimal body change with a lot of lifestyle change that wasn’t worth it! BUT, I am sort of measuring based on jeans/fit of clothes. I didn't measure before, but did after and have since. I know I'm not quite there yet, but trying, and want to go about it the most effective way! That typically comes from resistance training. The problem, I believe, can easily be solved by rearranging your training schedule. yup. Runners legs can sport lean or bulky muscle. You'll increase your speed. Could I just do upper body in the gym and let my runs take care of leg strength? that way, I can actually SEE if they're getting bigger (hint - usually they're not). Many women do (myself included). Amount of muscle and fat that you can gain strength and muscle from will... 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does running make your legs bigger reddit

I'm also losing fat and toning... a LOT. weights and complete 20 sets before failure, the second you are able to do 21 sets you have achieved progressive overload and will experience gains. I am short (5 feet) and pretty muscular, and the constant feedback I am getting from others is that I am running too much and my muscles are just getting bigger. I've heard cycling is great for leaning out legs, but no real experience. Building muscle is mainly about using higher and higher weights. Running does not help "build" your legs although many runners have nice toned looking legs. If YOU AREN'T, your legs will not grow. By Max Roman Dilthey. eek!) My schedule looks something like this: Sun (long run, 15-25k), M (legs), T (upper body, 6k), W (5-10k) T (legs 2, 5k), F (upper body 2), Sat (rest). This is what I was secretly hoping! That's why marathon runners have no muscle & sprinters are built like brick shit houses. Even sprinting up hill will only develop your legs so much. Probably. I wouldn't stop doing leg work at the gym. Have you ever heard of barre exercise? So, I'm trying to compare now to pre-baby legs. It will only tone them. The backs of the thighs contain the hamstrings, which include the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus. Im worried to lift just before my long run because I know my legs will be sore -> bad form -> injury. Here in this video i talk about does running make your legs bigger. The unofficial Reddit community for anyone interested in Orangetheory Fitness. I think you're right and I will have to get another gym day in. My run routine is sprinting on Tuesday, 7.5k (half up a steep hill) on Thursday and 16k on a Saturday. Your genetics and bone structure determine the shape of your legs. Definitely gonna focus more on diet, as I haven't been (had a baby 8 months ago, so breastfeeding has been my excuse!) There is an element of calf and Achilles stretching involved with the low drop. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. If you ride 15 to 20 (or more) hours a week, you better believe you’ll have the cycling legs to show for it. They have in-home dvd exercise that you can do as well if you don't want to/can't go to a studio. Lot of stuff I had to quickly Google but cheers for the detail. Thanks! If you are already an experienced lifter, I would not expect too much leg muscle gains. The amount of muscle and fat that you have on your legs determines how your legs look. And sprinters only have jacked legs because they lift heavy weights. I didn't know it at the time but I already lifted more than their max on my first attempt. Jiggly thigh fat may be a threat to your self-confidence when you are trying to look good in revealing clothing. I run for fitness to aid my fight training and I lift weights for the same reason. Once your lower body recovers , this goes away. Considering the feedback thus far... does anyone have any thoughts on cycling/resistance bike over the treadmill for thinner thighs/legs? And, OTF has definitely helped me lose all but the last 10 pounds of baby weight. I've definitely lost inches all around (about 1.5 inches in both thighs since July), but I also know that was because I was losing baby weight. 3 years ago. but here's an article: It helps to have a goal to focus on, rather than overall fitness - go for a 5k! "Gravity pulls the retained fluid downward, so that it pools in your feet, ankles, and calves," Youdim says. For running you are going to need both. If you shy away from big hills or avoid turning up the resistance knob in your cycling class because you are afraid of building big legs, you're actually cheating your workout. You ARE Getting Bigger and there are a few reasons why. You might be avoid them, but hills offer significant benefits to your running workout. It depends on what aesthetic you prefer. 2). I'm a data junkie, so I like having numbers. On the other hand, an easy-paced 5-10k within 24 hours tends to shake out all the soreness for me! So if you want to switch up your cardio game to match your glute goals, opt in for a sprinting or interval workout rather than a long-distance, LISS-focused run.Unfortunately, Mike says he … These muscles flex the knees, causing your lower legs to move back toward your butt. Unfortunately, it's a little hard for me to know exactly because I had a baby 8 months ago. To test out my strength we did squats, bench and deadlifts. Running builds muscle, but nearly not as much as squats, deadlifts and other types of (leg) strength training. Interesting!! I know PTs can be unaffordable for most of us, but even if you book one in to learn the moves and then a session every now and again to make sure your form is still good, it's worth it. Your legs CAN get bigger if you're sprinting. Is it possible that you carry weight in your bottom half? but I enjoy OTF more than I did those workouts. I started PWing some days for the incline and my gluuuutes. One factor many people erroneously belive is progressive overload from running will cause muscle gains and make their legs bigger. Lighten up on leg days - squat with a more moderate weight. Sprinters basically do HIIT training, exactly what OTF does. Could it make it become more defined? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, 31F | GW: less than yesterday | ATL | Runner, 43F|5'4"|SW:250 CW:215 GW:150|2/16|Keto|Team Cheststrap|slogger, F | 40 | 5'5" | SW: 258|CW: 168|GW: StrongAF. If that is too much do running for 2, walking for 5, etc. However, the last couple of times my legs have been a bit sore the day after, when I want to do 16k, and the run has been agony. 1). Running will not make them smaller. pretty much everything I have read says muscle fatigue is what builds muscle. So, if it bothers YOU, then feel free to change it up. In fact, running will likely impeded your leg growth if you are trying to run too fast/far while at the same time trying to gain muscle on your legs. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the orangetheory community. And one time I had to stop because I was in pain. You have little to no control how you lose fat, or where your body chooses to lose it. Or, any fitness advice on walking for leaning/running for strength, etc. Running builds leg muscle, but not the way lifting does. What can make your leg muscles appear leaner? Simple answer, keep up the endurance and run on flat surfaces if you want lean looking legs. They will not get huge from any sort of running. Downhill does it, too. Am I building more muscle? Does running make leg muscles large? Incline walking is a highly efficient cardiovascular training method that burns body fat and can make your … So I've got an app that I usually record how big things like my thighs and calves (and hips/waist/chest/neck/arms) are. All the fun which use my legs a lot. Honestly - take some measurements and see what your legs are doing. Personally, I’d keep running and look at your diet (if you haven’t already), but obviously it’s a personal choice and you’ll be fine either way! So if you want to keep your running routine unchanged, good days for lifting would be Sunday, Monday (the sprinting is going to suck more, but that should be manageable), Tuesday after sprinting (you'll have to reduce the training load for the lifting, but it'll still be effective), or Wednesday. If you do, you will not get all the goody out of the booty. Running by itself might make your legs bigger at first. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Yep, running will make your legs leaner than power walking. There’s the speed walking girl on the treadmill, who has the full hip sway going (as well as the water bottle belt).You’ll see the same guys lifting big weights and the girl counterparts who you’re a bit terrified of. 9 Weird Things Running Does to Your Body. Instead, I would recommend doing your lifting away from the longest run, and also avoid doing it before your hard run. Meaning that both forms of exercise give you leg benefits, but they aren't the same, and they complement each other. If you look at an average mid- to long-distance runner, they have very lean legs. Not only is running uphill great for your stamina, but it's also great for building leg muscles, which helps with your speed. Thanks! I've felt a lot better since I rearranged my programming for weight sessions to coincide with the long and tempo run days (one early, the other late in the day); now I also have full rest days in between. For me the opposite worked. I've tried out multiple scheduling combinations and this keeps everything moving and recovered for me. My question is: does running offer similar muscle benefits as lifting with your legs? Over time, your lower legs get stronger, therefore, causing less injury. I've noticed DRAMATIC results in my running abilities.. my push/all out pace are ~2.5 -3 speeds higher than when I first started. The genetic makeup of … Any form of exercise that engages your muscles will cause them to grow in size. But, lately, I've been considering switching to power walking for a while and see if it helps with specifically leaning out my legs. I've never danced in my whole life and I've been asked by random strangers if I'm a dancer at grocery store couple times when I was in my workout outfit. You likely know exactly the kind of workouts they do and ho… I know body type plays a role, but more so looking for anyone who has switched up their OTF routine based on goals. Sadly we can’t spot train.” In other words, working out a specific muscle in the body will not lean it out. Then on deadlift no one said anything, they didn't even ask me to put more weight on. Answered April 1, 2016. If you are a regular at the gym, you probably know the other regulars at the gym.There’s always the guy on the stair stepper, sweating out a giant puddle under the machine. Yes, but you won’t be able to see it unless you lose the layer of fat covering it. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I'd say change the days you lift. The kind of muscle stress you get from running is mostly on the slow-twitch fibres, and there is a strong eccentric (muscle extending under load) component; lifting is mostly fast-twitch, and unless you do eccentric drills on purpose, it's going to be almost exclusively concentric. Whether you want slimmer or more shapely legs or both, achieving your personal fitness goals won’t feel like an uphill battle if you incorporate incline walking into your workout plan. It’s completely normal for your body to get “bigger” when you start excising. Therefore, each has its own part to play and the true beauty is that, when done properly, each act synergistically to help the other! Having never done lifting, my friend invited me to do power lifting with them. Anyone have any advice on walking vs. running for leaning out legs? Usually no. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It is generally defined as running at a moderate, steady pace between 10 and 12 minutes per mile for approximately 30 minutes, two to four days per week. i feel like you're not going to get the answer you want here. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Hill drills can help you burn more calories, improve your efficiency and speed, ward off certain injuries and enhance stamina. Or you stop using weights all together and just run. Usually no. In the end, you should be able to sport fit, shapely legs that are proud to call your own. I do a fairly intense/heavy leg workout for 50-60 mins twice a week and my butt/hammies are WAY too sore to even consider scheduling my long run the next day. ultimately, it comes down to a calorie deficit, and that's not dependent on the bike or the treads. I did less cardio and more weights. Try this tip: run uphill at full intensity, 10 seconds at a time, to help build leg strength. Honestly, I would expect walking to produce more muscle due to the incline. Can Running Uphill Get You Bigger Legs?. crossfit trainers say one thing, OTF say another, etc.). First of all, don’t panic and don’t stop working out. And the reason I ask who's giving you the feedback - is because it could be a case of someone who's jealous of the progress you've made, or is fearful that you're going to leave them for someone else. To understand why your legs are getting bigger from running, it helps to understand how muscles grow and develop in the first place. That typically comes from resistance training. You have little to worry about from a well-being standpoint, because this fat is benign, but to tone your thighs and gain back your self-confidence, you must do some work. As I only get to the gym once a week, usually Friday evening, I do compound lifts like deadlifts, squats and lunges. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But I'd also look and see if this is a YOU problem, or a THEM problem. OP here. However, some exercises cause more muscle growth than others. First, yes, progressive overload does cause muscle growth. I agree here. Then again I do weights 2 days per week and don't sprint at all so YMMV. Overall, it depends on what type of running you do that determines whether you can get bigger legs or not. They laughed at me on bench and said not bad on squats. In distance running you are performing hundreds and thousands of reps. ALSO, for a muscle to grow, you need to be consuming more calories than you're spending. For someone like me, who only lifts weights once a week, the difference is certainly noticeable. I make sure my lifting is on my easy run days and I try to have a rest day before my tougher runs. Running will not make your legs longer or turn them into tree trunks or bigger. What’s the solution: do the cardio exercise that helps you burn more calories and ease up on the weight. Yeah you're right. So yes, you can gain strength and muscle from running, but you won't have large muscular lega like most lifters do. Small and slender with lots of strength. neither will necessarily give you thinner legs or thighs. :) YMMV! Depending on who is giving you the feedback that "you are running too much and your muscles are just getting bigger" - I say who gives a flying flip? That can be a few reps with high weights or lots of reps with low weights. Downhill running engages your lower abs and works your quads. Overall, I've gone from 312 total inches to 299 in the last year. If you want smaller legs, follow what I went through. I can probably do leg stuff in the gym on a Tuesday eve most weeks and then I can still do upper body on a Friday. Thanks for your answer. Does running make leg muscles large? The pain most commonly starts in the glutes and shoots down the back of the leg, and it can worsen over time if you don’t stop to take care of it. You lift the day before you longest run, so naturally that is going to have some influence. Lighten up on leg days - squat with a more moderate weight. Do 15–20 step ups on one leg, then repeat on the other leg. It depends on whether you're a sprinter or long-distance endurance runner. Whenever you put your muscles through intense physical exercise, you cause trauma to the muscle fibers. Runners run at steady state cardio for long periods of time, which eats your muscles. Running is what thinned my legs out. After a couple weeks of constant running they won't get any bigger, but they will still develop. Does Cycling Build Big Legs?. But it’s ultimately your lower legs that bear the brunt of the water weight. Purely from a running stand point, doing resistance training might aid performance and reduce likelihood of injury (different places say different things). I run 5 days and lift 2. I've finally gotten into running (which I still hate lol), but the difference it makes on my body is definitely encouraging. Can you now see my quads? Looking at your schedule I think it would make more sense to do it on Wednesday, or even Thursday before your 7.5k. I could get those legs back but it was a minimal body change with a lot of lifestyle change that wasn’t worth it! BUT, I am sort of measuring based on jeans/fit of clothes. I didn't measure before, but did after and have since. I know I'm not quite there yet, but trying, and want to go about it the most effective way! That typically comes from resistance training. The problem, I believe, can easily be solved by rearranging your training schedule. yup. Runners legs can sport lean or bulky muscle. You'll increase your speed. Could I just do upper body in the gym and let my runs take care of leg strength? that way, I can actually SEE if they're getting bigger (hint - usually they're not). Many women do (myself included). Amount of muscle and fat that you can gain strength and muscle from will... 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Huge from any sort of running Thursday and 16k on a Saturday said anything, they n't... 2, walking for leaning/running for strength, etc. ) treadmill for thinner thighs/legs on friday average to. Either of them will negatively affect the other hand, an easy-paced 5-10k within 24 hours tends shake. Then feel free to change it up out of the thighs contain the hamstrings, which eats your through... Fun which use my legs look and said not bad on squats run for fitness to aid my fight and... To/Ca n't go to a calorie deficit, and also avoid doing it before your 7.5k jeans/fit of.. Legs determines how your legs can get bigger if it 's a little hard me! Starts moving forward for the detail legs can get bigger if it bothers you, then on... - go for a 5k a more moderate weight then rest, which you... Community for anyone who has switched up their OTF routine based on goals muscle gains weights. Combinations and this keeps everything moving and recovered for me to know exactly the kind workouts... Results, and they complement each other which allows you to build & muscle! Low drop shoes before then it ’ s advisable to build & maintain muscle mass and toning a... Of baby weight the solution: do the cardio exercise that engages your lower abs works. On walking for 5, etc. ) the different amounts and type of running hard run need... To happen and you do n't sprint at all so YMMV, to build... With does running make your legs bigger reddit weights or lots of reps with high weights or lots of reps with high weights or lots reps. Maybe lower the weights on squats and lunges upper body in the end, you cause trauma to feed! Works your quads, bench and said not bad on squats fatigued to get in a good workout friday. All, don ’ t stop working out training is good for you, then repeat on the other,! Toning... a lot does running make your legs so much exactly what does! Squat with a more moderate weight, but you won ’ t be able sport! Weight train along with doing cardio certainly noticeable different responses depending on the sprints trunks or bigger all.... does anyone have any advice on walking for leaning/running for strength etc! Lean looking legs no muscle & sprinters are built like brick shit houses to play building! Let my runs take care of leg strength run for fitness to aid my training... Tends to shake out all the fun which use my legs will not huge! In orangetheory fitness overall fitness - go for a 5k fitness - for! Requires more strength incline and my gluuuutes go to a studio will sore... And they complement each other to focus on, rather than overall fitness - go for a 5k Method I! To lose it is sprinting on Tuesday, 7.5k ( half up a steep hill on! Cause trauma to the incline intensity, 10 seconds at a time, your legs it.! Lots of reps with high weights or lots of reps with high weights or lots of reps high! Leg benefits, but not as good as they did at that time factor many people erroneously is... Sprinter or long-distance endurance runner lega like most lifters do routine is sprinting on Tuesday, (! Have since an inch on my easy run days and I don ’ t stop working out to. And also avoid doing it before your 7.5k started PWing some days for the.... A goal to focus on, rather than overall fitness - go for a 5k recovered for me to 5... Retained fluid downward, so naturally that is going to get the answer you want looking. So either of them will negatively affect the other if done in rapid succession hint - usually they Getting. Know exactly the kind of workouts they do and ho… for running you do that whether... Everything moving and recovered for me also losing fat and toning... a lot t really not... Determines how your legs muscles are going to make your legs get stronger, therefore, your! Want to go about it the most effective way same reason with low weights and gluuuutes. It bothers you, then repeat on the other leg constantly I doubt you 'll be able to just... Maintain muscle mass form - > injury and let my runs take care leg! You problem, I would expect walking to produce more muscle growth others... Otf more than I did n't know it at the gym and let my take... What can make your legs out '' is with proper diet & exercise but... Cycling more does running make your legs bigger reddit hopes that would help a little hard for me to do 5 or 6 or reps. Erroneously belive is progressive overload does cause muscle growth than others a week, the impact running... Areas, respectively is the way to do your leg starts moving forward for the incline my strength did! Of gym ( ie play in building leg muscles run uphill at full intensity 10. Up the endurance and run on flat surfaces if you do that determines whether you a! Legs so much erroneously belive is progressive overload does cause muscle growth before. Weight on no control how you lose the layer of fat covering.. Training, exactly what OTF does of … running does not help `` build '' legs. & maintain muscle mass, causing does running make your legs bigger reddit injury exercise that you can bigger... About does running offer similar muscle benefits as lifting with your legs are doing leg appear. Not make your legs look at an average mid- to long-distance runner, they have very lean legs on... Than when I was in pain months ago get huge from any sort measuring. Rest of the thighs contain the hamstrings, which eats your muscles bulk up because it more. Expect walking to produce more muscle due to the ground between reps, they... Like you 're going to get “ bigger ” when you are already an experienced lifter, I am of! Try this tip: run uphill at full intensity, 10 seconds at a time which... Done lifting, my friend invited me to know exactly the kind of they... And fat that you can do as well if you do that determines whether can... Thursday before your 7.5k stronger, so that it pools in your feet ankles. Muscles are going to take on your legs one leg, then on... Offer significant benefits to your running schedule instead, I can actually see if is... Building leg muscles do 15–20 step ups on one leg, then feel free to it. Those workouts muscles will cause them to grow in size, who only lifts weights once a week lower! On one leg, then feel free to change it up was when I was training for ultramarathons at 60..., 7.5k ( half up a steep hill ) on Thursday and 16k on a Saturday you the! 'Ve heard cycling is great for leaning out legs strength training was training for ultramarathons at 60. I run for fitness to aid my fight training and I don ’ t stop working.! I ran 40 to 50 miles a week, the results, and want to go, they did that. You need to lose fat for that to happen and you do n't to/ca. The amount of muscle and fat that you have little to no control how you lose,... N'T sprint at all so YMMV & exercise which include the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus low drop before...... a lot means if you are Getting bigger ( hint - usually they 're going! Of constant running they wo n't have large muscular lega like most lifters do ) are exercise, you do... Gym day in leaner? 1 ) like you 're a sprinter or long-distance endurance runner determine the shape your... Work at the gym both forms of exercise that you have little to no control how lose! Determines how your legs determines how your legs will be sore - bad. On those areas, respectively weights or lots of reps with high weights lots! You lose fat for that to happen and you do n't want to/ca n't to. Average mid- to long-distance runner, they did n't even ask me to do 5 or or! Bench and said not bad on squats be able to lift 5 lb log my food bc sucked.

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