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Savage Gear have a good reputation, so this was definitely worth looking at. Club Â», Heavy pike fishing, from £74.97 RRP £99.99 Save £25.02. $( "#d_imageZoom" ).css('position', 'relative'); available_eancodes = available_eancodes + '-' + enaritmp; currentHashSearch = window.location.hash; (b.mousewheelControl=!0,C.h.addEventListener(C.container,C._wheelEvent,j),!0):!1},b.grabCursor){var V=C.container.style;V.cursor="move",V.cursor="grab",V.cursor="-moz-grab",V.cursor="-webkit-grab"}C.allowSlideClick=!0,C.allowLinks=!0;var W,X,Y,Z=!1,$=!0;C.swipeNext=function(a){!a&&b.loop&&C.fixLoop(),!a&&b.autoplay&&C.stopAutoplay(!0),C.callPlugins("onSwipeNext");var c=C.getWrapperTranslate(),d=c;if("auto"===b.slidesPerView){for(var f=0;f=C.snapGrid[f]&&-c"); Starting at £67.99. var start_time = new Date().getTime(); }); $( this ).parent().prepend(aleHTML); Quick zoom: move your cursor over the picture. { normPriceStr = normPriceStr.replace("€", ""); normPriceStr = normPriceStr.replace("€", ""); (b||document).querySelectorAll(a):jQuery(a,b)}function d(a){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.apply(a)? var available_eancodes = '00000000000'; Savage Gear MPP2 Travel SP Rod Rating: 100%. (d=window.getComputedStyle(f,null),window.WebKitCSSMatrix?e=new WebKitCSSMatrix("none"===d.webkitTransform? categoryId = ''; The Roadrunner XLNT2 is based on the original XLNT blank, but what Savage Gear has done is upgrade this version with the innovative CC coil control guides, which give greater casting distance and precision, as well as better performance and making the rod very slightly lighter. } var tmpArrayProd = userHistoryProducts.split("-"); !1:!0,u(g,"to",{index:a,speed:c,runCallbacks:d}),!0)}},C._queueStartCallbacks=!1,C._queueEndCallbacks=!1,C.updateActiveSlide=function(a){if(C.initialized&&0!==C.slides.length){C.previousIndex=C.activeIndex,"undefined"==typeof a&&(a=C.getWrapperTranslate()),a>0&&(a=0);var c;if("auto"===b.slidesPerView){if(C.activeIndex=C.slidesGrid.indexOf(-a),C.activeIndex<0){for(c=0;cg;g++)d+="<"+b.paginationElement+' class="'+b.paginationElementClass+'">";C.paginationContainer.innerHTML=d}C.paginationButtons=c("."+b.paginationElementClass,C.paginationContainer),a||C.updatePagination(),C.callPlugins("onCreatePagination"),b.paginationClickable&&x()},C.updatePagination=function(a){if(b.pagination&&! window.fbAsyncInit = function() { !0:!1},a.swiperSlideDataStorage||(a.swiperSlideDataStorage={}),a.getData=function(b){return a.swiperSlideDataStorage[b]},a.setData=function(b,c){return a.swiperSlideDataStorage[b]=c,a},a.data=function(b,c){return"undefined"==typeof c?a.getAttribute("data-"+b):(a.setAttribute("data-"+b,c),a)},a.getWidth=function(b,c){return C.h.getWidth(a,b,c)},a.getHeight=function(b,c){return C.h.getHeight(a,b,c)},a.getOffset=function(){return C.h.getOffset(a)},a},C.calcSlides=function(a){var c=C.slides?C.slides.length:!1;C.slides=[],C.displaySlides=[];for(var d=0;d=0;d--)C._extendSwiperSlide(C.slides[d]);c!==!1&&(c!==C.slides.length||a)&&(h(),g(),C.updateActiveSlide(),C.params.pagination&&C.createPagination(),C.callPlugins("numberOfSlidesChanged"))},C.createSlide=function(a,c,d){c=c||C.params.slideClass,d=d||b.slideElement;var e=document.createElement(d);return e.innerHTML=a||"",e.className=c,C._extendSwiperSlide(e)},C.appendSlide=function(a,b,c){return a?a.nodeType?C._extendSwiperSlide(a).append():C.createSlide(a,b,c).append():void 0},C.prependSlide=function(a,b,c){return a?a.nodeType?C._extendSwiperSlide(a).prepend():C.createSlide(a,b,c).prepend():void 0},C.insertSlideAfter=function(a,b,c,d){return"undefined"==typeof a? } } expires='; expires=' + date.toGMTString(); { var aleHTML = "
Save " + discount + "%
"; 5706301485311, The rods in the super popular Savage Gear Roadrunner rod range have now been updated with new CC (Coil Control) line guides that increase the rods' performance and make them even lighter than before! { I also bought the 7’ 3-16g model for lighter work in Tenerife, but also for catching the smaller species in America such as bluegill. Buy Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT2 Rod. Starting at £59.99. Savage Gear MPP2 Spin Rod Rating: 97%. road runner rod series. $286.29. or close this window } 12 Reviews. if( uuidcookie != null && uuidcookie != '' ) Each rod, tuned and balanced to perfection. (C.slides.length<1)){var d=c(". { "id" : "SA_1276680417522_18889b83c1f0e8e3f238cae3f655ad18", Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT2 Baitcasting Rod Product number: 5706301485311 The rods in the super popular Savage Gear Roadrunner rod range have now been updated with new CC (Coil Control) line guides that increase the rods' performance and make them even lighter than before! road runner travel series is quality at its best to say the least. ((37===b||39===b)&&(a.preventDefault?a.preventDefault():a.returnValue=!1),39===b&&C.swipeNext(),37===b&&C.swipePrev()):((38===b||40===b)&&(a.preventDefault?a.preventDefault():a.returnValue=!1),40===b&&C.swipeNext(),38===b&&C.swipePrev())}}function j(a){var c=C._wheelEvent,d=0;if(a.detail)d=-a.detail;else if("mousewheel"===c)if(b.mousewheelControlForceToAxis)if(M){if(!(Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaX)>Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaY)))return;d=a.wheelDeltaX}else{if(! When I first started looking at travel rods around three years ago prior to a trip to Aruba, I trawled the internet looking at the various models available. This was one of the rods that I’d looked into and it also came with some five star reviews. One good thing that I’ve also found with these is that two rods will fit in to one case, so if you’re like me and want to take two rods, you won’t need two cases. var reconame = recomId + '-' + categoryId + '-' + targetElementId; var currentURl = document.URL; A terrific travel companion! }; version : 'v2.0' ")); discount = -1 * discount; updateAleSearch(); {left:document.documentElement.scrollLeft,top:document.documentElement.scrollTop}:void 0},addEventListener:function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";"undefined"==typeof d&&(d=!1),a.addEventListener?a.addEventListener(b,c,d):a.attachEvent&&a.attachEvent("on"+b,c)},removeEventListener:function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";"undefined"==typeof d&&(d=!1),a.removeEventListener?a.removeEventListener(b,c,d):a.detachEvent&&a.detachEvent("on"+b,c)}},setTransform:function(a,b){"use strict";var c=a.style;c.webkitTransform=c.MsTransform=c.msTransform=c.MozTransform=c.OTransform=c.transform=b},setTranslate:function(a,b){"use strict";var c=a.style,d={x:b.x||0,y:b.y||0,z:b.z||0},e=this.support.transforms3d? c_value = unescape(c_value.substring(c_start,c_end)); Gamakatsu Akilas Mobile 90XH Lure Rod 9FT 15-60g url: url, !1:(u(c,"prev"),!0)},C.swipeReset=function(){C.callPlugins("onSwipeReset");{var a,c=C.getWrapperTranslate(),d=E*b.slidesPerGroup;-e()}if("auto"===b.slidesPerView){a=0;for(var f=0;f=C.snapGrid[f]&&-c0?-C.snapGrid[f+1]:-C.snapGrid[f];break}}-c>=C.snapGrid[C.snapGrid.length-1]&&(a=-C.snapGrid[C.snapGrid.length-1]),c<=-e()&&(a=-e())}else a=0>c?Math.round(c/d)*d:0,c<=-e()&&(a=-e());return b.scrollContainer&&(a=0>c?c:0),a<-e()&&(a=-e()),b.scrollContainer&&I>E&&(a=0),a===c? ] })(document); Please send us email to: customerservice@happyangler.com. categoryId = available_eancodes; A terrific travel companion! $(document).ready(function() 0, Product number: } var enaritmp = res[res.length-1].trim(); "+b.paginationActiveClass,C.paginationContainer);if(d){var e=C.paginationButtons;if(0!==e.length){for(var f=0;fj&&(j=C.slides.length-2*C.loopedSlides+j),b.loop&&j>=C.slides.length-2*C.loopedSlides&&(j=C.slides.length-2*C.loopedSlides-j,j=Math.abs(j)),i.push(j)}for(h=0;h0&&(a+=C.wrapperLeft),!M&&C.wrapperTop>0&&(a+=C.wrapperTop);for(var g=0;g0&&(m.style.paddingLeft="",m.style.paddingRight="",m.style.paddingTop="",m.style.paddingBottom=""),m.style.width="",m.style.height="",b.offsetPxBefore>0&&(M?C.wrapperLeft=b.offsetPxBefore:C.wrapperTop=b.offsetPxBefore),b.offsetPxAfter>0&&(M?C.wrapperRight=b.offsetPxAfter:C.wrapperBottom=b.offsetPxAfter),b.centeredSlides&&(M?(C.wrapperLeft=(I-this.slides[0].getWidth(!0,b.roundLengths))/2,C.wrapperRight=(I-C.slides[C.slides.length-1].getWidth(!0,b.roundLengths))/2):(C.wrapperTop=(I-C.slides[0].getHeight(!0,b.roundLengths))/2,C.wrapperBottom=(I-C.slides[C.slides.length-1].getHeight(!0,b.roundLengths))/2)),M? The Roadrunner XLNT2 is available in a range of sizes and casting weights, with 3 standard fixed-spool reel seat models, and … FREE Returns. Special Price £99.99. These 4-piece rods can fit into a very small space and they are very easy to transport. Brand: Savage Gear ... Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT2 7' 213cm 3-16g - 4sec. } } } jsonpCallback: 'jsonCallback_' + recomId, $.ajax({ ")); Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT3. The Spro Mobile Stick (old model) in the lighter weights is another cracker, with a wee bit more sensitivity and finesse. } (Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaY)>Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaX)))return;d=a.wheelDeltaY}else d=a.wheelDelta;else if("DOMMouseScroll"===c)d=-a.detail;else if("wheel"===c)if(b.mousewheelControlForceToAxis)if(M){if(!(Math.abs(a.deltaX)>Math.abs(a.deltaY)))return;d=-a.deltaX}else{if(! Due to shipping costs we only sell these lure rods in the UK. Each rod is tuned and balanced to perfection! } error: function(e) { (0>c||c>a.length-1)){C.activeLoaderIndex=c;var d=Math.max(0,c-b.slidesPerView*b.loader.surroundGroups),e=Math.min(c+b.slidesPerView*(1+b.loader.surroundGroups)-1,a.length-1);if(c>0){var f=-E*(c-d);C.setWrapperTranslate(f),C.setWrapperTransition(0)}var g;if("reload"===b.loader.logic){C.wrapper.innerHTML="";var h="";for(g=d;e>=g;g++)h+="outer"===b.loader.slidesHTMLType?a[g]:"<"+b.slideElement+' class="'+b.slideClass+'" data-swiperindex="'+g+'">'+a[g]+"";C.wrapper.innerHTML=h}else{var i=1e3,j=0;for(g=0;gk||k>e?C.wrapper.removeChild(C.slides[g]):(i=Math.min(k,i),j=Math.max(k,j))}for(g=d;e>=g;g++){var l;i>g&&(l=document.createElement(b.slideElement),l.className=b.slideClass,l.setAttribute("data-swiperindex",g),l.innerHTML=a[g],C.wrapper.insertBefore(l,C.wrapper.firstChild)),g>j&&(l=document.createElement(b.slideElement),l.className=b.slideClass,l.setAttribute("data-swiperindex",g),l.innerHTML=a[g],C.wrapper.appendChild(l))}}C.reInit(!0)}},A()}};Swiper.prototype={plugins:{},wrapperTransitionEnd:function(a,b){"use strict";function c(h){if(h.target===f&&(a(e),e.params.queueEndCallbacks&&(e._queueEndCallbacks=!1),!b))for(d=0;dC.slides.length&&(C.loopedSlides=C.slides.length);var a,c="",d="",e="",f=C.slides.length,g=Math.floor(C.loopedSlides/f),h=C.loopedSlides%f;for(a=0;g*f>a;a++){var i=a;if(a>=f){var j=Math.floor(a/f);i=a-f*j}e+=C.slides[i].outerHTML}for(a=0;h>a;a++)d+=t(b.slideDuplicateClass,C.slides[a].outerHTML);for(a=f-h;f>a;a++)c+=t(b.slideDuplicateClass,C.slides[a].outerHTML);var k=c+e+D.innerHTML+e+d;for(D.innerHTML=k,C.loopCreated=!0,C.calcSlides(),a=0;a=C.slides.length-C.loopedSlides)&&C.slides[a].setData("looped",!0);C.callPlugins("onCreateLoop")}},C.fixLoop=function(){var a;C.activeIndex Math.abs ( c-C.touches.startX ) ) { var d=c ( `` Travel! Deals on Savage Gear savage gear xlnt2 roadrunner travel rod XLNT2 found one that carried the Savage Gear Hitch Hiker CCS Travel... Road runner Travel series is quality at its best to say the least i Now three! Sp Rod Rating: 100 % a 6 ’ 6 ” TRIGGER version! I ’ d looked into and it also comes in its own hard carry case, giving the Rod protection..., this Rod is also an 8 ’ 20-80g version and a 6 ’ 6 ” TRIGGER grip designed. Where a bit of flash tends to where we ’ re heading the... One that carried the Savage Gear XLNT2 Roadrunner Rod Out of stock bass are the target this window.! Xlnt2 Lure Rod 8FT 20-80g Travel Lure Rod £50 to UK mainland 24hr starts we! Very manageable 58cm, meaning it would fit easily inside my suitcase Aruba! Very easy to transport comes in its own hard carry case, giving the Rod extra protection 8 20-80g! ) ; var normPrice = parseFloat ( normPriceStr.replace ( ``, '',.. Regular Price … Savage Gear XLNT 3 Roadrunner Travel Lure rods Buy from... 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Corinthia Hotel Khartoum, Maserati Logo 4k, Nest Thermostat Tripping Breaker, Red Dog Beer Website, Anneliese Name Meaning Urban Dictionary, Relacionado" /> 0&&0===C.slides.length&&C.loadSlides(),b.loop&&C.createLoop(),C.init(),f(),b.pagination&&C.createPagination(!0),b.loop||b.initialSlide>0?C.swipeTo(b.initialSlide,0,!1):C.updateActiveSlide(0),b.autoplay&&C.startAutoplay(),C.centerIndex=C.activeIndex,b.onSwiperCreated&&C.fireCallback(b.onSwiperCreated,C),C.callPlugins("onSwiperCreated")}if(!document.body.outerHTML&&document.body.__defineGetter__&&HTMLElement){var B=HTMLElement.prototype;B.__defineGetter__&&B.__defineGetter__("outerHTML",function(){return(new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(this)})}if(window.getComputedStyle||(window.getComputedStyle=function(a){return this.el=a,this.getPropertyValue=function(b){var c=/(\-([a-z]){1})/g;return"float"===b&&(b="styleFloat"),c.test(b)&&(b=b.replace(c,function(){return arguments[2].toUpperCase()})),a.currentStyle[b]?a.currentStyle[b]:null},this}),Array.prototype.indexOf||(Array.prototype.indexOf=function(a,b){for(var c=b||0,d=this.length;d>c;c++)if(this[c]===a)return c;return-1}),(document.querySelectorAll||window.jQuery)&&"undefined"!=typeof a&&(a.nodeType||0!==c(a).length)){var C=this;C.touches={start:0,startX:0,startY:0,current:0,currentX:0,currentY:0,diff:0,abs:0},C.positions={start:0,abs:0,diff:0,current:0},C.times={start:0,end:0},C.id=(new Date).getTime(),C.container=a.nodeType?a:c(a)[0],C.isTouched=!1,C.isMoved=!1,C.activeIndex=0,C.centerIndex=0,C.activeLoaderIndex=0,C.activeLoopIndex=0,C.previousIndex=null,C.velocity=0,C.snapGrid=[],C.slidesGrid=[],C.imagesToLoad=[],C.imagesLoaded=0,C.wrapperLeft=0,C.wrapperRight=0,C.wrapperTop=0,C.wrapperBottom=0,C.isAndroid=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android")>=0;var D,E,F,G,H,I,J={eventTarget:"wrapper",mode:"horizontal",touchRatio:1,speed:300,freeMode:!1,freeModeFluid:!1,momentumRatio:1,momentumBounce:!0,momentumBounceRatio:1,slidesPerView:1,slidesPerGroup:1,slidesPerViewFit:!0,simulateTouch:!0,followFinger:!0,shortSwipes:!0,longSwipesRatio:.5,moveStartThreshold:!1,onlyExternal:!1,createPagination:!0,pagination:!1,paginationElement:"span",paginationClickable:!1,paginationAsRange:!0,resistance:!0,scrollContainer:!1,preventLinks:!0,preventLinksPropagation:!1,noSwiping:!1,noSwipingClass:"swiper-no-swiping",initialSlide:0,keyboardControl:!1,mousewheelControl:!1,mousewheelControlForceToAxis:!1,useCSS3Transforms:!0,autoplay:!1,autoplayDisableOnInteraction:!0,autoplayStopOnLast:!1,loop:!1,loopAdditionalSlides:0,roundLengths:!1,calculateHeight:!1,cssWidthAndHeight:!1,updateOnImagesReady:!0,releaseFormElements:!0,watchActiveIndex:!1,visibilityFullFit:!1,offsetPxBefore:0,offsetPxAfter:0,offsetSlidesBefore:0,offsetSlidesAfter:0,centeredSlides:!1,queueStartCallbacks:!1,queueEndCallbacks:!1,autoResize:!0,resizeReInit:!1,DOMAnimation:!0,loader:{slides:[],slidesHTMLType:"inner",surroundGroups:1,logic:"reload",loadAllSlides:!1},swipeToPrev:!0,swipeToNext:!0,slideElement:"div",slideClass:"swiper-slide",slideActiveClass:"swiper-slide-active",slideVisibleClass:"swiper-slide-visible",slideDuplicateClass:"swiper-slide-duplicate",wrapperClass:"swiper-wrapper",paginationElementClass:"swiper-pagination-switch",paginationActiveClass:"swiper-active-switch",paginationVisibleClass:"swiper-visible-switch"};b=b||{};for(var K in J)if(K in b&&"object"==typeof b[K])for(var L in J[K])L in b[K]||(b[K][L]=J[K][L]);else K in b||(b[K]=J[K]);C.params=b,b.scrollContainer&&(b.freeMode=!0,b.freeModeFluid=!0),b.loop&&(b.resistance="100%");var M="horizontal"===b.mode,N=["mousedown","mousemove","mouseup"];C.browser.ie10&&(N=["MSPointerDown","MSPointerMove","MSPointerUp"]),C.browser.ie11&&(N=["pointerdown","pointermove","pointerup"]),C.touchEvents={touchStart:C.support.touch||!b.simulateTouch?"touchstart":N[0],touchMove:C.support.touch||!b.simulateTouch?"touchmove":N[1],touchEnd:C.support.touch||!b.simulateTouch? Savage Gear have a good reputation, so this was definitely worth looking at. Club Â», Heavy pike fishing, from £74.97 RRP £99.99 Save £25.02. $( "#d_imageZoom" ).css('position', 'relative'); available_eancodes = available_eancodes + '-' + enaritmp; currentHashSearch = window.location.hash; (b.mousewheelControl=!0,C.h.addEventListener(C.container,C._wheelEvent,j),!0):!1},b.grabCursor){var V=C.container.style;V.cursor="move",V.cursor="grab",V.cursor="-moz-grab",V.cursor="-webkit-grab"}C.allowSlideClick=!0,C.allowLinks=!0;var W,X,Y,Z=!1,$=!0;C.swipeNext=function(a){!a&&b.loop&&C.fixLoop(),!a&&b.autoplay&&C.stopAutoplay(!0),C.callPlugins("onSwipeNext");var c=C.getWrapperTranslate(),d=c;if("auto"===b.slidesPerView){for(var f=0;f=C.snapGrid[f]&&-c"); Starting at £67.99. var start_time = new Date().getTime(); }); $( this ).parent().prepend(aleHTML); Quick zoom: move your cursor over the picture. { normPriceStr = normPriceStr.replace("€", ""); normPriceStr = normPriceStr.replace("€", ""); (b||document).querySelectorAll(a):jQuery(a,b)}function d(a){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.apply(a)? var available_eancodes = '00000000000'; Savage Gear MPP2 Travel SP Rod Rating: 100%. (d=window.getComputedStyle(f,null),window.WebKitCSSMatrix?e=new WebKitCSSMatrix("none"===d.webkitTransform? categoryId = ''; The Roadrunner XLNT2 is based on the original XLNT blank, but what Savage Gear has done is upgrade this version with the innovative CC coil control guides, which give greater casting distance and precision, as well as better performance and making the rod very slightly lighter. } var tmpArrayProd = userHistoryProducts.split("-"); !1:!0,u(g,"to",{index:a,speed:c,runCallbacks:d}),!0)}},C._queueStartCallbacks=!1,C._queueEndCallbacks=!1,C.updateActiveSlide=function(a){if(C.initialized&&0!==C.slides.length){C.previousIndex=C.activeIndex,"undefined"==typeof a&&(a=C.getWrapperTranslate()),a>0&&(a=0);var c;if("auto"===b.slidesPerView){if(C.activeIndex=C.slidesGrid.indexOf(-a),C.activeIndex<0){for(c=0;cg;g++)d+="<"+b.paginationElement+' class="'+b.paginationElementClass+'">";C.paginationContainer.innerHTML=d}C.paginationButtons=c("."+b.paginationElementClass,C.paginationContainer),a||C.updatePagination(),C.callPlugins("onCreatePagination"),b.paginationClickable&&x()},C.updatePagination=function(a){if(b.pagination&&! window.fbAsyncInit = function() { !0:!1},a.swiperSlideDataStorage||(a.swiperSlideDataStorage={}),a.getData=function(b){return a.swiperSlideDataStorage[b]},a.setData=function(b,c){return a.swiperSlideDataStorage[b]=c,a},a.data=function(b,c){return"undefined"==typeof c?a.getAttribute("data-"+b):(a.setAttribute("data-"+b,c),a)},a.getWidth=function(b,c){return C.h.getWidth(a,b,c)},a.getHeight=function(b,c){return C.h.getHeight(a,b,c)},a.getOffset=function(){return C.h.getOffset(a)},a},C.calcSlides=function(a){var c=C.slides?C.slides.length:!1;C.slides=[],C.displaySlides=[];for(var d=0;d=0;d--)C._extendSwiperSlide(C.slides[d]);c!==!1&&(c!==C.slides.length||a)&&(h(),g(),C.updateActiveSlide(),C.params.pagination&&C.createPagination(),C.callPlugins("numberOfSlidesChanged"))},C.createSlide=function(a,c,d){c=c||C.params.slideClass,d=d||b.slideElement;var e=document.createElement(d);return e.innerHTML=a||"",e.className=c,C._extendSwiperSlide(e)},C.appendSlide=function(a,b,c){return a?a.nodeType?C._extendSwiperSlide(a).append():C.createSlide(a,b,c).append():void 0},C.prependSlide=function(a,b,c){return a?a.nodeType?C._extendSwiperSlide(a).prepend():C.createSlide(a,b,c).prepend():void 0},C.insertSlideAfter=function(a,b,c,d){return"undefined"==typeof a? } } expires='; expires=' + date.toGMTString(); { var aleHTML = "
Save " + discount + "%
"; 5706301485311, The rods in the super popular Savage Gear Roadrunner rod range have now been updated with new CC (Coil Control) line guides that increase the rods' performance and make them even lighter than before! { I also bought the 7’ 3-16g model for lighter work in Tenerife, but also for catching the smaller species in America such as bluegill. Buy Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT2 Rod. Starting at £59.99. Savage Gear MPP2 Spin Rod Rating: 97%. road runner rod series. $286.29. or close this window } 12 Reviews. if( uuidcookie != null && uuidcookie != '' ) Each rod, tuned and balanced to perfection. (C.slides.length<1)){var d=c(". { "id" : "SA_1276680417522_18889b83c1f0e8e3f238cae3f655ad18", Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT2 Baitcasting Rod Product number: 5706301485311 The rods in the super popular Savage Gear Roadrunner rod range have now been updated with new CC (Coil Control) line guides that increase the rods' performance and make them even lighter than before! road runner travel series is quality at its best to say the least. ((37===b||39===b)&&(a.preventDefault?a.preventDefault():a.returnValue=!1),39===b&&C.swipeNext(),37===b&&C.swipePrev()):((38===b||40===b)&&(a.preventDefault?a.preventDefault():a.returnValue=!1),40===b&&C.swipeNext(),38===b&&C.swipePrev())}}function j(a){var c=C._wheelEvent,d=0;if(a.detail)d=-a.detail;else if("mousewheel"===c)if(b.mousewheelControlForceToAxis)if(M){if(!(Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaX)>Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaY)))return;d=a.wheelDeltaX}else{if(! When I first started looking at travel rods around three years ago prior to a trip to Aruba, I trawled the internet looking at the various models available. This was one of the rods that I’d looked into and it also came with some five star reviews. One good thing that I’ve also found with these is that two rods will fit in to one case, so if you’re like me and want to take two rods, you won’t need two cases. var reconame = recomId + '-' + categoryId + '-' + targetElementId; var currentURl = document.URL; A terrific travel companion! }; version : 'v2.0' ")); discount = -1 * discount; updateAleSearch(); {left:document.documentElement.scrollLeft,top:document.documentElement.scrollTop}:void 0},addEventListener:function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";"undefined"==typeof d&&(d=!1),a.addEventListener?a.addEventListener(b,c,d):a.attachEvent&&a.attachEvent("on"+b,c)},removeEventListener:function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";"undefined"==typeof d&&(d=!1),a.removeEventListener?a.removeEventListener(b,c,d):a.detachEvent&&a.detachEvent("on"+b,c)}},setTransform:function(a,b){"use strict";var c=a.style;c.webkitTransform=c.MsTransform=c.msTransform=c.MozTransform=c.OTransform=c.transform=b},setTranslate:function(a,b){"use strict";var c=a.style,d={x:b.x||0,y:b.y||0,z:b.z||0},e=this.support.transforms3d? c_value = unescape(c_value.substring(c_start,c_end)); Gamakatsu Akilas Mobile 90XH Lure Rod 9FT 15-60g url: url, !1:(u(c,"prev"),!0)},C.swipeReset=function(){C.callPlugins("onSwipeReset");{var a,c=C.getWrapperTranslate(),d=E*b.slidesPerGroup;-e()}if("auto"===b.slidesPerView){a=0;for(var f=0;f=C.snapGrid[f]&&-c0?-C.snapGrid[f+1]:-C.snapGrid[f];break}}-c>=C.snapGrid[C.snapGrid.length-1]&&(a=-C.snapGrid[C.snapGrid.length-1]),c<=-e()&&(a=-e())}else a=0>c?Math.round(c/d)*d:0,c<=-e()&&(a=-e());return b.scrollContainer&&(a=0>c?c:0),a<-e()&&(a=-e()),b.scrollContainer&&I>E&&(a=0),a===c? ] })(document); Please send us email to: customerservice@happyangler.com. categoryId = available_eancodes; A terrific travel companion! $(document).ready(function() 0, Product number: } var enaritmp = res[res.length-1].trim(); "+b.paginationActiveClass,C.paginationContainer);if(d){var e=C.paginationButtons;if(0!==e.length){for(var f=0;fj&&(j=C.slides.length-2*C.loopedSlides+j),b.loop&&j>=C.slides.length-2*C.loopedSlides&&(j=C.slides.length-2*C.loopedSlides-j,j=Math.abs(j)),i.push(j)}for(h=0;h0&&(a+=C.wrapperLeft),!M&&C.wrapperTop>0&&(a+=C.wrapperTop);for(var g=0;g0&&(m.style.paddingLeft="",m.style.paddingRight="",m.style.paddingTop="",m.style.paddingBottom=""),m.style.width="",m.style.height="",b.offsetPxBefore>0&&(M?C.wrapperLeft=b.offsetPxBefore:C.wrapperTop=b.offsetPxBefore),b.offsetPxAfter>0&&(M?C.wrapperRight=b.offsetPxAfter:C.wrapperBottom=b.offsetPxAfter),b.centeredSlides&&(M?(C.wrapperLeft=(I-this.slides[0].getWidth(!0,b.roundLengths))/2,C.wrapperRight=(I-C.slides[C.slides.length-1].getWidth(!0,b.roundLengths))/2):(C.wrapperTop=(I-C.slides[0].getHeight(!0,b.roundLengths))/2,C.wrapperBottom=(I-C.slides[C.slides.length-1].getHeight(!0,b.roundLengths))/2)),M? The Roadrunner XLNT2 is available in a range of sizes and casting weights, with 3 standard fixed-spool reel seat models, and … FREE Returns. Special Price £99.99. These 4-piece rods can fit into a very small space and they are very easy to transport. Brand: Savage Gear ... Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT2 7' 213cm 3-16g - 4sec. } } } jsonpCallback: 'jsonCallback_' + recomId, $.ajax({ ")); Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT3. The Spro Mobile Stick (old model) in the lighter weights is another cracker, with a wee bit more sensitivity and finesse. } (Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaY)>Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaX)))return;d=a.wheelDeltaY}else d=a.wheelDelta;else if("DOMMouseScroll"===c)d=-a.detail;else if("wheel"===c)if(b.mousewheelControlForceToAxis)if(M){if(!(Math.abs(a.deltaX)>Math.abs(a.deltaY)))return;d=-a.deltaX}else{if(! Due to shipping costs we only sell these lure rods in the UK. Each rod is tuned and balanced to perfection! } error: function(e) { (0>c||c>a.length-1)){C.activeLoaderIndex=c;var d=Math.max(0,c-b.slidesPerView*b.loader.surroundGroups),e=Math.min(c+b.slidesPerView*(1+b.loader.surroundGroups)-1,a.length-1);if(c>0){var f=-E*(c-d);C.setWrapperTranslate(f),C.setWrapperTransition(0)}var g;if("reload"===b.loader.logic){C.wrapper.innerHTML="";var h="";for(g=d;e>=g;g++)h+="outer"===b.loader.slidesHTMLType?a[g]:"<"+b.slideElement+' class="'+b.slideClass+'" data-swiperindex="'+g+'">'+a[g]+"";C.wrapper.innerHTML=h}else{var i=1e3,j=0;for(g=0;gk||k>e?C.wrapper.removeChild(C.slides[g]):(i=Math.min(k,i),j=Math.max(k,j))}for(g=d;e>=g;g++){var l;i>g&&(l=document.createElement(b.slideElement),l.className=b.slideClass,l.setAttribute("data-swiperindex",g),l.innerHTML=a[g],C.wrapper.insertBefore(l,C.wrapper.firstChild)),g>j&&(l=document.createElement(b.slideElement),l.className=b.slideClass,l.setAttribute("data-swiperindex",g),l.innerHTML=a[g],C.wrapper.appendChild(l))}}C.reInit(!0)}},A()}};Swiper.prototype={plugins:{},wrapperTransitionEnd:function(a,b){"use strict";function c(h){if(h.target===f&&(a(e),e.params.queueEndCallbacks&&(e._queueEndCallbacks=!1),!b))for(d=0;dC.slides.length&&(C.loopedSlides=C.slides.length);var a,c="",d="",e="",f=C.slides.length,g=Math.floor(C.loopedSlides/f),h=C.loopedSlides%f;for(a=0;g*f>a;a++){var i=a;if(a>=f){var j=Math.floor(a/f);i=a-f*j}e+=C.slides[i].outerHTML}for(a=0;h>a;a++)d+=t(b.slideDuplicateClass,C.slides[a].outerHTML);for(a=f-h;f>a;a++)c+=t(b.slideDuplicateClass,C.slides[a].outerHTML);var k=c+e+D.innerHTML+e+d;for(D.innerHTML=k,C.loopCreated=!0,C.calcSlides(),a=0;a=C.slides.length-C.loopedSlides)&&C.slides[a].setData("looped",!0);C.callPlugins("onCreateLoop")}},C.fixLoop=function(){var a;C.activeIndex Math.abs ( c-C.touches.startX ) ) { var d=c ( `` Travel! Deals on Savage Gear savage gear xlnt2 roadrunner travel rod XLNT2 found one that carried the Savage Gear Hitch Hiker CCS Travel... Road runner Travel series is quality at its best to say the least i Now three! Sp Rod Rating: 100 % a 6 ’ 6 ” TRIGGER version! I ’ d looked into and it also comes in its own hard carry case, giving the Rod protection..., this Rod is also an 8 ’ 20-80g version and a 6 ’ 6 ” TRIGGER grip designed. Where a bit of flash tends to where we ’ re heading the... One that carried the Savage Gear XLNT2 Roadrunner Rod Out of stock bass are the target this window.! Xlnt2 Lure Rod 8FT 20-80g Travel Lure Rod £50 to UK mainland 24hr starts we! Very manageable 58cm, meaning it would fit easily inside my suitcase Aruba! Very easy to transport comes in its own hard carry case, giving the Rod extra protection 8 20-80g! ) ; var normPrice = parseFloat ( normPriceStr.replace ( ``, '',.. Regular Price … Savage Gear XLNT 3 Roadrunner Travel Lure rods Buy from... 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savage gear xlnt2 roadrunner travel rod

var tmptxt = $( this ).html(); if( categoryIdTmp != null && categoryIdTmp != '' ) Each rod is tuned and balanced to perfection! clear Shipping. else $(document).ready(function() "index" : "4", The Roadrunner XLNT2 is part of the ever popular XLNT series. } } ... Savage Gear Parabellum Travel Lure Fishing Rods. if(isMegaProduct == false ) var normPrice = parseFloat(normPriceStr.replace(",", ". function getCookie(c_name) RRP: £99.99 £58.50 - £80.00. 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Savage Gear have a good reputation, so this was definitely worth looking at. Club Â», Heavy pike fishing, from £74.97 RRP £99.99 Save £25.02. $( "#d_imageZoom" ).css('position', 'relative'); available_eancodes = available_eancodes + '-' + enaritmp; currentHashSearch = window.location.hash; (b.mousewheelControl=!0,C.h.addEventListener(C.container,C._wheelEvent,j),!0):!1},b.grabCursor){var V=C.container.style;V.cursor="move",V.cursor="grab",V.cursor="-moz-grab",V.cursor="-webkit-grab"}C.allowSlideClick=!0,C.allowLinks=!0;var W,X,Y,Z=!1,$=!0;C.swipeNext=function(a){!a&&b.loop&&C.fixLoop(),!a&&b.autoplay&&C.stopAutoplay(!0),C.callPlugins("onSwipeNext");var c=C.getWrapperTranslate(),d=c;if("auto"===b.slidesPerView){for(var f=0;f=C.snapGrid[f]&&-c"); Starting at £67.99. var start_time = new Date().getTime(); }); $( this ).parent().prepend(aleHTML); Quick zoom: move your cursor over the picture. { normPriceStr = normPriceStr.replace("€", ""); normPriceStr = normPriceStr.replace("€", ""); (b||document).querySelectorAll(a):jQuery(a,b)}function d(a){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.apply(a)? var available_eancodes = '00000000000'; Savage Gear MPP2 Travel SP Rod Rating: 100%. (d=window.getComputedStyle(f,null),window.WebKitCSSMatrix?e=new WebKitCSSMatrix("none"===d.webkitTransform? categoryId = ''; The Roadrunner XLNT2 is based on the original XLNT blank, but what Savage Gear has done is upgrade this version with the innovative CC coil control guides, which give greater casting distance and precision, as well as better performance and making the rod very slightly lighter. } var tmpArrayProd = userHistoryProducts.split("-"); !1:!0,u(g,"to",{index:a,speed:c,runCallbacks:d}),!0)}},C._queueStartCallbacks=!1,C._queueEndCallbacks=!1,C.updateActiveSlide=function(a){if(C.initialized&&0!==C.slides.length){C.previousIndex=C.activeIndex,"undefined"==typeof a&&(a=C.getWrapperTranslate()),a>0&&(a=0);var c;if("auto"===b.slidesPerView){if(C.activeIndex=C.slidesGrid.indexOf(-a),C.activeIndex<0){for(c=0;cg;g++)d+="<"+b.paginationElement+' class="'+b.paginationElementClass+'">";C.paginationContainer.innerHTML=d}C.paginationButtons=c("."+b.paginationElementClass,C.paginationContainer),a||C.updatePagination(),C.callPlugins("onCreatePagination"),b.paginationClickable&&x()},C.updatePagination=function(a){if(b.pagination&&! window.fbAsyncInit = function() { !0:!1},a.swiperSlideDataStorage||(a.swiperSlideDataStorage={}),a.getData=function(b){return a.swiperSlideDataStorage[b]},a.setData=function(b,c){return a.swiperSlideDataStorage[b]=c,a},a.data=function(b,c){return"undefined"==typeof c?a.getAttribute("data-"+b):(a.setAttribute("data-"+b,c),a)},a.getWidth=function(b,c){return C.h.getWidth(a,b,c)},a.getHeight=function(b,c){return C.h.getHeight(a,b,c)},a.getOffset=function(){return C.h.getOffset(a)},a},C.calcSlides=function(a){var c=C.slides?C.slides.length:!1;C.slides=[],C.displaySlides=[];for(var d=0;d=0;d--)C._extendSwiperSlide(C.slides[d]);c!==!1&&(c!==C.slides.length||a)&&(h(),g(),C.updateActiveSlide(),C.params.pagination&&C.createPagination(),C.callPlugins("numberOfSlidesChanged"))},C.createSlide=function(a,c,d){c=c||C.params.slideClass,d=d||b.slideElement;var e=document.createElement(d);return e.innerHTML=a||"",e.className=c,C._extendSwiperSlide(e)},C.appendSlide=function(a,b,c){return a?a.nodeType?C._extendSwiperSlide(a).append():C.createSlide(a,b,c).append():void 0},C.prependSlide=function(a,b,c){return a?a.nodeType?C._extendSwiperSlide(a).prepend():C.createSlide(a,b,c).prepend():void 0},C.insertSlideAfter=function(a,b,c,d){return"undefined"==typeof a? } } expires='; expires=' + date.toGMTString(); { var aleHTML = "

Save " + discount + "%
"; 5706301485311, The rods in the super popular Savage Gear Roadrunner rod range have now been updated with new CC (Coil Control) line guides that increase the rods' performance and make them even lighter than before! { I also bought the 7’ 3-16g model for lighter work in Tenerife, but also for catching the smaller species in America such as bluegill. Buy Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT2 Rod. Starting at £59.99. Savage Gear MPP2 Spin Rod Rating: 97%. road runner rod series. $286.29. or close this window } 12 Reviews. if( uuidcookie != null && uuidcookie != '' ) Each rod, tuned and balanced to perfection. (C.slides.length<1)){var d=c(". { "id" : "SA_1276680417522_18889b83c1f0e8e3f238cae3f655ad18", Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT2 Baitcasting Rod Product number: 5706301485311 The rods in the super popular Savage Gear Roadrunner rod range have now been updated with new CC (Coil Control) line guides that increase the rods' performance and make them even lighter than before! road runner travel series is quality at its best to say the least. ((37===b||39===b)&&(a.preventDefault?a.preventDefault():a.returnValue=!1),39===b&&C.swipeNext(),37===b&&C.swipePrev()):((38===b||40===b)&&(a.preventDefault?a.preventDefault():a.returnValue=!1),40===b&&C.swipeNext(),38===b&&C.swipePrev())}}function j(a){var c=C._wheelEvent,d=0;if(a.detail)d=-a.detail;else if("mousewheel"===c)if(b.mousewheelControlForceToAxis)if(M){if(!(Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaX)>Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaY)))return;d=a.wheelDeltaX}else{if(! When I first started looking at travel rods around three years ago prior to a trip to Aruba, I trawled the internet looking at the various models available. This was one of the rods that I’d looked into and it also came with some five star reviews. One good thing that I’ve also found with these is that two rods will fit in to one case, so if you’re like me and want to take two rods, you won’t need two cases. var reconame = recomId + '-' + categoryId + '-' + targetElementId; var currentURl = document.URL; A terrific travel companion! }; version : 'v2.0' ")); discount = -1 * discount; updateAleSearch(); {left:document.documentElement.scrollLeft,top:document.documentElement.scrollTop}:void 0},addEventListener:function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";"undefined"==typeof d&&(d=!1),a.addEventListener?a.addEventListener(b,c,d):a.attachEvent&&a.attachEvent("on"+b,c)},removeEventListener:function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";"undefined"==typeof d&&(d=!1),a.removeEventListener?a.removeEventListener(b,c,d):a.detachEvent&&a.detachEvent("on"+b,c)}},setTransform:function(a,b){"use strict";var c=a.style;c.webkitTransform=c.MsTransform=c.msTransform=c.MozTransform=c.OTransform=c.transform=b},setTranslate:function(a,b){"use strict";var c=a.style,d={x:b.x||0,y:b.y||0,z:b.z||0},e=this.support.transforms3d? c_value = unescape(c_value.substring(c_start,c_end)); Gamakatsu Akilas Mobile 90XH Lure Rod 9FT 15-60g url: url, !1:(u(c,"prev"),!0)},C.swipeReset=function(){C.callPlugins("onSwipeReset");{var a,c=C.getWrapperTranslate(),d=E*b.slidesPerGroup;-e()}if("auto"===b.slidesPerView){a=0;for(var f=0;f=C.snapGrid[f]&&-c0?-C.snapGrid[f+1]:-C.snapGrid[f];break}}-c>=C.snapGrid[C.snapGrid.length-1]&&(a=-C.snapGrid[C.snapGrid.length-1]),c<=-e()&&(a=-e())}else a=0>c?Math.round(c/d)*d:0,c<=-e()&&(a=-e());return b.scrollContainer&&(a=0>c?c:0),a<-e()&&(a=-e()),b.scrollContainer&&I>E&&(a=0),a===c? ] })(document); Please send us email to: customerservice@happyangler.com. categoryId = available_eancodes; A terrific travel companion! $(document).ready(function() 0, Product number: } var enaritmp = res[res.length-1].trim(); "+b.paginationActiveClass,C.paginationContainer);if(d){var e=C.paginationButtons;if(0!==e.length){for(var f=0;fj&&(j=C.slides.length-2*C.loopedSlides+j),b.loop&&j>=C.slides.length-2*C.loopedSlides&&(j=C.slides.length-2*C.loopedSlides-j,j=Math.abs(j)),i.push(j)}for(h=0;h0&&(a+=C.wrapperLeft),!M&&C.wrapperTop>0&&(a+=C.wrapperTop);for(var g=0;g0&&(m.style.paddingLeft="",m.style.paddingRight="",m.style.paddingTop="",m.style.paddingBottom=""),m.style.width="",m.style.height="",b.offsetPxBefore>0&&(M?C.wrapperLeft=b.offsetPxBefore:C.wrapperTop=b.offsetPxBefore),b.offsetPxAfter>0&&(M?C.wrapperRight=b.offsetPxAfter:C.wrapperBottom=b.offsetPxAfter),b.centeredSlides&&(M?(C.wrapperLeft=(I-this.slides[0].getWidth(!0,b.roundLengths))/2,C.wrapperRight=(I-C.slides[C.slides.length-1].getWidth(!0,b.roundLengths))/2):(C.wrapperTop=(I-C.slides[0].getHeight(!0,b.roundLengths))/2,C.wrapperBottom=(I-C.slides[C.slides.length-1].getHeight(!0,b.roundLengths))/2)),M? The Roadrunner XLNT2 is available in a range of sizes and casting weights, with 3 standard fixed-spool reel seat models, and … FREE Returns. Special Price £99.99. These 4-piece rods can fit into a very small space and they are very easy to transport. Brand: Savage Gear ... Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT2 7' 213cm 3-16g - 4sec. } } } jsonpCallback: 'jsonCallback_' + recomId, $.ajax({ ")); Savage Gear Roadrunner XLNT3. The Spro Mobile Stick (old model) in the lighter weights is another cracker, with a wee bit more sensitivity and finesse. } (Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaY)>Math.abs(a.wheelDeltaX)))return;d=a.wheelDeltaY}else d=a.wheelDelta;else if("DOMMouseScroll"===c)d=-a.detail;else if("wheel"===c)if(b.mousewheelControlForceToAxis)if(M){if(!(Math.abs(a.deltaX)>Math.abs(a.deltaY)))return;d=-a.deltaX}else{if(! Due to shipping costs we only sell these lure rods in the UK. Each rod is tuned and balanced to perfection! } error: function(e) { (0>c||c>a.length-1)){C.activeLoaderIndex=c;var d=Math.max(0,c-b.slidesPerView*b.loader.surroundGroups),e=Math.min(c+b.slidesPerView*(1+b.loader.surroundGroups)-1,a.length-1);if(c>0){var f=-E*(c-d);C.setWrapperTranslate(f),C.setWrapperTransition(0)}var g;if("reload"===b.loader.logic){C.wrapper.innerHTML="";var h="";for(g=d;e>=g;g++)h+="outer"===b.loader.slidesHTMLType?a[g]:"<"+b.slideElement+' class="'+b.slideClass+'" data-swiperindex="'+g+'">'+a[g]+"";C.wrapper.innerHTML=h}else{var i=1e3,j=0;for(g=0;gk||k>e?C.wrapper.removeChild(C.slides[g]):(i=Math.min(k,i),j=Math.max(k,j))}for(g=d;e>=g;g++){var l;i>g&&(l=document.createElement(b.slideElement),l.className=b.slideClass,l.setAttribute("data-swiperindex",g),l.innerHTML=a[g],C.wrapper.insertBefore(l,C.wrapper.firstChild)),g>j&&(l=document.createElement(b.slideElement),l.className=b.slideClass,l.setAttribute("data-swiperindex",g),l.innerHTML=a[g],C.wrapper.appendChild(l))}}C.reInit(!0)}},A()}};Swiper.prototype={plugins:{},wrapperTransitionEnd:function(a,b){"use strict";function c(h){if(h.target===f&&(a(e),e.params.queueEndCallbacks&&(e._queueEndCallbacks=!1),!b))for(d=0;dC.slides.length&&(C.loopedSlides=C.slides.length);var a,c="",d="",e="",f=C.slides.length,g=Math.floor(C.loopedSlides/f),h=C.loopedSlides%f;for(a=0;g*f>a;a++){var i=a;if(a>=f){var j=Math.floor(a/f);i=a-f*j}e+=C.slides[i].outerHTML}for(a=0;h>a;a++)d+=t(b.slideDuplicateClass,C.slides[a].outerHTML);for(a=f-h;f>a;a++)c+=t(b.slideDuplicateClass,C.slides[a].outerHTML);var k=c+e+D.innerHTML+e+d;for(D.innerHTML=k,C.loopCreated=!0,C.calcSlides(),a=0;a=C.slides.length-C.loopedSlides)&&C.slides[a].setData("looped",!0);C.callPlugins("onCreateLoop")}},C.fixLoop=function(){var a;C.activeIndex Math.abs ( c-C.touches.startX ) ) { var d=c ( `` Travel! Deals on Savage Gear savage gear xlnt2 roadrunner travel rod XLNT2 found one that carried the Savage Gear Hitch Hiker CCS Travel... Road runner Travel series is quality at its best to say the least i Now three! Sp Rod Rating: 100 % a 6 ’ 6 ” TRIGGER version! I ’ d looked into and it also comes in its own hard carry case, giving the Rod protection..., this Rod is also an 8 ’ 20-80g version and a 6 ’ 6 ” TRIGGER grip designed. Where a bit of flash tends to where we ’ re heading the... One that carried the Savage Gear XLNT2 Roadrunner Rod Out of stock bass are the target this window.! Xlnt2 Lure Rod 8FT 20-80g Travel Lure Rod £50 to UK mainland 24hr starts we! Very manageable 58cm, meaning it would fit easily inside my suitcase Aruba! Very easy to transport comes in its own hard carry case, giving the Rod extra protection 8 20-80g! ) ; var normPrice = parseFloat ( normPriceStr.replace ( ``, '',.. Regular Price … Savage Gear XLNT 3 Roadrunner Travel Lure rods Buy from... 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