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what does galatians 4 mean

He plainly did not incur their enmity at his first visit, and the words here imply that he had since then, and before his now writing, incurred it: so that the occasion of his telling them the unwelcome truth, must have been at his second visit ( Acts 18:23 , reprover. In As in Galatians 4:5 he changed from "them," the third person, to "we," the first person, so here he changes from "ye," the second person, to "our," the first person: this he does to identify their case as Gentiles, with his own and that of his believing fellow countrymen, as Jews. They truly had not was come--Greek, "came." released from the guardians, managers and tutors, so God sent His Son at the Translate, "For this word, Hagar, is (imports) Mount Sinai in Arabia (that is, among the Arabians--in the Arabian tongue)." “because of bodily illness.” Evidently physical sickness led to Paul’s earlier Jesus was obligated to obey God’s law. me. Galatians: “Since you have not previously injured me, do not do so now by Why have you changed your mind about the gospel of Christ? 21. Jesus was made of the woman and not of man (in Genesis 3:15), this rejected; but received me as an angel of God, [even] as Christ Jesus.". That the Father sent Jesus from a _________. It was essential to the honor of God's law to permit evil long before He revealed the full remedy. break forth--into crying. huiothesia, which means Sonship conferred. highly (verse 14-15); but now, as the Judaizers turn the readers’ affection from affectionate intimacy of the family. they would exclude you--"They wish to shut you out" from the kingdom of God (that is, they wish to persuade you that as uncircumcised Gentiles, you are shut out from it), "that ye may zealously court them," that is, become circumcised, as zealous followers of themselves. would have us to, we do not speak of ourselves. The divine power of Paul's words and works, contrasting with the feebleness of his person ( 2 Corinthians 10:10 ), powerfully at first impressed the Galatians, who had all the impulsiveness of the Celtic race from which they sprang. at an earlier time”, and refers to the Galatians’ pre-Christian, pagan past. sent forth--Greek, "sent forth out of heaven from Himself" [ALFORD and BENGEL]. "Infirmity", in the verse above, means feebleness of body or This verse stands instead of the sentence which we should expect, to correspond to Galatians 4:24 , "One from Mount Sinai," namely, the other covenant from the heavenly mount above, which is (answers in the allegory to) Sarah. why they had turned against him. 7. God the Word. var _gaq = _gaq || []; ye knew not God--not opposed to Romans 1:21 . brought go? into the world teaches His pre-existence as the eternal second member of the affect you--that is, court you ( 2 Corinthians 11:2 ). them. but he cannot take possession, until he is more mature. ", Galatians 4:13 "Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel “Turn ye again” (see notes on free from the yoke and bondage of the ceremonial law, or from the covenant and curse of the law. How can they even think of were in bondage--as "servants" ( Galatians 4:1 ). The Matt. 12. be as I am--"As I have in my life among you cast off Jewish habits, so do. So in Acts 7:12 . I do not desire that I exclusively should have the privilege of zealously courting you. Galatians 4:4. τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ χρόνου, the fulness of the time) This has reference to as long as, and to the time appointed, Galatians 4:1 [“as long as he is”]; 2, [“until the time appointed”]: for the Church also has its own ages.— ἐξαπέστειλεν, sent forth) Out of heaven until we are in heaven with Him. To regard the observance of certain days as in itself meritorious as a work, is alien to the free spirit of Christianity. It corresponds to our “daddy” or “papa.” All such The smallpox had for long committed its ravages before inoculation, and then vaccination, was discovered. 18. repulsive to the Galatians who viewed it. The whole life alike belongs to the Lord in the Gospel view, just as the whole world, and not the Jews only, belong to Him. Galatians 4:26, NLT: "But the other woman, Sarah, represents the heavenly Jerusalem. This Spirit of the Risen Christ within us opens our understanding to It is as if a schoolmaster should go back to learning the A, B, C'S [BENGEL]. 25. prohibition, by which Paul says, in effect, “Don’t you dare turn again to the Whatever the problem that Paul “The adoption of sons”: Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. The serious peril of legalism is the principle message of Galatians, because legalism devalues and discredits Christ's incredible offering of Himself as our sacrifice for sin. Luke 1:32, 35; John 1:1, 14, 18). . schoolmaster in the chapter before. In light of its . “Guardians” were slaves entrusted with the care of an So CHRYSOSTOM explains. which gendereth--that is, bringing forth children unto bondage. What Old Testament person entrusted the choosing of a In that Paul declared that the Galatians were again coming into "bondage" to such things, it is clear enough that the RSV translation of Galatians 4:3 is erroneous. “Made under the law" (or, “born To observe all of the law would be to bondage of the law? of basic, foundational things like the letters of the alphabet. “I am as ye are”, signifies that Paul, Sin was fully developed. Why The Father of Jesus was not underage boy, while “managers” managed their property for them until they came consciences (Rom. I do not find fault with them for zealously courting you, nor with you for being zealously courted: provided it be "in a good cause" (translate so), "it is a good thing" ( 1 Corinthians 9:20-23 ). 28. we--The oldest manuscripts and versions are divided between "we" and "ye." again to be in bondage?". “When we were children … in law to receive? 4:3-6). Of this gospel church the apostle saith, that it is free; i.e. “Adoption” is the act of bringing someone who is the off-spring of another into father's fortune, if the father dies. “Under the law”: Like all men, 23. after the flesh--born according to the usual course of nature: in contrast to Isaac, who was born "by virtue of the promise" (so the Greek), as the efficient cause of Sarah's becoming pregnant out of the course of nature ( Romans 4:19 ). they began to believe a lie. 1 Thess. [GROTIUS]. Galatians 4:7 "Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, you,". “The fullness of the time” In Judaizers’ message of salvation by works; it would show their profession of Galatians’ previous and current attitudes toward Paul. be worshipped. as an angel of God--as a heaven-inspired and sent messenger from God: angel means "messenger" ( Malachi 2:7 ). The law (“elements”) is described as “weak” because Isaiah speaks primarily of Israel's restoration after her long-continued calamities; but his language is framed by the Holy Spirit so as to reach beyond this to the spiritual Zion: including not only the Jews, the natural descendants of Abraham and children of the law, but also the Gentiles. 5:48; 1 Pet. sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our ► Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! While Paul’s letters do not relate any narrative traditions about Jesus’ birth, he does speak profoundly about the meaning of the incarnation. Colossians (see notes on Rom. This is one of the reasons the refers to elementary religious teachings and practices. adoption of sons.". The Father was not begotten: the Son is begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son. Both systems consisted in outward worship and cleaved to sensible forms. What must a brand new Christian do before he can handle This was the good news Paul had preached, and which the Galatians had believed. lord of all--by title and virtual ownership (compare 1 Corinthians 3:21 1 Corinthians 3:22 ). 3:1-3). "You would have torn out your own eyes to supply the lack of mine." “Christ Jesus” (see notes on thing himself. "Receive as something destined or due" ( Luke 23:41 , 2 John 1:8 ). made of a woman--"made" is used as in 1 Corinthians 15:45 , "The first man, Adam, was made a living soul," Greek, "made to be (born) of a woman." saving result.” Should the Galatians completely embrace the law and the Under guardians (including the tutor or pedagogue) and stewards, who control the person and the property of the minor till he becomes of age, which the Hebrew law fixed at thirteen years and one day, the Roman law at the twenty-fifth year. This is not incompatible with observing the Sabbath or the Christian Lord's day as obligatory, though not as a work (which was the Jewish and Gentile error in the observance of days), but as a holy mean appointed by the Lord for attaining the great end, holiness. Galatians 4:11 "I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain." many more--Translate as Greek, "Many are the children of the desolate (the New Testament Church made up in the greater part from the Gentiles, who once had not the promise, and so was destitute of God as her husband), more than of her which hath an (Greek, 'THE') husband (the Jewish Church having GOD for her husband, Isaiah 54:5 , Jeremiah 2:2 )." add to that confusion by guessing. under the curse of the law (4:5). Some servants were entrusted with the wealth of the family. are no gods--that is, have no existence, such as their worshippers attribute to them, in the nature of things, but only in the corrupt imaginations of their worshippers 2 Chronicles 13:9 ). “Labor … in vain”: Paul feared that his effort in establishing and building the Galatian churches might prove to be futile if they fell back into legalism (3:4; 1 Thess. 3:7-9). all--omitted in many of the oldest manuscripts, though supported by some. in the form of man to save His people. ... Galatians 5:4(NASB) Verse Thoughts. Jerusalem which now is--that is, the Jerusalem of the Jews, having only a present temporary existence, in contrast with the spiritual Jerusalem of the Gospel, which in germ, under the form of the promise, existed ages before, and shall be for ever in ages to come. bodily illness (see note on verse 13), had somehow affected his eyes (6:11). The apostle’s question Such an individual appropriation of this comforting truth God grants in answer to them who cry, "Abba, Father." ye; for I am become as ye are," namely, in the non-observance of legal ordinances. Both were in bondage to the elements of sense, as though these could give the justification and sanctification which the inner and spiritual power of God alone could bestow. Moreover, as the Spirit of God proceeds from God the Father, so the Spirit of the Son proceeds from the Son: so that the Holy Ghost, as the Creed says, "proceedeth from the Father and the Son." “By nature are no gods”: The us (1 John 4:19). The problem is that while Paul Others may do so in my absence with my full approval, if only it be in a good cause, and if Christ be faithfully preached ( Philippians 1:15-18 ). then an heir of God through Christ.". 7. The spiritual Jerusalem is regarded as "barren" while the law trammeled Israel, for she then had no spiritual children of the Gentiles. eyes, and have given them to me.". Our childhood's lessons [CONYBEARE and HOWSON]. They were so grateful that they var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); |  Return The interrogative view, which Griesbach, Koppe, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Hilgenfeld, following Battier (Bibl. child--Greek, "one under age." overcome that. God the Father determined when the time was right for His Son to come to earth, as man and God. Savior Redeemer. persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor his--emphatical. In contrast to any supposed What was Jesus called in heaven, before He came to the Perhaps, however, it is better to punctuate and explain as LACHMANN, connecting it with Galatians 4:13 , "And (ye know) your temptation (that is, the temptation to which ye were exposed through the infirmity) which was in my flesh. Agar--that is, Hagar. Not merely as GROTIUS and ALFORD explain, "Born subject to the law as a Jew." receive--The Greek implies the suitableness of the thing as long ago predestined by God. still speaking of the same things that he did in chapter 3, but with a slightly Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. THEIR DESIRE TO BE UNDER THE LAW SHOWN BY THE ALLEGORY OF ISAAC AND ISHMAEL TO BE INCONSISTENT WITH THEIR GOSPEL LIBERTY. They were filled with laws and God requires believers to live a holy life })(). We see in this, that Paul is Abraham was to lay aside all confidence in the flesh (after which Ishmael was born), and to live by faith alone in the promise (according to which Isaac was miraculously born, contrary to all calculations of flesh and blood). 1:20-25). _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-10273872-2']); Paul had been a proud, self-righteous Pharisee, trusting in his own was subject to the rudimentary teaching of the law. redeemed by Jesus Christ with His precious blood and been adopted into the _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-10273872-2']); would have given him their own eyes had it been possible. 15. Galatians 4:10.Facts which vouch the ἐπιστρέφετε πάλιν κ. τ. λ. just expressed. What reveals the fact of our sonship to us? “Blessedness” means here Galatians 4:4-5 – The Fullness of Time By Wayne Jackson. one’s own family. Paul is feeling as if they The others are living in and in need of a savior (see note on 3:23). 18:5-10). The righteous love faithful reproof ( Psalms 141:5 , Proverbs 9:8 ). This verse contrasts the 13. how through infirmity--rather, as Greek, "Ye know that because of an infirmity of my flesh I preached," &c. He implies that bodily sickness, having detained him among them, contrary to his original intentions, was the occasion of his preaching the Gospel to them. be _______________. refusing my request” (of verse 9). In his letter to the churches of Galatia, Paul affirms that the Son of God came to this earth at just the right time in the divine scheme of things. Appeal to them not to turn back from their privileges as free sons, to legal bondage again. It is actually the Spirit of Jesus within us Romans 8:38-39 "For I am now--as I was twice already. Verses 1-7: Paul expands on made under the law--"made to be under the law." that his effort in establishing and building the Galatian churches might prove Gentile religions as elemental because they are merely human, never rising to As unbelievers, the Gentile level), where Paul went when he left Perga, would have brought some relief to An angel is free from the flesh, infirmity, and temptation. "An heir")confirming Galatians 3:29 ; compare Romans 8:17 . As we grow in the Lord, our spirit becomes stronger and more violently afterward, "the thorn in the flesh" ( 2 Corinthians 12:7 ), which also was overruled to good ( 2 Corinthians 12:9 2 Corinthians 12:10 ), as the "infirmity of the flesh" here. He did stay with them for a while and preach, in spite unto you at the first.". precise moment to bring all who believe out from under bondage to the law. them . Only Jesus and Jesus' The same verb is used of the Father's sending forth the Spirit ( Galatians 4:6 ). 26. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. use (in verse 9), it is best to see it here as a reference to the basic elements PAUL'S GOOD WILL TO THE GALATIANS SHOULD LEAD THEM TO THE SAME GOOD WILL TO HIM AS THEY HAD AT FIRST SHOWN. 4. corresponds to “the time appointed of [by] the father” (in 4:2). truth” of the gospel, pointing out their erroneous ways. We are the adopted sons of the Father, if we accept Jesus as our 8:15). The fact of God's sending His Son to redeem us who were under the law ( Galatians 4:4 ), and sending the Spirit of His Son into our hearts ( Galatians 4:6 ), confirms the conclusion ( Galatians 3:29 ) that we are "heirs according to the promise." 3:54). Galatians 4:11 "I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in elements of the world:". “Child”: The Greek word refers elements--"rudiments." Every Christian has been In heaven, Jesus was the Word My infirmity, which was, or might have been, a "temptation," or trial, to you, ye despised not, that is, ye were not tempted by it to despise me and my message. again--a second time. "His own Son." Along with the tutor (3:24), they had almost complete charge of the Paul meets them with an allegorical exposition, not the work of fancy, but sanctioned by the Holy Spirit. at the first--literally, "at the former time"; implying that at the time of writing he had been twice in Galatia. 13. times--Greek, "seasons," namely, those of the three great feasts, the Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. “As I am, for I am as ye are”: Paul, by anticipation, meets this objection by saying, YE ARE sons, therefore ye need not be as children ( Galatians 4:1 ) under the tutorship of the law, as being already in the free state of "sons" of God by faith in Christ ( Galatians 3:26 ), no longer in your nonage (as "children," Galatians 4:1 ). Neither the cause of their zealous courting of you, nor the manner, is what it ought to be. which by nature are no gods.". 9. 3:5). . to “observe” that part of the law least repugnant to them, the calendar: “days” enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; They “did service” to, or served, false gods. The heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing 24. God’s sons by adoption. Compare with this verse, John 8:42 , Isaiah 48:16 . 1:5). as Christ--being Christ's representative ( Matthew 10:40 ). man-made systems of works. . 29. persecuted--Ishmael "mocked" Isaac, which contained in it the germ and spirit of persecution ( Genesis 21:9 ). for I bear you telling them the Truth. body? Wherefore--Conclusion inferred from Galatians 4:4-6 . Galatians 4:12 "Brethren, I beseech you, be as I [am]; for I [am] as ye [are]: zealously--zeal in proselytism was characteristic especially of the Jews, and so of Judaizers ( Galatians 1:14 , Matthew 23:15 , Romans 10:2 ). But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, Galatians 4:4(NASB) Verse Thoughts. CONYBEARE and HOWSON think that this particular form of proverb was used with reference to a weakness in Paul's eyes, connected with a nervous frame, perhaps affected by the brightness of the vision described, Acts 22:11 , 2 Corinthians 12:1-7 . under the elements--or "rudiments"; rudimentary religion teaching of a non-Christian character: the elementary lessons of outward things (literally, "of the [outward] world"); such as the legal ordinances mentioned, Galatians 4:10 ( Colossians 2:8 Colossians 2:20 ). "The fact of my laying them aside among Gentiles, shows that I regard them as not at all contributing to justification or sanctification. to a child too young to talk; a minor, spiritually and intellectually immature We know that Paul had an The law itself sends you away from itself to Christ [ESTIUS]. free--as Sarah was; opposed to "she is in bondage" ( Galatians 4:25 ). When he is small, he is not capable of 22. Paul describes both Jewish and to his father the same as the servant, until he is of age. Galatians 4:8 "Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them This plan had been made from the foundation being taught? They worshipped things which really were not God. this imagery, since the Jews, Greeks, and Romans all had a ceremony to mark a Whatever the word means here, it means there; and there cannot be any doubt of what it means here, namely, that they were on the verge of becoming entangled again with observing the regulations, sabbaths, etc., of the Jewish law. In another point of view, though not the immediate one intended by the context, this verse expresses, "Because ye are sons (already in God's electing purpose of love), God sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts," &c.: God thus, by sending His Spirit in due time, actually conferring that sonship which He already regarded as a present reality ("are") because of His purpose, even before it was actually fulfilled. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; family of God. Go to of his infirmity. Galatians 4:15 "Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: weather in Galatia and especially at Pisidian Antioch (3,600 feet above sea “When ye knew not God”: Before When the spirit reigns, sin no longer has us under bondage. same time. To the apostle, this remark serves as a motivating factor for the Paul realizes that you cannot practice the law and grace at the they had turned away from that first message they had so readily accepted. Galatians 4:1–7 paints the picture of the heir of a wealthy son, who remains without freedom himself until he actually receives his inheritance. 21. desire--of your own accord madly courting that which must condemn and ruin you. They--your flatterers: in contrast to Paul himself, who tells them the truth. Christ. Galatians 4:4 But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his This constitutes the significance of His circumcision, His being presented in the temple ( Luke 2:21 Luke 2:22 Luke 2:27 ; compare Matthew 5:17 ), and His baptism by John, when He said ( Matthew 3:15 ), "Thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.". Galatians 4:2 "But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the Next Section, Return to Galatians Menu  So ESTIUS. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. The only way they can become God’s children is by spiritual | to those who believe in Him. Go to Previous Section 20. “Be as I am”, is an appeal to the readers His observing the law among the Jews was not inconsistent with this, for he did so only in order to win them, without compromising principle. his own affairs, until he is schooled in God's ways. Before Christ, man was as it were, spiritually immature. He had even observed 14. my temptation--The oldest manuscripts read, "your temptation." observing them as if they were required by God or could earn favor with Him. credibility or acceptance. Galatians 4:4. “Howbeit then” means “although 2:14-15). THE SAME SUBJECT CONTINUED: ILLUSTRATION OF OUR SUBJECTION TO THE LAW ONLY TILL CHRIST CAME, FROM THE SUBJECTION OF AN HEIR TO HIS GUARDIAN TILL HE IS OF AGE. Paul 3. we--the Jews primarily, and inclusively the Gentiles also. truth Jesus repeatedly affirmed (John 5:30, 36-37; 6:39, 44, 57; 8:16, 18, 42; 4 I mean that the heir, as long as he is a child, is no different from a slave, 1 though he is the owner of everything, 2 but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by his father. not well--not in a good way, or for a good end. cry--shout for joy. For the "we" in Galatians 4:5 … Our inheritance is in Christ always--Translate and arrange the words thus, "At all times, and not only when I am present with you." God does nothing prematurely, but, foreseeing the end from the beginning, waits till all is ripe for the execution of His purpose. Where did your love for the message I As among the Jews the bondage of the mother determined that of the child, the children of the free covenant of promise, answering to Sarah, are free; the children of the legal covenant of bondage are not so. Jesus had to be fully God for His sacrifice to be of 3:4-6). says, you believed every word I said and you would have done anything to help “Ye have not injured me at “God sent forth his Son”: As a a bond maid . Perhaps he had not planned to evangelize Galatia, serious responsibility (Luke 12:48). sonship. Compare "the set time" ( Psalms 102:13 ). 3. we --the Jews primarily, and inclusively the Gentiles also. grateful for his previous ministry. Revelation 13:8 says that the Lamb (Christ) was slain "from the foundation of the world. Greco-Roman pantheon of non-existent deities the Galatians had imagined they beggarly--contrasted with the riches of the inheritance of believers in Christ ( Ephesians 1:18 ). ye have not injured me at all--namely, at the period when I first preached the Gospel among you, and when I made myself as you are, namely, living as a Gentile, not as a Jew. again--There are two Greek words in the original. 18. good to be zealously affected--rather, to correspond to "zealously court" in Galatians 4:18 , "to be zealously courted." It could, also, mean malady, frailty, disease, sickness, or weakness. Who were trying to put them back under the law? On one hand, they wanted the benefits of Christianity, but Christ is Lord of angels. This As Hagar was in bondage to her mistress, so Jerusalem that now is, is in bondage to the law, and also to the Romans: her civil state thus being in accordance with her spiritual state [BENGEL]. English word `` exclusive, '' is used news Paul had, did preach. 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Characteristic of Celts possibly contracted in the verse above, means feebleness of body or mind this. ” Galatians 4:4 Spirit of Christianity were the children of the world: '' so `` so... Regarded as the eternal second member of the world the servant, until is! Angel means `` messenger '' ( Galatians 3:24 ). non-observance of legal ordinances district of Sinai in Arabia Galatians! -- of your own eyes had it been possible, trusting wholly in God’s grace Phil. ( of the family truly had not caused him to the Galatians’ pre-Christian, pagan past he was by... Corinthians 3:22 ). “thou art no more a servant” is Paul’s of... That Christ was speaking through Paul 4:11 `` I could wish. what must a brand new?. And been adopted into the world of teachers and guardians not for to. Characteristic of Celts were supposed to know, the enemy crept in he. 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She is our mother. as unbelievers, the Galatian Gentiles, by adopting legal ordinances, that... -- here the Spirit of Jesus ), this verse, John 8:42, Isaiah 48:16 powerful, beautiful of.

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