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why would crooks torment lennie about george not coming back?

...Of mice and men Even though Candy and Crooks have both lived on the ranch for years, Candy has never been in Crooks' room, because he is Black. George does not want to shoot Lennie and kill him because they are best friends and George loves Lennie. To show that he know he is less than everyone else because he thinks his opinions and story are not important to Lennie. When he does, George shoots him in the back of the head. The more Crooks presses Lennie, the more Lennie becomes scared and upset. She then begins to become more aggressive when they ask her to leave, saying ‘Think I don't like to talk to somebody ever once in a while?’, ‘Think I like to stick in that house alla time?’ She also begins to snap back at the men and flares up, throwing those insults, calling them "bindle stiffs" and confesses again to her loneliness by asking herself why she is even talking to them. Initially, I felt some sort of hatred towards Crooks for enjoying the pain he is inflicting upon Lennie. So that’s why Crocks said to Lennie that George is not coming back. This relates to The Novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. 14 When crooks talked about George not coming back to look after Lennie his "face lighted with please in his torture". It shows the reader not only Lennie’s insecurities and fears but his emotional attachment to George. George’ll be mad.’ And ‘but George’ll be mad if you yell.’ This dialogue... ...Steinbeck Create Tension in Chapter Three in Of Mice and Men Furthermore, another way we can examine Lennie is through Steinbeck’s use of action. Should the West continue providing aid to Africans or should nature be left to take its course? Lennie, confused, tells Crooks that George would never do that. The language of ‘scairt’ is how George describes Lennies reaction to Curley, who started the fight. "'Long as you won't get out and leave me alone, you might as well set down." That George doesn't really like Lennie. does crooks appreciate having lennie and candy invade his private living space? Still have questions? These costs include insurance, salaries, and insurance. Crooks scowled, but Lennie's disarming smile defeated him. He also says “A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody” this is seen by his cruelty... ...Costs and budgets Why does Crooks make Lennie believe that George will not come back for him? Crooks bitterly says that every ranch-hand has the same dream. In the book Lennie killed George’s dream to having his own farm. Crooks backs off, and tells Lennie that he was really talking about himself. “He won’t do it,” Lennie cried. He is the only black person on the ranch so has absolutely no one to talk to. 6. However Crocks is always alone, he has no friends, and he wants to have a friends like George and Lennie. So if the GOP shoots it down, what will this say about Republicans? This will increase the awkward atmosphere in the room because no one is quite sure as to how Candy can be comforted. Crocks has hated by everyone since he was born because he is black, and he also has hated himself. Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Others threaten him such as Curley’s wife who says, “You know what I can do to you if you open your trap”, showing how powerless Crooks is and he has absolutely no freedom. Perhaps Steinbeck did this to show the reader the simplicity of the lives of the migrant workers. + 5. Crooks taunts him with the possibility that George may end up hurt or never coming back much to Lennie’s defiance. He wants to be included in Lennie and George's plans. Crooks tries to take this statement back when he sees how big and scary Lennie actually is. Because he wants Lennie to suffer and understand what he has suffered Write a program which should store 20 book codes in an integer array called books. He says ‘Oh! Shows how many products they need to produce and sell Loneliness is damaging to Curley’s wife because she is portrayed as an inferior character. She does not have a kind word for anyone. It indicates that they were living with pests such as, “lice” and “roaches” to show that the inhabitants’ lives was full of bad events that they had... of empathy towards Lennie due to his immediate confusion yet, as I read it, I also began to feel appreciation for Crooks and the way he acts despite the emotional uproar he causes Lennie to experience. Yet, as I continued to read, I began to understand why Crooks took delight in making Lennie feel this way. It shows how racism is much more severe than sexism. “Le’s say he wants to come back and can’t. As a way of tormenting and asserting his power, Crooks tries to make lennie believe that George is not returning from his night in town, “s’pose George don’t come back no more. The point is known as breakeven and shows how many products they need to produce and sell. Variable costs do change in the business. Steinbeck uses a variety of techniques such as similes and animal imagery andalso profanities to determine George and Lennies relationship. Throughout the book Of Mice and men, the novel demonstrates the impact of loneliness though Curley’s wife. crooks tortures lennie by saying george isn't coming back and does not care about him , he take pleasure because he is always lonely. Of Mice and Men is a novella written by Nobel Prize-winning author John Steinbeck. Why do liberals claim that anything not on the BBC or in The Guardian is "fake news" and "disinformation"? fixed costs are costs that do not change, nevertheless of the number of goods that are sold. The other characters think of him as being dirty and inferior to white people and Crooks himself has become so used to being alone since his child hood that he doesn’t even bother talking to anyone else. The bunkhouse is also portrayed as not being a hygienic place,”a small yellow can”. how does crooks torture lennie,and why does he take pleasure in it ? About a group of women who are friends? The adjective, “whitewashed” presents the clinical nature of hospital which the patients can not personalise. S’pose he gets killed or hurt so he can’t come back.” Lennie struggled to understand. Chapter 6 Entry 1 Weather they make 100 or 1000 products these costs must be paid. Firstly he plants the suggestion that George may not come back from the town, and that he may abandon Lennie - 'I said s'pose George went in to town toniht and you never heard of him no more.' The characters do not want the silence present, meaning the shot will be heard by Candy. Loneliness Variable Actually, I think Crooks is turning the tables and taunting Lennie because it makes him feel better about himself. Yet he stays in Crooks’ doorway, even after Crooks says he is not welcome and tells him to go back to the bunk-house. Steinbeck does this to symbolise that the inhabitants had to cope with the depressing reality of the effects of the Great Depression as they were living in it. “George won’t do nothing like that,” he repeated. Based on Steinbeck's own experiences as a bindle stiff in the 1920s (before the arrival of the Okies he would vividly describe in The Grapes of Wrath), the title is taken from Robert Burns's poem, To a Mouse, which is often quoted as: "The best-laid plans of mice and men/often go awry," though the phrase in the original Scots of the poem is "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men/Gang aft agley.". Tension is also created by Steinbeck using the word ‘silence’ to describe the atmosphere of the room leading up to the dog being shot. That George was gambling all of their money away. 6. This portrays the simple nature of the bunkhouse and it's only purpose: housing the ranch hands. ...The first example of love from George to Lennie is when the characters first run over to the pool. Breakeven Crooks resents the fact that Lennie has a close relationship with George and is optimistic about his future. Crooks is explaining to Lennie, who has suffered loneliness for a long time, that he is worried that George may never come back and then Lennie would be alone. … ‘snorting into the water like a horse… forgodsakes don’t drink so much… Jesus Christ you crazy bastard.’ The animal imagery of a horse makes Lennie seem slappy, awkward and unhygienic. That Lennie was not smart. ‘Lennie was just scairt… he didn’t know what to do.’ This colloquial language portrays George in his most natural role: as Lennie’s guardian. Crooks proceeds cruelly, suggesting perhaps that George was hurt or killed, keeping him from returning. I think he is really loneliness person. It is about the pecking order. Since Crooks is a black man, he unable to have much power; but he takes advantage of Lennie’s disability, and gains power over Lennie. How Does Steinbeck Create Tension in Chapter Three in Of... ...WHO IS THE LONELIEST CHARATCTER ON THE RANCH? Towards the end of the novel Steinbeck made Curley’s wife sound like a very sweet and innocent women, who caused no harm in the world before she died. Crooks taunts him with the possibility that George may end up hurt or never coming back much to Lennie’s defiance. We are told that when Crooks begins to taunt Lennie about George not coming back, his reaction was, “Lennie reassured himself in a frightened voice.” Here he is likened to a vulnerable child who has lost a parent, emphasising his juvenile mentality. He has his own living quarters unlike the other workers as they think he stinks therefore he can’t play cards or do other social activities’ with anyone. In what way does Crooks torture Lennie? Monitoring budgets 2 ways of budgeting Even the law is against him so he can’t even escape. Perhaps what Crooks wants more than anything else is a sense of belonging—to enjoy simple pleasures such as the right to enter the bunkhouse or to play cards with the other men. Please recommend a happy book? Frankie’s furniture producing chairs will have variable requirements for amounts of wood, leather, depending on how many chairs they produce. These include Crooks, Candy, Curley and Curley’s wife. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. As his torment continues, Lennie begins to grow dubious of his own certainty. Trump supporters, what will you think if the GOP refuses to support Trump's $2000 stimulus bill? Calculating breakeven even allows Frankie’s furniture to work out how many products they need to sell before they can make profit o the products In ‘Of mice and men’ Curley's wife's second appearance in Crooks' room, the reader discovers why Curley's wife acts as such a temptress, and begins to feel sympathy for the character when it is discovered she is in fact extremely lonely. Breakeven = fixed costs Yet there are some people left out into the cold. 3. lennie is like mental so he is like a kid. George excuses Lennies actions by saying he was simply ‘scairt’. Then Crooks teases Lennie about what would happen to him if George did leave him- Crooks takes advantage of Lennie because it … Frankie’s furniture could use the calculations that they make fixed costs, variable costs and sales to work out the point is known as breakeven and shows how many products they need to produce and sell. It is clear to readers that Curley’s wife knows her beauty is her power. Play this game to review Literature. When Crooks asks Lennie why he is in the barn at night, Lennie states, “I come to see my pup” (69). She even mocks her own husband when he gets badly injured. “Le’s say he wants to come back and can’t. This is reflected in the characters of the novel, who are all lonely however some are lonelier than others. 5. In fact, he tries to calm Lennie down when he sees he is upset. Some readers may have concluded that Steinbeck made them less important than other characters in the book, since they were left out by most. Anyone have a idea how old this book is? What comment does Candy make about being in Crooks’ room? Does Crooks think that they will attain their dream? Fixed costs do not change in the business e.g. Why does Crooks torture Lennie? Of Mice and Men clearly demonstrates that loneliness destroys people as with Curley’s Wife, Crooks, and between Lennie and George. As his torment continues, Lennie begins to grow dubious of his own certainty. This makes the reader feel that all Candy can think about is his dog being shot, and this also brings a tense feel. Slim tells Candy that he “can have any of them pups he wants.” However, Candy refuses to acknowledge his offer, strengthening the already tense atmosphere in the bunkhouse. This is the reason why he attacks Lennie on the prospect of George not coming back from town. Types of costs Point where sales meet costs The new $2000 stimulus bill is supported by Trump and the Democrats. Part(a) Question 21 How does Steinbeck use details in this passage to present the bunkhouse and its inhabitants? Crooks also prods Lennie about his relationship with George and scares Lennie by suggesting that George might not come back. What is ironic about Crooks, of all the hands, being an educated man? It is also quite strange how a woman has more power than a man, especially in this very sexist time period. Steinbeck uses the technique of colloquial language to show how protective George is of Lennie. An' then I'll come back … “George is careful. This is because he is segregated due to his race. She uses her power to flirt with other ranch hands to make her husband jealous even though she was in ingenuous person. ‘ “He won’t do it,” Lennie cried.’ She's rude, selfish and sometimes viciously cruel. 2. crooks, candy, and lennie all are crippled in their own way. She expressed to the readers that even though people can be lonely, we all establish and show that we have our own humanity. Crooks begins to tease Lennie, in that he begins to upset him by telling him that George might not come back. This makes it seem like a very quiet atmosphere. Crooks is usually tormented and taunted himself, so Lennie is weaker and someone he can get at, and so he taunts Lennie. She mocks the men she deems weaker than herself, belittling them for their dream of having a farm of their own. Variable costs are costs that do change but depends to the output. Crooks is really just posing a hypothetical question--what if George doesn't come back?--perhaps thinking that Lennie will be able to sympathize with Crooks' position of being all alone. During their conversation, Lennie reveals the secret about the farm, which Crooks initially thinks Lennie is making up. Why does Crooks make Lennie believe that George will not come back for him? Zero... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. Or I'll set in some poolroom till ever'body goes home. Curley’s wife isn’t even given a name in the story. White individuals as slavery hadn ’ t even escape is usually tormented and himself... Wants to come back to look after Lennie his `` face lighted with please his. Talking about himself wants Lennie to suffer and understand what he has suffered Lennie, and also. 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