Straight Power 11 raises the bar for systems that demand virtually inaudible operation without power … Dark Power Pro 12 1200w Review en Español. BQT P10-1200W power supply pdf manual download. This gets the job done and it's nice to have a PSU that matches my be quiet… The fan inlet of the Straight Power 11 Platinum 1200W is funnel-shaped. For more information about the use of cookies or to change your settings please click on „Information about the use and rejecting of cookies“. Dark Power Pro 12 1200W is certified with 80 PLUS Titanium and an energy efficiency rating of up to 94.7%. ❯ Information about the use and rejecting of cookies. In this review, we will put … Be Quiet! Straight Power 11 Platinum 1200W, BN645, Fully Modular, Power Supply (68 Total Review) Hot Selling Product Features 80 PLUS Platinum efficiency (up to 93 9%) Virtually inaudible Silent Wings 3 … 80 PLUS ® Platinum efficiency … dark power pro 10. The high-end Silent Wings 3 fan delivers best-of-class airflow yet produces very little noise. The power supply is also rated for 100% continuous output at 50C. The new flagship line from be quiet! Be Quiet! is a premium brand manufacturer of power supplies, cases and cooling solutions for your desktop PC. 1200w 80plus platinum, fully modural CPU is water cooled They are rated to 105°C, ensuring stability, reliability and a long operating life. Dark Power Pro 11 1200W, BN655, Modular, 80 Plus Platinum, Power Supply 4.6 out of 5 stars 105 $279.99 In stock on December 22, 2020. 完全デジタル制御(PFC、LLC、SR / 12V)とフルブリッジトポロジー. By clicking a logo of one of our online premium partners you will be transferred directly to the selected be quiet! be quiet! Be quiet! OCP(過電流保護回路) 企業様で書類を必要とする場合は、別途ご相談ください。, Copyright © Owltech Co.,Ltd. SCP(短絡回路保護) View and Download BE QUIET! Product information: Dark Power Pro 12 1200W 80 Plus Titanium Modular Power Supply CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES AND PERFORMANCE The be quiet! says it's committed to building silent products, including the company's top PSU line, the Dark Power Pro 11. product in the shop of the particular supplier: You can find further partners, who you can buy be quiet! Dark Power Pro 12 1200W offers 80 PLUS Titanium efficiency and world class performance due to fully digital control and frameless fan concept. Straight Power 11 Platinum 1200W setzt neue Maßstäbe für flüsterleise Systeme mit herausragender Effizienz. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features В трех точках из четырех, необходимых для сертификата 80 PLUS Titanium, блок питания be quiet! The Dark Power Pro 11 1200W model takes that a step further with a power conversion topology that delivers 80PLUS Platinum performance, add to that an unparalleled array of enhancements that … BQT P10-1200W user manual online. Dark Power Pro 12 1200W, BN646, 80 Plus Titanium Efficiency, Power Supply, ATX, Fully Digital, Modular, virtually inaudible Silent Wings Fan 4.1 out of 5 stars 14 2 offers from $999.98 UVP(低電圧保護回路), Silent Wings 3 By clicking on the „Accept“ button, you agree to the use of cookies. OVP(過電圧保護回路) OTP(過温度保護回路) DARK POWER PRO 11 850W Power Supply PSU Unboxing & Overview! be … be quiet!製 80PLUS titanium認証 1200W ATX電源 DARK POWER PRO 12 BN856. Please activate them. Our 1,200W model weighs 2.4kg and measures 200mm deep, 150mm wide and 86mm tall, so make sure there is enough room in your system. При … Seasonic FOCUS GX-850, 850W 80+ Gold, Full-Modular, … 取扱説明書兼保証書 × 1, 本製品はRoHS対応商品です。 This provides lots of benefits for your high-end system, including less power … The standby drain is below 0.1 watts. Dark Power Pro 12 1200W Общие характеристики Мощность 1200 Вт Стандарт ATX12V 2.51 / EPS12V PFC активный Система охлаждения 1 вентилятор (135 мм) … Dark Power Pro 12 1200w. That is why we have built only high-quality Japanese capacitors into the PSU chassis. This provides lots of benefits for your high-end system, … This provides lots of benefits for your high-end system, including less power consumption and an overall cooler and quieter operation. * PC Games Hardware (2006-2019), GfK (2007-2020). Dark Power Pro 12 1200W 80+ Titanium PSU from be quiet! Sign In Upload … 80 PLUS® Titanium認証取得. Also for: Bqt p10-1000w, Bqt p10- 850w. says it's committed to building silent products, including the company's top PSU line, the Dark Power Pro 11. I upgraded my box to use a second graphics card so I needed to upgrade my power supply. The Dark Power Pro 11 1200W model takes that a step further with a power conversion topology that delivers 80PLUS® Platinum performance, add to that an unparalleled array of enhancements that augment this unit's compatibility, convenience of use, reliability, and safety, and the result is the most technologically-advanced power supply be quiet! Das be quiet! These cookies help us provide you with the best online experience, to continually improve our website and present you with offers that are tailored for you. This results in improved cooling airflow and less signal disturbance, simply because of a lack of wiring, and ultimately pushes the lifetimes of the components to a maximum. Dark Power Pro 11 1200W PSU Review be quiet! is not just their current flagship, it’s also one of the top 3 models in the market today in terms of output, … Entra aquí para leer un análisis sobre: Be Quiet! is named Dark Power Pro 12 and lists two members, with 1200W and 1500W max power. Dark Power Pro 12 1200W Power Supply is 80PLUS titanium certified with an energy efficient rating of up to 94.7%, world class power … be quiet! Be Quiet! 電源取り付け用インチねじ × 4 電源の省エネ性能や安定性の指標となっている80PLUS プログラムにおいて、最高レベルの80 PLUS® Titanium認証を取得しています。コンピューターの電源が20%~100%の負荷環境下において、電源変換効率80%以上がスタンダードという基準に対して、50%のシステム負荷環境下に94%の効率性を発揮します。, 完全デジタル制御(PFC、LLC、SR / 12V)により効率とレギュレーションが向上しリップルノイズが低減します。これは比類のない安定した動作を保証します。デジタルコンセプトにより、DARK POWER PRO12は、低負荷でも、全出力範囲にわたって優れた効率を達成することができます。, be quiet!製のSilent Wings fanは通常の負荷で最大のエアフローと高い静音動作を可能にします。これは独自のエアフローが最適化されたファンブレードの設計と、高度な流体動圧軸受および6極ファンモータにより振動が少なく超長寿命で、電力消費が最小限に抑えられています。, DARK POWER PRO12の分割ファン吸気口は、不要な乱気流を減らしながら空気の流れを増やす特殊な形状のファンネルです。内部のワイヤーフリー設計により冷気が電源内の部品に行き渡り最終的にはより長い寿命につながります。, DARK POWER PRO12は、強力で安定した12Vレールにより特にオーバークロックに適した電源となっています。オーバークロックキーを使用すると、デフォルトの6つの12Vレールモードと代替の大規模なシングルレール動作を手動で切り替えることにより、オーバークロックを完全に制御できます。, 120cmまでのモジュラーシングルスリーブケーブルにより、PCパーツの導入時や整備時のケーブルの取り回しの煩わしさを軽減し、最大サイズのPCケースでもエアフローが増加し冷却性が向上します。, 高度なデジタルフルブリッジ、LLCおよび同期整流器(SR)テクノロジーを使用して、比類のない信号安定性と比類のない電力効率を提供します。また、DC-DC変換を備えており、過負荷状態でも厳しい電圧レギュレーションが可能です。これにより次世代のプロセッサとグラフィックスカードの信頼性の高い動作が保証されます。, DARK POWER PRO12はPSUシャーシに高品質の日本製コンデンサーのみを組み込んでいます。定格は105°Cで、安定性、信頼性、および長い動作寿命を保証します。, 本製品は長期の10年間の新品交換保証付きです。 80 PLUS ® Platinum-Zertifizierung mit einer Effizienz von bis zu 93,9%. Check here which cables are compatible and don't need to be replaced. Both are made by CWT and use a new platform that features … 出力 : 1200W. You cannot proceed without functionality cookies. The cheapest we could find the unit was at … fan speed (rpm), temperature-dependent, Dimensions without cable (L x W x D), (mm), OCK slot bracket with switch / OCK jumper, Express replacement service in first year, Dimensions, shipping box (L x W x H), (mm), Virtually inaudible Silent Wings 3 135mm fan, Funnel-shaped fan opening of the PSU case for high airflow intake, Wire-free inside the PSU on the DC side for enhanced cooling and longevity, Modular cables for maximum build flexibility, Multi-GPU support with six PCIe connectors, Japanese 105°C-rated capacitors ensure stability and reliability. Straight Power 11 Platinum 1200W Power Supply The PSU, as previously mentioned, comes in a bubble wrap bag, which helps to keep the unit from damage during shipping. be quiet! … - Duration: … The latest release is the new Dark Power Pro 12 series, which includes the 1200W … The most technologically-advanced PSU be quiet! Usually, … Fluid Dynamic Bearing (流体軸受け) 135mm FAN, 電源ユニット(本製品) × 1 be quiet! In this review, we will put … Straight Power 11 Platinum 1200W is certified with 80 PLUS Platinum efficiency, reaching up to 93.9%. One of the highest efficiency certificates available, Pushing the longevity of components to a maximum, Rock-steady signal stability and efficiency, Max. It causes an increased throughput of air which benefits to a higher cooling performance. has ever … This is thanks to its unique, optimized fan blade design along with an advanced fluid-dynamic bearing and 6-pole fan motor that largely eliminates operational noise, has a super-long life and minimal power consumption. お客様に安心してお使いいただけるように、品質だけでなくサポート体制も重視しております。, OPP(過負荷保護回路) In this review, we will put … is no stranger to power supply units (PSU), and the company has been making them for many years. Thanks to the modular cables, all cables that serve no purpose in the system are left out. At the same time installation is performed much more conveniently. The brand new Dark Power Pro 12 1500W fully digital power supply unit by be quiet! Dark Power Pro 11 1200W PSU Review be quiet! says it's committed to building silent products, including the company's top PSU line, the Dark Power Pro 11. has ever built! 電源ケーブル × 1 The DC-to-DC conversion for tight voltage regulation, even under heavy cross-loading conditions ensures reliable operation for the next generation of processors and graphics cards. Straight Power 11 1200W 80 PLUS Platinum Power Supply from be quiet! products from, in the Where to buy section on our website. Straight Power 11 Platinum 1200W raises the bar for systems that demand virtually inaudible operation and outstanding efficiency. be quiet! Experience the most technologically advanced power supply be quiet! be quiet! An absolute innovation: The Straight Power 11 Platinum 1200W is wire-free on the DC side inside the PSU body. ご使用中に万が一不具合などが発生した場合、無償新品交換を保証いたします。(新品交換保証には条件がございます。詳しくは商品付属の保証書・保証規約をご確認ください。) be quiet! has ever built. Dark Power Pro 11 1200W PSU Review be quiet! Designed for computer builders and tech … World Class Quiet and Efficiency. Para bequiet la nueva generación de fuentes Dark Power … uses cookies (including from 3rd parties) to collect … Be Quiet! All Rights Reserved, be quiet!製 80PLUS titanium認証 1200W ATX電源 DARK POWER PRO 12 BN856, be quiet!製 遮音性と多様性に優れた ATXミドルタワーPCケース SILENT BASE 802シリーズ, be quiet!製 優れたエアフローとARGB LED搭載 ATXミドルタワーPCケース PURE BASE 500DX シリーズ, be quiet!製 優れた冷却性能と静音性能 120mm サイドフローCPUクーラー SHADOW ROCK 3 BK004, マザーボード倒立配置ができるbe quiet!製 ゲーミングPC ATX 静音タワーケース DARK BASE 700, マザーボード倒立配置ができるbe quiet!製 ゲーミングPC ATX 静音タワーケース SILENT BASE 801, be quiet!製 高品質ケースファン PWM ハイスピード仕様 SILENT WINGS 3, be quiet!製 高品質ケースファン スタンダードモデル PURE WINGS 2. be quiet! The highest efficiency certificate available Dark Power Pro 12 1200W is certified with 80 PLUS Titanium and an energy efficiency rating of up to 94.7%. You are already using a be quiet! Only the best components are used in Straight Power 11 Platinum 1200W. As expected, the connectors are fully modular. Характеристики be quiet! Dark Power Pro 11 850W, BN653, Modular, 80 Plus Platinum, Power Supply GAMEMAX Power Supply 850W Fully Modular 80+ Gold Certified with Addressable RGB Light Mode, RGB-850 Thermaltake Toughpower GF1 650W 80+ Gold SLI/ CrossFire Ready Ultra Quiet 140mm Hydraulic Bearing Smart Zero Fan Full Modular Power Supply … … Using an advanced full bridge, LLC and Synchronous Rectifier (SR) technology it provides unmatched signal stability and unbeatable power efficiency. For this reason, systems always appear very tidy. Dark Power Pro 12 1200W offers 80 PLUS® … ケーブル結束用バンド Dark Power Pro 11 1200W is be quiet!’s most advanced PSU ever. With 1200W of continuously available power and an overclocking key that switches between four-rail and single-rail operation, it has … be quiet Dark Power Pro 11 1200W an der Teststation geprüft Die Hardwarechecker Loading... be quiet! Dark Power Pro 12 1200W Power Supply The be quiet! power supply and want to upgrade your system with a new STRAIGHT POWER 11 | 1200W Platinum ? Cookies on WORLD CLASS QUIET AND EFFICIENCY be quiet! uses cookies (including from 3rd parties) to collect information about the use of the website by users. CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES AND PERFORMANCE The Dark Power Pro 12 features an unrivalled efficiency of up to … This power supply does the trick. Straight Power 11 Platinum 1200W raises the bar for systems that demand virtually inaudible operation and outstanding efficiency. Dark Power Pro 12 1200W показал значения выше минимального уровня. A smoother airflow results from the uncluttered layout of the system, which means lower noise and temperatures prevail inside the case. be quiet! Help ensure a steady and reliable flow of power to your computer by using the Straight Power 11 1200W 80 Plus Platinum Modular Power Supply from be quiet!. lists the Dark Power Pro 10 1200W power supply with an MSRP of $309. At the same time installation is performed much more conveniently 11 1200W PSU Review quiet. In this Review, we will put … be quiet! ’ s most advanced ever. Advanced full bridge, LLC and Synchronous Rectifier ( SR ) technology it provides unmatched stability! That is why we have built only high-quality Japanese capacitors into the PSU.! Fan delivers best-of-class airflow yet produces be quiet power supply 1200w little noise that is why we built. Are rated to 105°C, ensuring stability, reliability and a long operating.!, we will put … be quiet! ’ s most advanced PSU ever for systems that demand inaudible! 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