English lessons and exercises > English test #115645: Modals Can/Must > Other English exercises on the same topic: Modals [ Change theme ] > Similar tests: - Modal : may/might - Placement test 1 - Modal can (video) - Modal verb : must / have to - Modal : can/could - Must / Have to - Modal verbs - Modal verbs Can you lose weight when you can’t exercise? 2. Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. That's a police car. I can swim. Things I can’t do. I can’t drive a car. Could in the past means the general ability to do something. (obligation), c) We/watch TV after doing our homework. Fill in can or can't (cannot) into the gaps. Page 2 has exercises with animals. She can’t drive. - You must (obligation) take your cap off, and you can't (= interdiction) put it back before you go out. He _____ speak French. Match the halves of the sentences to complete the following sentences in English containing modal verb can. Swimming exercises the whole body and is a great way to tone up and get trim. 5. ability, request or possibility/permission. Modals With Passive Voice 1 / 2 14. I'm sure you do this exercise alone: it's very easy! I hope you find it useful. Hi! No, you . can, can't, cannot, Online Exercise - Learning English Online with our free exercises. Depending on your injury/mobility – you may be able to modify some exercises to keep you fit. → question? You can also maintain a healthy eating plan by monitoring your calorie counts. Menu. Explain your exercise goals to friends and family and ask them to support and encourage you. 1. Remember! They include: Holding your breath during any activity. Modals – permission and obligation: Grammar test 1. endobj 2. Can she write with her left hand? can can't. → question? Tetê Prata. They are speeding, so they. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.contact … You can't always get to the gym. Fully editable! I cannot drive. Can the girls play hockey? Read each sentence carefully and choose either can or can't for each space to complete the sentence. can should 10. If can’t run, maybe you can cycle or swim. Good for kids! For negatives you can add ‘n't’ or 'not'. Sorry. Can/Can´t exercises worksheet . (permission/possibility), e) David/run 900 metres in 4 minutes? As a media-savvy society we are well informed of the importance of exercise and inundated with the latest fitness trends to support this. Level: elementary … You can run fast. Read the explanation to learn more. OR I wasn't able to come last night, sorry. I'm on my way. 2. 7. I'm on my way. Permission can. Mum, I go out tonight? Complete the following sentences using can or can't. Menu. 20 question sentences with Answer Key on Page 2 Level: Beginner … A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Can/can´t, shared by English language teachers. It´s an easy OE for students to practise the use of the modals CAN, CAN´T, MUST and MUSTN´T. 6. He play football very well, 2. but he play rugby: he's not good at rugby. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. It will help you regulate the portions to consume. Can I sit here? 4. Can Can't Exercises 5-6-7 Mustn't vs Don't Have to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 8-9-10 Must vs Have to / Has to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 11. Yes, you can / No you can’t Yes s/he can / No s/he can’t Yes they can / No they can’t. 3. Olivia can play the guitar. _____ you make a fire? You can’t … Write short answers (with pronouns) to the questions below. Can / can't - exercises Can - intermediate level Home. a. - You must (obligation) take your cap off, and you can't (= interdiction) put it back before you go out. English grammar practice exercise, intermediate level. Task No. You can't (a physical incapacity ) swim well enough. When I was a child, I could play whenever I wanted to. Free tutorial can - can't. I could have married her, if I had wanted to. Whatever the case, if you're stuck at home, you can still squeeze in a … '___ you swim'? Things I can do. auxiliary verbs exercise. Can I sit here? (ability), f) She/be Italian (certainty that something is impossible), g) He/come from the USA. Fun exercises to improve your English. Alex can write exciting articles. Can or can't worksheets and online activities. Grammar Worksheet Can and Could. endobj Can/Can't Gap Fill Exercise. Can can't exercises. shouldn't can't. She can ride a bike. I can’t eat meat. Need more practice? Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct word. with some examples. I’m not coordinated or athletic. Tetê Prata. Doing a few lengths involves most of the muscle groups. Grammar test 1. Can - can't exercises. If you found this grammar guide about CAN in English useful, let others know about it: Grammar Notes. Both statements are completely untrue: 1. 2. Students look at the pictures and choose between the affirmative or negative form of ´CAN´ from the given answers. Can Exercises ¨Can ¨ or ¨can´t¨? I couldn't come last night, sorry. Welcome! Modal Verbs of Ability Exercise 1. Review modal verbs of ability here Download this quiz in PDF here. We often use verbs with modal meanings to talk about permission and obligation. I can’t eat meat. I can swim. <> endobj d) Anne doesn't usually get good marks, but she had a very good mark in the maths exam. %PDF-1.5 (certainty that something is true). It becomes even more critical when you are also relying on it to help you lose weight. can - can't There are 3 exercises for beginners to practice the modal verb CAN. <>>> Answers. 5. You can’t lose weight when you can’t exercise. → negative sentence. Must / Mustn't / Needn't / Have to 12-13. And you have your reasons. It even includes a “Safer Exercise Guide” with full descriptions, cues, and video tutorials for the 36 safest exercises. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! They can speak English. You can run fast. Grammar Rule Examples. We also use “can” to talk about ability (“I can play the guitar), and to talk about possibility (“It can sometimes rain in summer in the UK”). ���O�{g�b�(�a������ � I�NR ;3)K��;l�o㘿��,��e=[�qP�q�v�3�2�f/ ��*�$�)p��$TAQ�3�߇�P5�f����G��',RvDo��M�t��(�r�S:Y��ʚ�pK��ҕ�j&�4��Y�]�s�;�?�*�=�`���f�"��5qpM��>��7���W��a�%E���l����XE��м��S�V(&ۀ��Ꜳ�Ƽ�����9��nY��a��A��F@�4� ���څV I _____ afford that. Welcome! can can't. can, cannot, can't. Can or Can't Exercise 2. She said I could come as often as I liked. 2 0 obj I can’t drive a car. Grammar Rule Examples. / I can play the piano. ; to say someone has the ability to do something (or not): I can eat vegetables. Modals Exercises 2. can We don’t use can as a modal of deduction. Check your results by clicking on "Submit Worksheet" Also See: Can or Can't Explanations Can or Can't Exercises 1 Can Wh Questions Can vs Could Exercises Could or Was-Were able … I _____ swim a hundred meters. Exercise is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are four activities with different levels of difficulty and a short grammar explanation. I can swim. Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. <> Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. 1. 3. Speaking Practice: Answer the questions in this video. Jack could not go to work yesterday because he was ill. 4. They can speak English. shouldn't can't. x��X�n�6}7��G �i�u��%���Hc} Modify Exercises If You Can. It's 7:15 now, so he. 1 0 obj For negatives you can add ‘n't’ or 'not'. Complete the following sentences using can or can't. He _____ speak French. Ability We use can/can’t to talk about ability in the present (=things that we know how to do). can, cannot, can't. Use 'can' or 'be able to' to express an ability or possibility. swim We can use can and can’t to talk about abilities in the present. He can't correct the mistakes. Make it right! CHECK ANSWERS (Your answers will be displayed in a new window) Back to list of exercises. Need more practice? Downloadable worksheets: ACTION VERBS PICTIONARY Level: elementary Age: 11-17 Downloads: 2655 : ACTIONS flash cards Level: elementary Age: 8-17 Downloads: 2153 : What are you doing? can should 10. You can motivate each other and turn your workouts into a social event. 3 0 obj Can you remember everything or can't you remember anything?! Possibility We use can/can’t to ask for permission or to say if something is possible or not. + indicates an affirmative sentence, -indicates a negative sentence. d) We/help our parents with the housework. Show example. You must be tired after the long journey. Therapists. can-can´t. Thanks. 1. I was able to finish before 6. With gyms still shut down across the US, people have been buying home exercise equipment faster than companies can make it. (+/can) Englisch-hilfen.de/ can in sentences, questions and negations – Exercise. Examples: I could run very fast when I was young. Laura can sing very well. Exercises you can do if you're sick this winter and can't work out I can swim. I had always loved exercise and committed a few hours each week to engage in some type of physical activity. An online exercise to teach the modal verb CAN. Here are two things for you: 10 Essential Fluency Phrases – Get the phrases for easy conversations NEW: Get An Advanced English Vocabulary In 30 Days – Go from Intermediate to Advanced level I _____ swim a hundred meters. Depending on your injury/mobility – you may be able to modify some exercises to keep you fit. In each sentence choose which answer is needed to make the sentence work. I _____ speak French, but I know how to ask for someone's name and age. We can see the film. Losing weight is about burning more calories than consuming. NOTE that COULD is only the past of CAN when it is used for ABILITY. ; to say someone has the ability to do something (or not): I can eat vegetables. Try our Can - Can't - Cannot Game. Losing weight is NOT about counting calories. Questions with 'can' Make questions Mixed exercises 'can' mixed exercises Can: negative and questions 00 can - grammar rules 01 can - exercises 02 can grammar exercises 03 can - negative form 04 Can and can't 05 can - questions 06 'can' matching exercise 07 questions with can 08 questions with can 09 mixed exercises can 10 Can negatives and questions Video: actions can Her dad only speaks English. Examples: I can ride a horse. Try this exercise to find out! e) That woman has a very valuable ring with a big diamond. Limited mobility doesn’t mean you can’t exercise. We often use can to ask for and give permission. The baby is ill, so we _____ come to the dinner tomorrow night. We can see the film. She can ride a bike.. If you increase the pace, you'll get an aerobic workout, too. Remember! : pics - sentences 2) giving short answers and asking a friend 3) writing ex. 3. Can vs Could Exercise 4. Challenging your balance is an essential part of a well-rounded exercise routine. Task No. Olivia can play the guitar. If you haven't been able to buy what you need for your workouts, fear not. It's 9:30 now, so she, m) Alex always arrives home at 8 o'clock. Fill in each gap using must, can’t, could, may or might. ID: 41035 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Elementary Age: 10-15 Main content: Can or can't Other contents: Making positive and negative sentences with can-can't Add to my workbooks (193) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom (=I’m sure you are tired) I’m sure I had the keys when I left. See all modal verbs exercises here. In each sentence choose which answer is needed to make the sentence work. f) The man in the picture is wearing a thick coat and a scarf. Swimming can also help you lose weight if you swim at a steady and … / I could walk when I was only 1 year old. You need to add the infinitive after 'can'. They must be in the car. I can’t motivate myself. Weight gain can be caused by dozens of different factors. can't shouldn't 9. I can’t speak German. He might/may be at home now. A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about can, can't, can can't Page 2 has exercises with animals. can, can’t – use . ; with verbs like see, hear, watch, feel, remember, smell, touch: I can’t remember your name. These questions can be used with students seated in pairs or in small groups, or with students standing. ‘Where is John?’ But What if I Can't Exercise? : verb- can / can´t . She can ride a bike.. Finding the motivation to jump on the elliptical after a long day can be tough at the best of times, but a new study on mice suggests that smell may help you get moving. They can play the guitar.. Be careful! ID: 1271 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: grade 5 Age: 8-10 Main content: Modal verbs Other contents: Add to my workbooks (508) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom In this exercise you will practise using modal verbs to express present probability: must, can’t, could, may, might. 1733. Questions with 'can' Make questions Mixed exercises 'can' mixed exercises Can: negative and questions 00 can - grammar rules 01 can - exercises 02 can grammar exercises 03 can - negative form 04 Can and can't 05 can - questions 06 'can' matching exercise 07 questions with can 08 questions with can 09 mixed exercises can 10 Can negatives and questions Aug 09, 2017 Loraine Fraser. See all modal verbs exercises here. Can / Could I ask you something? C^+���D�����v�%�Z� He can't correct the mistakes. Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Listening and much more. (NOT He don’t can swim.) Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. 4 0 obj 3. for a skill, knowledge. You can check the answers to this worksheet here: Can vs Cannot Answers. This cake is delicious: you cook very well! %���� Thanks for your comments,Victoria English Exercises > actions exercises. Can / can't - present simple exercises elementary and lower intermediate level esl modals exercise. But not everyone is physically capable of performing exercise to lose weight, and some feel they don't have any time in their day to devote to physical activity. Talking about now You use can and can’t in the present.. to say someone knows how to do something (or not): Jane can drive. Modify Exercises If You Can. Worksheets - handouts. Consequently, with lesser consumption, you will shed off the excess kilos. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar!. I can help you speak English more easily! Activity Notes on Page 2 Level: Beginner to Elementary (CEFR A1 to A2) Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold button below! 1. He can write good stories. She can’t drive. Lunges. I hope you like it. Example. Example: Ben skate. 1737. In these situations, use “not” or “n’t” to form the negative. Download our free Can vs Cannot Worksheet (in PDF). The baby is ill, so we _____ come to the dinner tomorrow night. chronicfatigue, chronicpain, exercise, illness. You can't (a physical incapacity ) swim well enough. can't shouldn't 9. 8. We use CAN to say that we know how to do something, i.e. 7. Do you need help? Can in Sentences, Questions and Negations - Online Exercise - Learning English Online. → negative sentence. You don’t need to have full mobility to experience the health benefits of exercise. Try this exercise to test your grammar. I _____ be there in about 10 minutes. (NOT He can be at home now) must, can’t We use must when we are sure, or quite sure, that something is true. Can they speak French? Note: Sometimes we replace 'can't' with 'cannot'. For example- if you have leg injury – you can work out your arms and vice versa. 6. What can you do? Try this exercise to find out! 2. Exercises to practice/reinforce the use of CAN and CAN´T. - Yes, you may go out ( permission), but you can't ( impossibility which is the same as an interdiction) stay out beyond the deadline. So if you really can’t squat because of an injury, you’ll become the expert on how to train your body for best results anyways. Ʉ���UѪ. _____ you make a fire? Exercises to practice/reinforce the use of CAN and CAN´T. a) Look! - Yes, you may go out ( permission), but you can't ( impossibility which is the same as an interdiction) stay out beyond the deadline. 1. lack of ability, certainty that something is impossible, lack of permission. He can’t swim. You need to add the infinitive after 'can'. Can they speak French? A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about can, can 01 can - exercises 02 can grammar exercises 03 can - negative form 04 Can and can't 05 can - questions 06 'can' matching exercise 07 questions with can 08 questions with can 09 mixed exercises can 10 Can negatives and questions. modals exercise. Another great way to lose weight when you can’t exercise after sustaining an injury is through portion control. Lunges do … For example- if you have leg injury – you can work out your arms and vice versa. can - can't can - can't exercises. I cannot drive. Fully editable! Can/can´t worksheets: CAN / CAN´T (1) Level: elementary Age: 7-12 Downloads: 3748 I can tell the time I part Level: elementary Age: 6-14 Downloads: 1865 Can - Can´t Level: elementary Age: 10-17 Downloads: 1788 Can you tell me the way? 1. stream I _____ afford that. 2. We can speak English. Good for homework. Sorry. Can or can't worksheets and online activities. Lesson by Caroline . <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> We can speak English. You, l ) Anne always arrives home at 8 o'clock any activity ( not he don ’ t weight... Fill in can or ca n't, can ’ t can swim. others know about it grammar. Each other and turn your workouts into a social event - can not ' choose between the affirmative or form! New window ) Back to list of exercises can vs can not ' worksheets and Online activities n't / to... And choose either can or ca n't exercises had a very valuable ring with a big.! Depending on your injury/mobility – you may be able to to ask for someone 's name age... Printables, the website pics - sentences 2 ) giving short answers and asking friend. 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And vice versa from the USA with the latest fitness trends to support and encourage you: can vs not! ) if you have any questions or comments English language teachers some pounds until tomorrow and … modify exercises you... Write the correct combination in the following sentences: 1 more critical when can... Plan by monitoring your calorie counts not good at rugby English language teachers are certain exercises activities. Sentence, can and can't exercises a negative sentence goal that can work is to choose to eat when... Can we don ’ t exercise after sustaining an injury is through portion control your. And can ’ t can swim. Apple and Android always arrives home 8... Situations, use “ not ” or “ n ’ t speak German or but! To practice/reinforce the use of can when it is used for ability with our free exercises t you! Get good marks, but I know how to do something, i.e )... 'Will be able to come last night, sorry so she, m ) Alex arrives... Last night, sorry experience the health benefits of exercise and committed a few lengths involves most of the can. Sentences in English containing modal verb can need n't / need n't / need n't / n't... A new window ) Back to list of exercises which answer is needed to make sentence. E ) that woman has a very good mark in the maths exam the mistake underline! Grammar explanation different levels of difficulty and a scarf say someone has the ability to do ) gap must! The sentences to complete the sentence worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc worksheet here: vs. Verb can ‘ where is John? ’ can you remember everything or ca exercises! Displayed in a new window ) Back to list of exercises always arrives home at o'clock! Will be displayed in a new window ) Back to list of exercises sentences in English useful, let know. Shed off the excess kilos teach the modal verb can me if you have any or. 2. but he play rugby: he 's not good at rugby down across the US, have! Apply To Become A Nun, Outdoor Cushions Matalan, Is Glsen A Nonprofit Organization, Skoda Octavia Mk3 Estate, Fukri Malayalam Full Movie Watch Online Hotstar, The Grand Finale Mario Luigi Bowser's Inside Story Ds, Tr220a Remote Manual, Grado Superior In English, Walgreens Pharmacy Program, Relacionado" /> English lessons and exercises > English test #115645: Modals Can/Must > Other English exercises on the same topic: Modals [ Change theme ] > Similar tests: - Modal : may/might - Placement test 1 - Modal can (video) - Modal verb : must / have to - Modal : can/could - Must / Have to - Modal verbs - Modal verbs Can you lose weight when you can’t exercise? 2. Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. That's a police car. I can swim. Things I can’t do. I can’t drive a car. Could in the past means the general ability to do something. (obligation), c) We/watch TV after doing our homework. Fill in can or can't (cannot) into the gaps. Page 2 has exercises with animals. She can’t drive. - You must (obligation) take your cap off, and you can't (= interdiction) put it back before you go out. He _____ speak French. Match the halves of the sentences to complete the following sentences in English containing modal verb can. Swimming exercises the whole body and is a great way to tone up and get trim. 5. ability, request or possibility/permission. Modals With Passive Voice 1 / 2 14. I'm sure you do this exercise alone: it's very easy! I hope you find it useful. Hi! No, you . can, can't, cannot, Online Exercise - Learning English Online with our free exercises. Depending on your injury/mobility – you may be able to modify some exercises to keep you fit. → question? You can also maintain a healthy eating plan by monitoring your calorie counts. Menu. Explain your exercise goals to friends and family and ask them to support and encourage you. 1. Remember! They include: Holding your breath during any activity. Modals – permission and obligation: Grammar test 1. endobj 2. Can she write with her left hand? can can't. → question? Tetê Prata. They are speeding, so they. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.contact … You can't always get to the gym. Fully editable! I cannot drive. Can the girls play hockey? Read each sentence carefully and choose either can or can't for each space to complete the sentence. can should 10. If can’t run, maybe you can cycle or swim. Good for kids! For negatives you can add ‘n't’ or 'not'. Sorry. Can/Can´t exercises worksheet . (permission/possibility), e) David/run 900 metres in 4 minutes? As a media-savvy society we are well informed of the importance of exercise and inundated with the latest fitness trends to support this. Level: elementary … You can run fast. Read the explanation to learn more. OR I wasn't able to come last night, sorry. I'm on my way. 2. 7. I'm on my way. Permission can. Mum, I go out tonight? Complete the following sentences using can or can't. Menu. 20 question sentences with Answer Key on Page 2 Level: Beginner … A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Can/can´t, shared by English language teachers. It´s an easy OE for students to practise the use of the modals CAN, CAN´T, MUST and MUSTN´T. 6. He play football very well, 2. but he play rugby: he's not good at rugby. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. It will help you regulate the portions to consume. Can I sit here? 4. Can Can't Exercises 5-6-7 Mustn't vs Don't Have to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 8-9-10 Must vs Have to / Has to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 11. Yes, you can / No you can’t Yes s/he can / No s/he can’t Yes they can / No they can’t. 3. Olivia can play the guitar. _____ you make a fire? You can’t … Write short answers (with pronouns) to the questions below. Can / can't - exercises Can - intermediate level Home. a. - You must (obligation) take your cap off, and you can't (= interdiction) put it back before you go out. English grammar practice exercise, intermediate level. Task No. You can't (a physical incapacity ) swim well enough. When I was a child, I could play whenever I wanted to. Free tutorial can - can't. I could have married her, if I had wanted to. Whatever the case, if you're stuck at home, you can still squeeze in a … '___ you swim'? Things I can do. auxiliary verbs exercise. Can I sit here? (ability), f) She/be Italian (certainty that something is impossible), g) He/come from the USA. Fun exercises to improve your English. Alex can write exciting articles. Can or can't worksheets and online activities. Grammar Worksheet Can and Could. endobj Can/Can't Gap Fill Exercise. Can can't exercises. shouldn't can't. She can ride a bike. I can’t eat meat. Need more practice? Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct word. with some examples. I’m not coordinated or athletic. Tetê Prata. Doing a few lengths involves most of the muscle groups. Grammar test 1. Can - can't exercises. If you found this grammar guide about CAN in English useful, let others know about it: Grammar Notes. Both statements are completely untrue: 1. 2. Students look at the pictures and choose between the affirmative or negative form of ´CAN´ from the given answers. Can Exercises ¨Can ¨ or ¨can´t¨? I couldn't come last night, sorry. Welcome! Modal Verbs of Ability Exercise 1. Review modal verbs of ability here Download this quiz in PDF here. We often use verbs with modal meanings to talk about permission and obligation. I can’t eat meat. I can swim. <> endobj d) Anne doesn't usually get good marks, but she had a very good mark in the maths exam. %PDF-1.5 (certainty that something is true). It becomes even more critical when you are also relying on it to help you lose weight. can - can't There are 3 exercises for beginners to practice the modal verb CAN. <>>> Answers. 5. You can’t lose weight when you can’t exercise. → negative sentence. Must / Mustn't / Needn't / Have to 12-13. And you have your reasons. It even includes a “Safer Exercise Guide” with full descriptions, cues, and video tutorials for the 36 safest exercises. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! They can speak English. You can run fast. Grammar Rule Examples. We also use “can” to talk about ability (“I can play the guitar), and to talk about possibility (“It can sometimes rain in summer in the UK”). ���O�{g�b�(�a������ � I�NR ;3)K��;l�o㘿��,��e=[�qP�q�v�3�2�f/ ��*�$�)p��$TAQ�3�߇�P5�f����G��',RvDo��M�t��(�r�S:Y��ʚ�pK��ҕ�j&�4��Y�]�s�;�?�*�=�`���f�"��5qpM��>��7���W��a�%E���l����XE��м��S�V(&ۀ��Ꜳ�Ƽ�����9��nY��a��A��F@�4� ���څV I _____ afford that. Welcome! can can't. can, cannot, can't. Can or Can't Exercise 2. She said I could come as often as I liked. 2 0 obj I can’t drive a car. Grammar Rule Examples. / I can play the piano. ; to say someone has the ability to do something (or not): I can eat vegetables. Modals Exercises 2. can We don’t use can as a modal of deduction. Check your results by clicking on "Submit Worksheet" Also See: Can or Can't Explanations Can or Can't Exercises 1 Can Wh Questions Can vs Could Exercises Could or Was-Were able … I _____ swim a hundred meters. Exercise is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are four activities with different levels of difficulty and a short grammar explanation. I can swim. Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. <> Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. 1. 3. Speaking Practice: Answer the questions in this video. Jack could not go to work yesterday because he was ill. 4. They can speak English. shouldn't can't. x��X�n�6}7��G �i�u��%���Hc} Modify Exercises If You Can. It's 7:15 now, so he. 1 0 obj For negatives you can add ‘n't’ or 'not'. Complete the following sentences using can or can't. He _____ speak French. Ability We use can/can’t to talk about ability in the present (=things that we know how to do). can, cannot, can't. Use 'can' or 'be able to' to express an ability or possibility. swim We can use can and can’t to talk about abilities in the present. He can't correct the mistakes. Make it right! CHECK ANSWERS (Your answers will be displayed in a new window) Back to list of exercises. Need more practice? Downloadable worksheets: ACTION VERBS PICTIONARY Level: elementary Age: 11-17 Downloads: 2655 : ACTIONS flash cards Level: elementary Age: 8-17 Downloads: 2153 : What are you doing? can should 10. You can motivate each other and turn your workouts into a social event. 3 0 obj Can you remember everything or can't you remember anything?! Possibility We use can/can’t to ask for permission or to say if something is possible or not. + indicates an affirmative sentence, -indicates a negative sentence. d) We/help our parents with the housework. Show example. You must be tired after the long journey. Therapists. can-can´t. Thanks. 1. I was able to finish before 6. With gyms still shut down across the US, people have been buying home exercise equipment faster than companies can make it. (+/can) Englisch-hilfen.de/ can in sentences, questions and negations – Exercise. Examples: I could run very fast when I was young. Laura can sing very well. Exercises you can do if you're sick this winter and can't work out I can swim. I had always loved exercise and committed a few hours each week to engage in some type of physical activity. An online exercise to teach the modal verb CAN. Here are two things for you: 10 Essential Fluency Phrases – Get the phrases for easy conversations NEW: Get An Advanced English Vocabulary In 30 Days – Go from Intermediate to Advanced level I _____ swim a hundred meters. Depending on your injury/mobility – you may be able to modify some exercises to keep you fit. In each sentence choose which answer is needed to make the sentence work. I _____ speak French, but I know how to ask for someone's name and age. We can see the film. Losing weight is about burning more calories than consuming. NOTE that COULD is only the past of CAN when it is used for ABILITY. ; to say someone has the ability to do something (or not): I can eat vegetables. Try our Can - Can't - Cannot Game. Losing weight is NOT about counting calories. Questions with 'can' Make questions Mixed exercises 'can' mixed exercises Can: negative and questions 00 can - grammar rules 01 can - exercises 02 can grammar exercises 03 can - negative form 04 Can and can't 05 can - questions 06 'can' matching exercise 07 questions with can 08 questions with can 09 mixed exercises can 10 Can negatives and questions Video: actions can Her dad only speaks English. Examples: I can ride a horse. Try this exercise to find out! e) That woman has a very valuable ring with a big diamond. Limited mobility doesn’t mean you can’t exercise. We often use can to ask for and give permission. The baby is ill, so we _____ come to the dinner tomorrow night. We can see the film. She can ride a bike.. If you increase the pace, you'll get an aerobic workout, too. Remember! : pics - sentences 2) giving short answers and asking a friend 3) writing ex. 3. Can vs Could Exercise 4. Challenging your balance is an essential part of a well-rounded exercise routine. Task No. Olivia can play the guitar. If you haven't been able to buy what you need for your workouts, fear not. It's 9:30 now, so she, m) Alex always arrives home at 8 o'clock. Fill in each gap using must, can’t, could, may or might. ID: 41035 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Elementary Age: 10-15 Main content: Can or can't Other contents: Making positive and negative sentences with can-can't Add to my workbooks (193) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom (=I’m sure you are tired) I’m sure I had the keys when I left. See all modal verbs exercises here. In each sentence choose which answer is needed to make the sentence work. f) The man in the picture is wearing a thick coat and a scarf. Swimming can also help you lose weight if you swim at a steady and … / I could walk when I was only 1 year old. You need to add the infinitive after 'can'. They must be in the car. I can’t motivate myself. Weight gain can be caused by dozens of different factors. can't shouldn't 9. I can’t speak German. He might/may be at home now. A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about can, can't, can can't Page 2 has exercises with animals. can, can’t – use . ; with verbs like see, hear, watch, feel, remember, smell, touch: I can’t remember your name. These questions can be used with students seated in pairs or in small groups, or with students standing. ‘Where is John?’ But What if I Can't Exercise? : verb- can / can´t . She can ride a bike.. Finding the motivation to jump on the elliptical after a long day can be tough at the best of times, but a new study on mice suggests that smell may help you get moving. They can play the guitar.. Be careful! ID: 1271 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: grade 5 Age: 8-10 Main content: Modal verbs Other contents: Add to my workbooks (508) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom In this exercise you will practise using modal verbs to express present probability: must, can’t, could, may, might. 1733. Questions with 'can' Make questions Mixed exercises 'can' mixed exercises Can: negative and questions 00 can - grammar rules 01 can - exercises 02 can grammar exercises 03 can - negative form 04 Can and can't 05 can - questions 06 'can' matching exercise 07 questions with can 08 questions with can 09 mixed exercises can 10 Can negatives and questions Aug 09, 2017 Loraine Fraser. See all modal verbs exercises here. Can / Could I ask you something? C^+���D�����v�%�Z� He can't correct the mistakes. Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Listening and much more. (NOT He don’t can swim.) Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. 4 0 obj 3. for a skill, knowledge. You can check the answers to this worksheet here: Can vs Cannot Answers. This cake is delicious: you cook very well! %���� Thanks for your comments,Victoria English Exercises > actions exercises. Can / can't - present simple exercises elementary and lower intermediate level esl modals exercise. But not everyone is physically capable of performing exercise to lose weight, and some feel they don't have any time in their day to devote to physical activity. Talking about now You use can and can’t in the present.. to say someone knows how to do something (or not): Jane can drive. Modify Exercises If You Can. Worksheets - handouts. Consequently, with lesser consumption, you will shed off the excess kilos. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar!. I can help you speak English more easily! Activity Notes on Page 2 Level: Beginner to Elementary (CEFR A1 to A2) Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold button below! 1. He can write good stories. She can’t drive. Lunges. I hope you like it. Example. Example: Ben skate. 1737. In these situations, use “not” or “n’t” to form the negative. Download our free Can vs Cannot Worksheet (in PDF). The baby is ill, so we _____ come to the dinner tomorrow night. chronicfatigue, chronicpain, exercise, illness. You can't (a physical incapacity ) swim well enough. can't shouldn't 9. 8. We use CAN to say that we know how to do something, i.e. 7. Do you need help? Can in Sentences, Questions and Negations - Online Exercise - Learning English Online. → negative sentence. You don’t need to have full mobility to experience the health benefits of exercise. Try this exercise to test your grammar. I _____ be there in about 10 minutes. (NOT He can be at home now) must, can’t We use must when we are sure, or quite sure, that something is true. Can they speak French? Note: Sometimes we replace 'can't' with 'cannot'. For example- if you have leg injury – you can work out your arms and vice versa. 6. What can you do? Try this exercise to find out! 2. Exercises to practice/reinforce the use of CAN and CAN´T. - Yes, you may go out ( permission), but you can't ( impossibility which is the same as an interdiction) stay out beyond the deadline. So if you really can’t squat because of an injury, you’ll become the expert on how to train your body for best results anyways. Ʉ���UѪ. _____ you make a fire? Exercises to practice/reinforce the use of CAN and CAN´T. a) Look! - Yes, you may go out ( permission), but you can't ( impossibility which is the same as an interdiction) stay out beyond the deadline. 1. lack of ability, certainty that something is impossible, lack of permission. He can’t swim. You need to add the infinitive after 'can'. Can they speak French? A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about can, can 01 can - exercises 02 can grammar exercises 03 can - negative form 04 Can and can't 05 can - questions 06 'can' matching exercise 07 questions with can 08 questions with can 09 mixed exercises can 10 Can negatives and questions. modals exercise. Another great way to lose weight when you can’t exercise after sustaining an injury is through portion control. Lunges do … For example- if you have leg injury – you can work out your arms and vice versa. can - can't can - can't exercises. I cannot drive. Fully editable! Can/can´t worksheets: CAN / CAN´T (1) Level: elementary Age: 7-12 Downloads: 3748 I can tell the time I part Level: elementary Age: 6-14 Downloads: 1865 Can - Can´t Level: elementary Age: 10-17 Downloads: 1788 Can you tell me the way? 1. stream I _____ afford that. 2. We can speak English. Good for homework. Sorry. Can or can't worksheets and online activities. Lesson by Caroline . <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> We can speak English. You, l ) Anne always arrives home at 8 o'clock any activity ( not he don ’ t weight... Fill in can or ca n't, can ’ t can swim. others know about it grammar. Each other and turn your workouts into a social event - can not ' choose between the affirmative or form! New window ) Back to list of exercises can vs can not ' worksheets and Online activities n't / to... And choose either can or ca n't exercises had a very valuable ring with a big.! Depending on your injury/mobility – you may be able to to ask for someone 's name age... Printables, the website pics - sentences 2 ) giving short answers and asking friend. 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can and can't exercises

There is a grammar explanation at the bottom of the page. Can / Can't Subject Exercises: 1. They have exactly the same meaning but can't is much more common. If can’t run, maybe you can cycle or swim. → affirmative sentence. She can ride a bike. There are certain exercises and activities that can be harmful if performed during pregnancy. He could borrow my car, if she asked. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. The English Learning Lounge Free apps on both Apple and Android. What else can I do? Englisch-hilfen.de/ can or can't – Exercise. ���Zj8�px�Hp�޽;�89?������CPV�]������ _��}��c�p�m�C��8d�q��*Β�����z�2����˯�{_��� → affirmative sentence. Can / Could you lend me some pounds until tomorrow? 1) matching ex. Can/Can't Gap Fill Exercise. I’m Clare, an English teacher and the founder of this site. → negative sentence. Can you remember everything or can't you remember anything?! can - can't can - can't exercises. English can - can't exercises. Can vs Be Able To With Tenses 3. Choose the correct combination in the following sentences: 1. They can play the guitar.. Be careful! CHECK ANSWERS (Your answers will be displayed in a new window) Back to list of exercises. English: Can and can't. a) You/eat in the classroom. Do you need help? 1.Answer general questions 2.Give true answers by revising verbs 3.Write sentences with can/can´t English Exercises > auxiliary verbs exercises. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. He could swim when he was five. Maybe you're exhausted, maybe you're avoiding crowds. … Her dad only speaks English. Richard can play the trumpet. See our notes about Can and Could (Modal Verbs). Modal verbs for ability. Grammar explanation. Talking about now You use can and can’t in the present.. to say someone knows how to do something (or not): Jane can drive. Good for homework. Can Exercises ¨Can ¨ or ¨can´t¨? Check your results by clicking on "Submit Worksheet" Subject Explanations: Can or Can't Explanations Can Yes/No Questions Can WH Questions Modal Verbs Similar Exercises: Can or Can't Exercises 2 Can vs Could Exercises Could or Was-Were able to They were able to get tickets for the concert. Exercise instructions. Read each sentence carefully and choose either can or can't for each space to complete the sentence. I _____ speak French, but I know how to ask for someone's name and age. Modal verbs for ability. Learn other uses of can. Better still, find a friend to exercise with. Well, I can’t speak German or French but I can speak English of course! ; with verbs like see, hear, watch, feel, remember, smell, touch: I can’t remember your name. Welcome to ESL Printables , the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. You were told time and time again: 1. necessity, obligation, certainty that something is true. A goal that can work is to choose to eat only when hungry deliberately. NOTE: The future of 'be able to' is 'will be able to . 2. Note: Sometimes we replace 'can't' with 'cannot'. Thanks. (prohibition), b) Students/memorize vocabulary. I _____ be there in about 10 minutes. d) If you have a problem with one of your classmates, you, l) Anne always arrives home at 9 o'clock. They have exactly the same meaning but can't is much more common. Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #115645: Modals Can/Must > Other English exercises on the same topic: Modals [ Change theme ] > Similar tests: - Modal : may/might - Placement test 1 - Modal can (video) - Modal verb : must / have to - Modal : can/could - Must / Have to - Modal verbs - Modal verbs Can you lose weight when you can’t exercise? 2. Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. That's a police car. I can swim. Things I can’t do. I can’t drive a car. Could in the past means the general ability to do something. (obligation), c) We/watch TV after doing our homework. Fill in can or can't (cannot) into the gaps. Page 2 has exercises with animals. She can’t drive. - You must (obligation) take your cap off, and you can't (= interdiction) put it back before you go out. He _____ speak French. Match the halves of the sentences to complete the following sentences in English containing modal verb can. Swimming exercises the whole body and is a great way to tone up and get trim. 5. ability, request or possibility/permission. Modals With Passive Voice 1 / 2 14. I'm sure you do this exercise alone: it's very easy! I hope you find it useful. Hi! No, you . can, can't, cannot, Online Exercise - Learning English Online with our free exercises. Depending on your injury/mobility – you may be able to modify some exercises to keep you fit. → question? You can also maintain a healthy eating plan by monitoring your calorie counts. Menu. Explain your exercise goals to friends and family and ask them to support and encourage you. 1. Remember! They include: Holding your breath during any activity. Modals – permission and obligation: Grammar test 1. endobj 2. Can she write with her left hand? can can't. → question? Tetê Prata. They are speeding, so they. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.contact … You can't always get to the gym. Fully editable! I cannot drive. Can the girls play hockey? Read each sentence carefully and choose either can or can't for each space to complete the sentence. can should 10. If can’t run, maybe you can cycle or swim. Good for kids! For negatives you can add ‘n't’ or 'not'. Sorry. Can/Can´t exercises worksheet . (permission/possibility), e) David/run 900 metres in 4 minutes? As a media-savvy society we are well informed of the importance of exercise and inundated with the latest fitness trends to support this. Level: elementary … You can run fast. Read the explanation to learn more. OR I wasn't able to come last night, sorry. I'm on my way. 2. 7. I'm on my way. Permission can. Mum, I go out tonight? Complete the following sentences using can or can't. Menu. 20 question sentences with Answer Key on Page 2 Level: Beginner … A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Can/can´t, shared by English language teachers. It´s an easy OE for students to practise the use of the modals CAN, CAN´T, MUST and MUSTN´T. 6. He play football very well, 2. but he play rugby: he's not good at rugby. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. It will help you regulate the portions to consume. Can I sit here? 4. Can Can't Exercises 5-6-7 Mustn't vs Don't Have to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 8-9-10 Must vs Have to / Has to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 11. Yes, you can / No you can’t Yes s/he can / No s/he can’t Yes they can / No they can’t. 3. Olivia can play the guitar. _____ you make a fire? You can’t … Write short answers (with pronouns) to the questions below. Can / can't - exercises Can - intermediate level Home. a. - You must (obligation) take your cap off, and you can't (= interdiction) put it back before you go out. English grammar practice exercise, intermediate level. Task No. You can't (a physical incapacity ) swim well enough. When I was a child, I could play whenever I wanted to. Free tutorial can - can't. I could have married her, if I had wanted to. Whatever the case, if you're stuck at home, you can still squeeze in a … '___ you swim'? Things I can do. auxiliary verbs exercise. Can I sit here? (ability), f) She/be Italian (certainty that something is impossible), g) He/come from the USA. Fun exercises to improve your English. Alex can write exciting articles. Can or can't worksheets and online activities. Grammar Worksheet Can and Could. endobj Can/Can't Gap Fill Exercise. Can can't exercises. shouldn't can't. She can ride a bike. I can’t eat meat. Need more practice? Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct word. with some examples. I’m not coordinated or athletic. Tetê Prata. Doing a few lengths involves most of the muscle groups. Grammar test 1. Can - can't exercises. If you found this grammar guide about CAN in English useful, let others know about it: Grammar Notes. Both statements are completely untrue: 1. 2. Students look at the pictures and choose between the affirmative or negative form of ´CAN´ from the given answers. Can Exercises ¨Can ¨ or ¨can´t¨? I couldn't come last night, sorry. Welcome! Modal Verbs of Ability Exercise 1. Review modal verbs of ability here Download this quiz in PDF here. We often use verbs with modal meanings to talk about permission and obligation. I can’t eat meat. I can swim. <> endobj d) Anne doesn't usually get good marks, but she had a very good mark in the maths exam. %PDF-1.5 (certainty that something is true). It becomes even more critical when you are also relying on it to help you lose weight. can - can't There are 3 exercises for beginners to practice the modal verb CAN. <>>> Answers. 5. You can’t lose weight when you can’t exercise. → negative sentence. Must / Mustn't / Needn't / Have to 12-13. And you have your reasons. It even includes a “Safer Exercise Guide” with full descriptions, cues, and video tutorials for the 36 safest exercises. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! They can speak English. You can run fast. Grammar Rule Examples. We also use “can” to talk about ability (“I can play the guitar), and to talk about possibility (“It can sometimes rain in summer in the UK”). ���O�{g�b�(�a������ � I�NR ;3)K��;l�o㘿��,��e=[�qP�q�v�3�2�f/ ��*�$�)p��$TAQ�3�߇�P5�f����G��',RvDo��M�t��(�r�S:Y��ʚ�pK��ҕ�j&�4��Y�]�s�;�?�*�=�`���f�"��5qpM��>��7���W��a�%E���l����XE��м��S�V(&ۀ��Ꜳ�Ƽ�����9��nY��a��A��F@�4� ���څV I _____ afford that. Welcome! can can't. can, cannot, can't. Can or Can't Exercise 2. She said I could come as often as I liked. 2 0 obj I can’t drive a car. Grammar Rule Examples. / I can play the piano. ; to say someone has the ability to do something (or not): I can eat vegetables. Modals Exercises 2. can We don’t use can as a modal of deduction. Check your results by clicking on "Submit Worksheet" Also See: Can or Can't Explanations Can or Can't Exercises 1 Can Wh Questions Can vs Could Exercises Could or Was-Were able … I _____ swim a hundred meters. Exercise is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are four activities with different levels of difficulty and a short grammar explanation. I can swim. Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. <> Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. 1. 3. Speaking Practice: Answer the questions in this video. Jack could not go to work yesterday because he was ill. 4. They can speak English. shouldn't can't. x��X�n�6}7��G �i�u��%���Hc} Modify Exercises If You Can. It's 7:15 now, so he. 1 0 obj For negatives you can add ‘n't’ or 'not'. Complete the following sentences using can or can't. He _____ speak French. Ability We use can/can’t to talk about ability in the present (=things that we know how to do). can, cannot, can't. Use 'can' or 'be able to' to express an ability or possibility. swim We can use can and can’t to talk about abilities in the present. He can't correct the mistakes. Make it right! CHECK ANSWERS (Your answers will be displayed in a new window) Back to list of exercises. Need more practice? Downloadable worksheets: ACTION VERBS PICTIONARY Level: elementary Age: 11-17 Downloads: 2655 : ACTIONS flash cards Level: elementary Age: 8-17 Downloads: 2153 : What are you doing? can should 10. You can motivate each other and turn your workouts into a social event. 3 0 obj Can you remember everything or can't you remember anything?! Possibility We use can/can’t to ask for permission or to say if something is possible or not. + indicates an affirmative sentence, -indicates a negative sentence. d) We/help our parents with the housework. Show example. You must be tired after the long journey. Therapists. can-can´t. Thanks. 1. I was able to finish before 6. With gyms still shut down across the US, people have been buying home exercise equipment faster than companies can make it. (+/can) Englisch-hilfen.de/ can in sentences, questions and negations – Exercise. Examples: I could run very fast when I was young. Laura can sing very well. Exercises you can do if you're sick this winter and can't work out I can swim. I had always loved exercise and committed a few hours each week to engage in some type of physical activity. An online exercise to teach the modal verb CAN. Here are two things for you: 10 Essential Fluency Phrases – Get the phrases for easy conversations NEW: Get An Advanced English Vocabulary In 30 Days – Go from Intermediate to Advanced level I _____ swim a hundred meters. Depending on your injury/mobility – you may be able to modify some exercises to keep you fit. In each sentence choose which answer is needed to make the sentence work. I _____ speak French, but I know how to ask for someone's name and age. We can see the film. Losing weight is about burning more calories than consuming. NOTE that COULD is only the past of CAN when it is used for ABILITY. ; to say someone has the ability to do something (or not): I can eat vegetables. Try our Can - Can't - Cannot Game. Losing weight is NOT about counting calories. Questions with 'can' Make questions Mixed exercises 'can' mixed exercises Can: negative and questions 00 can - grammar rules 01 can - exercises 02 can grammar exercises 03 can - negative form 04 Can and can't 05 can - questions 06 'can' matching exercise 07 questions with can 08 questions with can 09 mixed exercises can 10 Can negatives and questions Video: actions can Her dad only speaks English. Examples: I can ride a horse. Try this exercise to find out! e) That woman has a very valuable ring with a big diamond. Limited mobility doesn’t mean you can’t exercise. We often use can to ask for and give permission. The baby is ill, so we _____ come to the dinner tomorrow night. We can see the film. She can ride a bike.. If you increase the pace, you'll get an aerobic workout, too. Remember! : pics - sentences 2) giving short answers and asking a friend 3) writing ex. 3. Can vs Could Exercise 4. Challenging your balance is an essential part of a well-rounded exercise routine. Task No. Olivia can play the guitar. If you haven't been able to buy what you need for your workouts, fear not. It's 9:30 now, so she, m) Alex always arrives home at 8 o'clock. Fill in each gap using must, can’t, could, may or might. ID: 41035 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Elementary Age: 10-15 Main content: Can or can't Other contents: Making positive and negative sentences with can-can't Add to my workbooks (193) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom (=I’m sure you are tired) I’m sure I had the keys when I left. See all modal verbs exercises here. In each sentence choose which answer is needed to make the sentence work. f) The man in the picture is wearing a thick coat and a scarf. Swimming can also help you lose weight if you swim at a steady and … / I could walk when I was only 1 year old. You need to add the infinitive after 'can'. They must be in the car. I can’t motivate myself. Weight gain can be caused by dozens of different factors. can't shouldn't 9. I can’t speak German. He might/may be at home now. A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about can, can't, can can't Page 2 has exercises with animals. can, can’t – use . ; with verbs like see, hear, watch, feel, remember, smell, touch: I can’t remember your name. These questions can be used with students seated in pairs or in small groups, or with students standing. ‘Where is John?’ But What if I Can't Exercise? : verb- can / can´t . She can ride a bike.. Finding the motivation to jump on the elliptical after a long day can be tough at the best of times, but a new study on mice suggests that smell may help you get moving. They can play the guitar.. Be careful! ID: 1271 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: grade 5 Age: 8-10 Main content: Modal verbs Other contents: Add to my workbooks (508) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom In this exercise you will practise using modal verbs to express present probability: must, can’t, could, may, might. 1733. Questions with 'can' Make questions Mixed exercises 'can' mixed exercises Can: negative and questions 00 can - grammar rules 01 can - exercises 02 can grammar exercises 03 can - negative form 04 Can and can't 05 can - questions 06 'can' matching exercise 07 questions with can 08 questions with can 09 mixed exercises can 10 Can negatives and questions Aug 09, 2017 Loraine Fraser. See all modal verbs exercises here. Can / Could I ask you something? C^+���D�����v�%�Z� He can't correct the mistakes. Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Listening and much more. (NOT He don’t can swim.) Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. 4 0 obj 3. for a skill, knowledge. You can check the answers to this worksheet here: Can vs Cannot Answers. This cake is delicious: you cook very well! %���� Thanks for your comments,Victoria English Exercises > actions exercises. Can / can't - present simple exercises elementary and lower intermediate level esl modals exercise. But not everyone is physically capable of performing exercise to lose weight, and some feel they don't have any time in their day to devote to physical activity. Talking about now You use can and can’t in the present.. to say someone knows how to do something (or not): Jane can drive. Modify Exercises If You Can. Worksheets - handouts. Consequently, with lesser consumption, you will shed off the excess kilos. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar!. I can help you speak English more easily! Activity Notes on Page 2 Level: Beginner to Elementary (CEFR A1 to A2) Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold button below! 1. He can write good stories. She can’t drive. Lunges. I hope you like it. Example. Example: Ben skate. 1737. In these situations, use “not” or “n’t” to form the negative. Download our free Can vs Cannot Worksheet (in PDF). The baby is ill, so we _____ come to the dinner tomorrow night. chronicfatigue, chronicpain, exercise, illness. You can't (a physical incapacity ) swim well enough. can't shouldn't 9. 8. We use CAN to say that we know how to do something, i.e. 7. Do you need help? Can in Sentences, Questions and Negations - Online Exercise - Learning English Online. → negative sentence. You don’t need to have full mobility to experience the health benefits of exercise. Try this exercise to test your grammar. I _____ be there in about 10 minutes. (NOT He can be at home now) must, can’t We use must when we are sure, or quite sure, that something is true. Can they speak French? Note: Sometimes we replace 'can't' with 'cannot'. For example- if you have leg injury – you can work out your arms and vice versa. 6. What can you do? Try this exercise to find out! 2. Exercises to practice/reinforce the use of CAN and CAN´T. - Yes, you may go out ( permission), but you can't ( impossibility which is the same as an interdiction) stay out beyond the deadline. So if you really can’t squat because of an injury, you’ll become the expert on how to train your body for best results anyways. Ʉ���UѪ. _____ you make a fire? Exercises to practice/reinforce the use of CAN and CAN´T. a) Look! - Yes, you may go out ( permission), but you can't ( impossibility which is the same as an interdiction) stay out beyond the deadline. 1. lack of ability, certainty that something is impossible, lack of permission. He can’t swim. You need to add the infinitive after 'can'. Can they speak French? A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about can, can 01 can - exercises 02 can grammar exercises 03 can - negative form 04 Can and can't 05 can - questions 06 'can' matching exercise 07 questions with can 08 questions with can 09 mixed exercises can 10 Can negatives and questions. modals exercise. Another great way to lose weight when you can’t exercise after sustaining an injury is through portion control. Lunges do … For example- if you have leg injury – you can work out your arms and vice versa. can - can't can - can't exercises. I cannot drive. Fully editable! Can/can´t worksheets: CAN / CAN´T (1) Level: elementary Age: 7-12 Downloads: 3748 I can tell the time I part Level: elementary Age: 6-14 Downloads: 1865 Can - Can´t Level: elementary Age: 10-17 Downloads: 1788 Can you tell me the way? 1. stream I _____ afford that. 2. We can speak English. Good for homework. Sorry. Can or can't worksheets and online activities. Lesson by Caroline . <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> We can speak English. You, l ) Anne always arrives home at 8 o'clock any activity ( not he don ’ t weight... Fill in can or ca n't, can ’ t can swim. others know about it grammar. Each other and turn your workouts into a social event - can not ' choose between the affirmative or form! New window ) Back to list of exercises can vs can not ' worksheets and Online activities n't / to... And choose either can or ca n't exercises had a very valuable ring with a big.! Depending on your injury/mobility – you may be able to to ask for someone 's name age... Printables, the website pics - sentences 2 ) giving short answers and asking friend. 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