B. c. Self ward: faith (faithfulness, dependability); meekness (the right use of power and authority, power under control); temperance (self-control). 4 GALATIANS WELCOME God’s word, the Bible, is a unique and wonderful book. g. Witchcraft – the use of drugs. k. Strife carries with it the idea of self-seeking, selfish ambition that creates division. Here's a Bible study quiz from Galatians chapters 5 and 6. a. Adultery is illicit sex between married people. They accepted the Word and trusted Jesus, and received the Holy Spirit and had a deep joy. The Slave – You Lose Your Liberty – Galatians 5:1. It speaks of a wanton appetite that knows no shame. If the law is the transcript of God's character, as I have repeatedly heard, then how can it be a yoke of slavery? 4. 5. C. When Paul first came to the Galatians, they received him as an angel of God – Galatians 4:14. [Compare the contrast in Galatians 3:2; Galatians 3:5. C. The yoke of Christ frees us to fulfill His will. So Paul asks the church rhetorically, who is standing in your path on the way to the finishing line? When the believers in Galatia trusted Christ, they lost the yoke of servitude to sin and put on the yoke of Christ – Matthew 11:28-30. E. When we trust in Christ, we become spiritually rich. Do we need a more strongly worded denunciation of any attempt to impose Jewish law or custom on the Christian? While it’s easy to understand how grace saved us from the penalty of sin. Visit our library of inductive Bible studies for more in depth inductive studies on this and other books of the Bible you can use in your small group. 5-6. IV. The sensual sins – vv. Gifts of the Spirit which is salvation – Acts 2:38; 11:17, and manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit – 1 Corinthian 12. "We who are in Christ look forward to the time when God will put us right with himself by setting our whole being free in the Resurrection (Romans 8:18-23)! Introduction: One of my greatest blessings is to have lived all my life in a place where we have both political and economic freedom. Read Galatians 5:2-4. Now he moves to the opposite mistake Christians might make with regard to LawGal. 4. The Story Behind the Star Spangled Banner, Full Gospel Global Forum Prayer Summit in Abuja, Nigeria. The Runner – You Lose Your Direction – Galatians 5:7-12 A contestant had to be a citizen before he could compete. In Paul’s day, it was the sons who... Fruit. They were called to run in the lane marked “Grace.”. By the end of this lesson, kids will learn about the Fruit of the Spirit and why they are important. And then Paul extends the metaphor by asking who hindered them? When God delivered Israel from Egyptian servitude, it was breaking the yoke – Lev. This lesson is great for every Children's Ministry, Kids Church, and Sunday School! C. A commandment: “By love serve one another’ – v. 15. It uses the word son for a very specific reason. Martin Luther says that Galatians 5:2 “is a touchstone, whereby we may most certainly and freely judge all doctrines, works, religions, and ceremonies of all men.” Any of these that promise righteousness and salvation through them are to be soundly rejected. Paul used the word leaven as a symbol of sin in the church in Corinth – 1 Cor. 3 For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. Galatians 5 – Paul explains what the believer loses when he turns from God’s grace to man-made rules and regulations. 2. Terms and Conditions, ©2020. I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value … Fruit is produced to be eaten. Please read the Parable of the Two Debtors – Luke 7:36-50. 4 Life Lessons from Galatians Crucified. Teach kids that we need to live by the Fruit of the Spirit. This is what the Judaizers had done to the Galatian believers and forced them to change direction. • To appreciate the need to walk in the Spirit and the true evidence of one led by the Spirit. Freedom in Christ. The main objection the Jews had to the message of the Gospel was that salvation could be on the basis of faith and not by the Law of Moses, They objected to Paul’s claims that salvation was available to Gentiles without circumcision or Law, Paul says this truth was a stumbling block for the Jewish people, leading them to reject the Gospel altogether, But if Paul was, in fact, preaching that circumcision and Law were required, then certainly there would be no stumbling block, And then the Jews would have embraced the Gospel, And they certainly wouldn’t have persecuted Paul, In other words, the Judaizers’ accusation didn’t add up, And then in a rare display of strong language, Paul says he wished the men who advocate circumcision would mutilate themselves, What Paul says in the original Greek is quite graphic, Paul is saying that if these men believe a little cut to their foreskin made them more holy, then they should go all the way and cut the rest off too, If a little cut is good, then more would be better, according to the logic of their teaching. i. Emulations means jealousies and rivalries. To drive the knife even deeper, Paul says they weren’t being persuaded by the Lord, Who called them into faith, Instead, this teaching was the product of a sinful motive, Like leaven in a lump of dough, the church was introduced to false teaching, which was polluting the entire body, And once again, the obvious answer to the question of “who” was the Judaizers, These men were disturbing the church, Paul says, and they will bear God’s judgment for their false teaching, They were the ones placing stumbling blocks in front of the Church, Leading them away from the truth and into diversions that profit them nothing, Nevertheless, Paul says he has better hope for them that they might recover from these deceptions, To help that process along, Paul takes specific aim at one of the Judaizers’ lies, Specifically, in vs.11-12 Paul denounces an accusation these men made against Paul himself, They claimed Paul had been preaching circumcision and keeping the Law to the Jews, But then when Paul came to Gentiles, he changed his story, thereby withholding the true Gospel, Of course, then the Judaizers claimed to be setting the record straight, This was a lie, but it was a convincing lie to Gentiles who didn’t respect Paul’s authority. 1. That slashed the rate poverty and hunger worldwide. 5:16-18 [16] This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Cultivation of the fruit – we must have the right atmosphere before fruit will grow – vv. A. Christ shall profit you nothing – v. 2, B. b. Gal 1:1-5 NASB Paul, an apostle (not. Copyright Restrictions Galatians 5 lesson by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics (Bible interpretation). Fruit must grow out of life – v. 25. A. 2 Mark my words! So the outline for tonight in Chapter 5 has three points, First, Paul discusses two extreme and incorrect responses to grace, On the one hand, we can make the mistake of trying to combine grace and Law, On the other hand, we can make the opposite mistake of living a licentious lifestyle with no regulation or limits, Then thirdly, Paul will explain the proper middle ground that all Christians should seek, That is living in the grace of God, enjoying the freedom won for us on the cross, While always remaining under the control of the Spirit in holiness and self-restraint, Turning to Chapter 5, Paul opens with a thesis statement to set up the rest of the chapter, Paul’s opening statement sets forth the principle of a Christian’s relationship to the Law of Moses, There is no stronger statement in all the Bible on this topic, Highlight it, underline it, memorize it, and follow it, So much burden, misery, heartache and confusion could have been avoided in the history of the church if only more Christians understood this verse, First, Paul says it was for our freedom that Christ set us free, Christ released us from the obligations of the Mosaic Law so that we might serve Him freely, Under the Law, Gods people endured severe restrictions on the ways they could serve the Lord, But now Christ has fulfilled all that the Law required, both in His life and in His death, Jesus fulfilled our obligations under the Law on our behalf, so all that the Law required has been met in Him, That’s why Christ declared on the cross that it is finished, He was referring to His work under the Law, And the penalties of the Law had been paid, Therefore the Law itself was “finished” for those who accept Jesus’ accomplishment on their behalf, Therefore, we are now free to serve God without concern for what the Law says about who, when and how we may serve, Paul says Christ came for this very purpose, to set us free from these restrictions, Obviously, the first purpose in setting us free from Law was to save us from the penalty of the Law for our sin, We now live in freedom from fear of death and the judgment that follows. The human body is not sinful, but neutral. Based on Galatians Galatians 5:22-23. The work of the Spirit is to make us more like Christ. II. When the Spirit produces fruit, God gets the glory. The Bible questions are not trivia. 4 1 “For indeed the day 2 is coming, burning like a furnace, and all the arrogant evildoers will be chaff. During my lifetime, a greater proportion of the world has become free, both economically and politically. b. Joy helps produce more joy! Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5. 1. 2 But for you who respect my name, the sun of vindication 4 will rise with healing wings, 5 and you will skip about 6 like calves released from the stall. Galatians 5:2–4. As we exit Chapter 4 and enter Chapter 5, Paul has effectively argued that Law is not the means to our salvation. Galations [] Part of the series: Survey of the Bible. 5 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.m Stand firm,n then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.o 2 Mark my words! 2. Clearly, such a lifestyle is not only unnecessary, It is also sin, because it testifies to a lie that Christians must keep the Law, This is why Paul taught earlier in this letter that we do not have the liberty to place ourselves back under Law in a systematic fashion, We may have liberty to enjoy on occasion certain memorials or other rituals taken from the Law, But we do not have liberty to reimpose a lifestyle of slavery to Law in an attempt to mimic or recreate the Jewish lifestyle, Doing so is an affront to the work of Christ on the cross, Instead, Paul gives us a command to keep standing firm and not be subject to a yoke of slavery, Paul’s command is in the active imperative voice, which means we must continuously make effort to keep this command, We must actively protect our freedom, standing unwaveringly in the confidence that we do not need the Law for anything, Men will come along from time to time, trying to convince us that slavery to Old Testament rules and regulation is necessary for our righteousness, But Paul says we must continuously resist such men and their teaching, The English phrase “do not be subject” in Greek means to fall into entanglement, The sense here is being caught in a trap from which we cannot escape, So we cannot allow ourselves to become entrapped by clear argument, twisted use of scripture, debates over meanings of words or an appeal to tradition over the word of God, Legalism, whether to the Law of Moses or some other set of rules, can sound seductive and become a persuasive trap, It is set by those who do not understand our freedom in grace, They often have very deep and convoluted arguments, usually based on twisting Hebrew or Greek words, emphasizing history and the Old Testament commands to the Jews, If we are not prepared to stand firm in the Bible’s teaching, we can easily find ourselves taken away by the arguments, leading us to fall into the trap, Paul calls the burden and restriction of the Law of Moses a “yoke”, We are like that slave voluntarily re-entering slavery even after freedom has been purchased, If we are ever fooled into thinking that Law has a place in our Christian walk, we place a yoke of slavery on our necks, Remember from our prior studies in Exodus that the Law is a single, indivisible entity, We cannot divide the Law into parts, like ceremonial or moral law, We cannot divide the ten commandments out from the rest, It is all or none, and Paul says we owe it nothing because Christ has met it all, So either you wear the entire yoke or you throw it off once and for all, Having set forth the principle of Christian freedom, Paul now addresses the first error of attempting to unite Christ and Law together in the Christian experience, Paul gives clear and bold direction to the church (I, Paul, say to you…) in direct contradiction to the teaching of the Judaizers, Paul says to receive circumcision means that Christ was of no benefit to you, These verses are often a source of some confusion or bad doctrine because we fail to see the nuances of Paul’s argument, But when we examine the text carefully, it comes together properly, Paul teaches a conditional cause–and–effect relationship, The condition is if someone (a man, obviously) receives circumcision, Paul’s verb conjugation implies a willing acceptance on the part of the man to receive circumcision along with all that circumcision represents, A person who receives circumcision is agreeing with all that the Judaizers were teaching concerning Law, He agreed that salvation was by means of the Jewish Law and lifestyle, He agreed that the death of Christ was not sufficient to save, He was demonstrating that his trust for eternal life resided in the keeping of Law instead of trusting solely in the work of Christ, So for that person, Paul says Christ is of no benefit, If we add anything to the work of Christ, we nullify belief in Christ, Many people have tried to “roll their own” formula of salvation, They take a little of religion “A” and some of religion “B” and concoct their own recipe for salvation, Paul says if you have added Christ to such a recipe, you might as well subtract Christ from your recipe, because He’s of no benefit under such circumstances, There is no point in adding Christ to a formula that includes other steps or requirements, because grace doesn’t work that way, The Gospel declares we are saved by our trust in Christ alone, And if we place our trust in anything else – whether works of Law or other gods or acts of the flesh – then it demonstrates we haven’t placed our trust in Christ, Therefore, Christ does nothing for our salvation in such a situation, So Paul says adding circumcision to Christ effectively denies Christ in the process, Just as when the Catholic Church teaches that salvation is a combination of faith in Christ plus doing penance, it denies Christ, Just as when the Mormons teach that salvation is a combination of Christ plus good works and temple observances, they deny Christ, Just as when so-called Messianic Christian movements require adherence to the Mosaic Law as a condition of righteousness, they deny that Christ is sufficient to bring us righteousness, And to emphasize his point, Paul repeats himself in v.3, He says that if someone receives circumcision, they show they place their trust in the Law to obtain righteousness, Such a person is expecting to be granted eternal life on the basis of their works under the Law, beginning with taking circumcision, Paul says if you choose that route, you had better be prepared to keep the entire Law and to do so perfectly forever, Because there is no credit to be gained for partial compliance with the Law of Moses, God designed His Law to be an all-or-nothing standard for good reason, He wanted to demonstrate to us that we are unrighteous and in need of grace, So we get no benefit for keeping even 99% of it, To break one Law, James says, is equal to violating all the Law, So the Law’s standard is unforgiving and impossible, Therefore, Paul says the one who receives circumcision is obligated to keep all the Law since they are placing their trust in it for righteousness, And of course, this is an impossible standard, which God designed to be futile, Therefore, every man or woman who places his trust in Law will be disappointed in the end, They will find that neither their justification nor their sanctification will have been achieved by that method, Certainly, trusting the Law for salvation reveals the absence of saving faith in a person’s heart, but a believer relying on the Law for sanctification is equally wrong, Christians who have been deceived into thinking that following some or all of the Mosaic Law will achieve greater holiness have also missed the point of the Law, God is not pleased with partial obedience, Even if a Christian should keep 612 of the 613 Laws of the Old Testament Law, they would still have failed to please the Lord, Because even jut one violation of the Law leaves us guilty of all the Law, Technically, we are just as sinful had we failed to keep all the Law, But partial obedience to the Law is the only thing possible, as God has intended, The temple and Jewish priesthood have been destroyed, So it is literally impossible to accomplish most of the Law’s requirements, Therefore, if we place our trust in the Law for our sanctification, we will always be frustrated, For the same reason Jews of today are frustrated in their attempts to seek justification by Law, The writer of Hebrews tells us God took away the ability of men to keep the Law so that we would understand He had provided a better way, To sum up, Paul says in v.4 that anyone who takes circumcision in the belief it will make him more righteous has been severed from Christ and fallen from grace, Because they have placed their trust in the Law, they benefit none at all from knowing of Christ and the Gospel, Some have read these words and concluded Paul was describing a believer losing his salvation, But the context of Paul’s argument (to say nothing of the rest of the New Testament) precludes that interpretation, Paul is speaking of someone who has never come to faith in the first place, Look back to the description in v.2 where Paul said that taking circumcision means you have not benefitted from Christ, Christ doesn’t provide benefit when combined with other sources of righteousness, It’s like adding a useless ingredient in any recipe, You might as well leave the ingredient out, So Paul said such a combination is pointless, and demonstrates the person is still relying on works rather than on faith alone, Therefore, Paul says that when we depend on something other than Christ, we are forfeiting any benefit from Christ, We are severed from Christ in the sense that we gain no benefit from adding Him to our recipe of salvation, We have fallen from grace in the sense that we have come up short of accepting God’s grace on its own terms, Like someone who leaves his fiancé at the altar, They got close to a lasting relationship, but in the end they came up short of a true marriage, The writer of Hebrews speaks in similar terms about someone who fails to embraced the Gospel in faith, The writer says that some may “come short” of the grace of God, which is similar to the phrase Paul uses here in Galatians, Coming short of something implies not fully receiving or accepting it, They hear the message, perhaps joining themselves for a time, but eventually something reveals their false heart, Like when the Galatians willingly receive circumcision and accept the teaching that Law was a necessary part of the Christian experience, In contrast to falling from grace, true Christians depend upon faith exclusively, Paul says, In vs.5-6, Paul says we (the Christians) are those who by the Spirit are content to wait for the righteousness to come, through the faith we have been given, But we don’t seek to obtain it through the works of our flesh by following a Law we know we cannot keep in the first place, Instead, we hope for righteousness, trusting it will be ours one day in the future, by God’s grace through our faith, We understand that our faith will bring us righteousness in a future day of God’s choosing, We will receive a glorified body by His power, And the moment of our glorification will be our moment of true righteousness, And that in the meantime, we depend on the Spirit to lead us toward sanctification, We don’t fool ourselves concerning our ability to become righteous through our works, We know we continue to fall short of God’s glory each day, Yet each day we move closer to Christ, knowing we are promised better things in the future, Simply put, nothing a Christian accomplishes by flesh moves us a step closer to our ultimate righteousness, It is not as though our righteousness is a tank becoming a little fuller each day by our works, Our spirit tank is already filled by Christ’s righteousness, While our flesh tank remains as bankrupt as ever, So we are not to waste time trying to fill our flesh tank with righteousness, Because we simply cannot fill it enough to please God, So keeping Law does nothing to bring us closer to sanctification, Whether we are abstaining from certain foods or not, Whether we are observing certain festivals, days of rest or whatever, These things are not our path to righteousness, Neither for justification nor for sanctification, The recipe for sanctification must be the same as for justification, It comes by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ, This is the recipe for godliness and pleasing God, This is the full sense of freedom and liberty, God has already done the work of righteousness, He has already granted us a spirit of righteousness, And one day in the future, He will grant us a body of righteousness, So we are freed to serve Him without concern for recovering from our sin or achieving righteousness, Those things are settled, so now we just serve Him freely, All our worries for righteousness have been settled at the cross. What a difference it makes to serve the Lord without guilt or fear! He is free from the penalty of sin because Christ died for him on the cross. Isaac and Ishmael were unable to get along, so the Spirit and the flesh (the old nature) are at war with each other. Privacy Policy I. F. Paul said, “The Law adds nothing – because nothing can be added. This is the basic message of Paul's letter to the Galatians. Man ward aspect of Christian life: long-suffering (courageous endurance without quitting); gentleness (kindness); goodness (love in action). III. Spanish translation available. In the race each runner was to stay in his lane, but some runners would cut in on their competitors and try to get them off course. So Paul has explained that living under the Law is wrong and living without the Law is wrong, so how are we to live? ... You’ll find 4 to 5 questions for each lesson, though there are only 2 questions in the first lesson. We need to surrender to the will of the Holy Spirit. The much-quoted verse of Paul’s testimony is transformational and foundational for anyone who begins to... Sons. D. God’s Word teaches that when we were unsaved, we owed God a debt we could not pay. If the Law doesn’t regulate our lives, what does? VI. 7. Hatred means enmity, the attitude of mind that defies and challenges others. h. Social sins – vv. Objectives of Lesson: • To recognize the ways in which we submit to the yoke of slavery. 1. B. Paul issues a caution: “Don’t allow your liberty to degenerate into a license. 1. 9. Use this printable lesson plant to teach kids about the good fruit that the Holy Spirit can produce in our lives. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. e. Drunkenness and revellings (orgies). Essentially, this is the situation Christians assume when they legalistically mix grace and Law, They assume upon themselves a limited form of slavery, thinking they please the Lord by voluntarily adopting restrictions He intended for an entirely different purpose, In reality, they throw His gift of freedom in His face, so to speak, They refuse to live in the freedom Christ won through His perfect life and sacrificial death, They haven’t lost salvation, of course, but they are forfeiting the freedom grace provides, In his letter to the Colossians, Paul warns the church not to succumb to pressure to re-enter slavery to Law, Paul commands us not to allow someone to defraud us of our prize, The “prize” is a reference to liberty, that is our freedom to live without regard to Law. Freedom in Christ Object Lesson for Sunday School (Galatians 5:1) June 15, 2015 by Mimi Patrick. I. 2. We serve Christ free from such worries and burdens, But secondly, Christ fulfilled the Law so that we would not need to be burdened by trying to do it ourselves, for we could not possibly meet its requirements anyway, What a shame it is when we refuse to take advantage of the very freedom Christ has won for us, Imagine yourself living as a slave, when the king pledges his entire fortune to win your freedom from your master, By His grace, you are set free from your enslavement, But then imagine that despite the king’s payment, you voluntarily choose to remain in your enslavement, You opt to continue suffering under your burdens. Root or branch because Christ died for him on the cross d. but now Paul was their enemy v.! Appreciate the need to live by the Spirit which means not to run in the Spirit sent Christ... Of any attempt to impose Jewish Law or any other means apart from Faith alone the flesh is work! 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