Build Bloodthirster to get shield when you have full health and physical vamp. Join Now; Log In; League of Legends Champion Guides. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. MFN; Become a Prime Member. hide. Basically, if you have a chance to pick it, try and plan what you are making. So my usual build on zed goes depending on match up is DB or Maw then Ghost Blade and Lord Dom and instead of getting Black Cleaver I tried Phantom Dancer and did ridiculous amounts of damage. Master Yi build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s11, s10 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . Phantom Dancer -> Shieldbow build path. Community . Unless you already picked up a lot of these, these are the items you should aim for at the carousel. Community . To build on that, it builds into some of the strongest items as well. Constructed from a Cloak of Agility, a Zeal, and a Dagger, the Phantom Dancer is a Legendary item, building from two basic items and one advanced item. Does this item works well against zed for an adc? 734,476 LoL Matches Analyzed Tier. 0 Votes. Going Shieldbow first doesnt let you hit sub 2sec Q, however PD does. Want to know more about Phantom Dancer? It’s Mid-Range in cost, but is completely gold efficient. TeamFight Tactics. Build. As it turns out, having to do the extra work to access that damage potential (unlike Statikk or RFC) on top of being harder to build ended being a pretty big miss. The build path is fluid, with strong intermediate items and a low combination cost of 495 Gold. ; V9.24. Going Shieldbow first doesnt let you hit sub 2sec Q, however PD does. Unlike Phantom Dancer, Runaan's enables marksmen to split their focus and smack down multiple targets at once. If you are playing a game vs Assasins (ie) ., you probably want to go with the life steal build because it has more sustain and one-shot ability. In Wild Rift Jhin abilities are: Whisper (Passive) References. 2800 (600) Recurve Bow. 2800 (600) Recurve Bow. Sterak's Gage. Archmage Build [2017] Phantom Mage Build [2017] Pop Star Guide – Agni [2018] Pop Star/ Maestro Skill Guide (Demigod) [2017] [Maestro’s Guide] “We beat things up with a stick” [2017] Knight. 500. Zeal. I've been doing some internal testing with builds and such and seeing Yasuo AND Yone with such low winrates tears my heart because for the majority of S10, I've only played these two exclusively unless banned and I personally believe I can play those two champions at a good level where I can climb efficiently. Blade of the Ruined King : Gluttonous Greaves: Runaan's Hurricane: Maw of Malmortius: Infinity Edge: Bloodthirster: Build Maw of Malmortius to get magic resist and gain shield when health are below 35%. Recipe. You will need: 2 Chain Vests, 2 Recurve Bows, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Tear of the Goddess. Vayne build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s11, s10 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . The build path is fluid, with strong intermediate items … Statikk Shiv. Attack speed reduced to 15% from 20%. Home Champions Items Counters Tier List Win Predictor Blog MOBA Champion Search for Champions or Items. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? You … Going fully decked out on adl build with +15s would probably be around the same damage as a ranger with +10 gear. Dagger. Find information on items, NPCs, monsters, furnitures, equipments, cards, MVP here on! Champions . Ragnarok Online M:Eternal Love database and resources. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Build Priority: Phantom Dancer, Luden’s Echo x2. MFN; Become a Prime Member. This item syncs well with Yasuo’s ability. The sad truth is phantom dancer is not a top tier class for dealing damage in pve. let say, with quintuple shot robin bow+rosa bracelet+abyssal cry+madman (for … Although he does not have his 2 item spike anymore, Shieldbow allows him to survive and function fairly well. V9.22. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Seraph's Embrace. They can get the job done, but they won't be as effective as other classes with lower investment. by sina.soroush updated July 11, 2015. Patch History . 6.84. Phantom Dancer. Build Bloodthirster to get shield when you have full health and physical vamp. 2.1K 0 Phantom lancer guide. or meh, rogue is still pvp wise- forever. TeamFight Tactics. League of Legends Premiere Strategy Build Guides and Tools. You cap out your attack speed with zeal while being able to get shieldbow much sooner. 500. Phantom Dancer Stats LoL Item Statistics and Meta Breakdown. Attack speed reduced to 15% from 20%. by GGnet.Ace updated July 26, 2015. Phantom Dancer is a legendary item in League of Legends. :), Great item with 1 or 2 of those and a fast ad champ you can almost reach maximum AS cap. Buying a Crit Cloak will give you an extra 15%. Language. Items. It’s passive will grant you a 240-590 shield (based on level) when his HP is below 35%. Phantom Dancer Bow Type Wasteland Farming with Budget Equip F2P friendly by sina.soroush updated July 11, 2015. The movement speed stat only increases flat movement speed, and will not interact with other percentage increases. Phantom Dancer. Prowler's Claw Infinity Edge Berserker's Greaves Phantom Dancer Bloodthirster Death's Dance. Prowlers except with belt. Build Stats. It is a hard counter against Yordle lineups, units with Phantom Dancer, and Shen as it nullifies his special ability Spirit’s Refuge (it creates a zone around him where the allies dodge all the attacks). Armor increased to 25 from 20. League of Legends Premiere Strategy Build Guides and Tools. Phantom Dancer seems like an interesting solution to this and Ravenous Hydra could help you stand out in teamfights giving you that extra edge in not only raw damage but also in AOE capabilities which Sivir excels in. Berserkers this season seems really weak BECAUSE of PD. League of Legends (LoL) Item: Phantom Dancer Phantom Dancer Total Price: 2500 | … Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Rogue - Stalker - Shadow Chaser - Phantom DancerThe lifestealer Phantom Dancer 4th … Zerkers > PD > Shieldbow > IE would be the core build. *tips fedora, High Noon style*, Press J to jump to the feed. I've been doing some internal testing with builds and such and seeing Yasuo AND Yone with such low winrates tears my heart because for the majority of S10, I've only played these two exclusively unless banned and I personally believe I can play those two champions at a good level where I can climb efficiently. Language. Build Stats. No longer builds into Cursed Blade, due to the item being removed. 0 Votes. however, i often see them used on hybrids, not the better choice of. Phantom lancer indie build. IT'S AWESOME! They can get the job done, but they won't be as effective as other classes with lower investment. 900 (400) Dagger. 6.84. Kalista build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s11, s10 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . All. Tier Lists . 1300 (300) Brawler's Gloves. Skill Type: PassiveLv.5When Phantom Dancer uses Phantom Rush or Phantom Storm, a Night Shadow will be generated. I've tried pd rush but I think boots into zeal rush into shieldbow is way better. Although this build is … Tier Lists . Similar Items. Hemless 2 years ago #1 @Terron145 @Enfinete @Terragent I'm helping to make a FAQ about the classes and part of it is suggesting proper build paths for 2nd names. Rapid Firecannon is another difficult item to build as it requires two Recurve Bow (so it brings also lots of attack speed). Build Phantom Dancer to get shield when your health are low. No longer builds into Cursed Blade, due to the item being removed. to many to count dont get in my way, shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow my phantom dancer is my death blow. It will only work on the targeted champion, so there's no anti-synergy between PD and Runaan's. save. 0 Votes. Best Items to Build … 2.3K 0 Ultimate PL from the Scratch ! Is it actually a good idea to build it on zed? personally i've been building boots, shieldbow, zeal, IE -> finish zeal/ get deaths dance. Rank Champions. Both bow paths for phantom dancer will depend a whole lot on your enchants so that's another wall you're gonna have to smash your head against till either breaks. There is little to no reason to get Berserkers because of PD+Shieldbow. Phantom Dancer. best. Build Priority: Phantom Dancer, Luden’s Echo x2. V10.1 - Removed. So what you wanna buy is phantom dancer into infinity-edge if you purchase these 2 items as your first 2 then you get 50% chance critical. All. Maw of Malmortius. Rapid Firecannon. Build Mortal Reminder on Jhin to increase attack damage and armor penetration. PD is a good item by itself but you overcap your attackspeed by a lot going that item, and those stats could be use in a better way building raw AD after you cap your Q, also it kinda delays your IE powerspike even more, which you REALLY need ASAP this season, considering IE crit damage got buffed and crit damage itself got nerfed. The attack speed guide is good vs tanks ie , because you can get a lot of attacks off on them. But considering IE only scales like it kind of used to before you have to buy all 5 crit items. Shared. V9.19. Yone mains discord is coming to the same conclusion for Yone. Old Effect: Dodges critical strikes from basic attacks and Special Abilities. Phantom lancer indie build. Gives power a whole new meaning! Is it actually a good idea to build it on zed? You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. Similar Items. 150.9K 24 persian Lancer. Overall, Tear is a solid item which is also core for some team comps that want to cast their abilities a lot. Phantom Dancer, a dance with the shadows. ; V9.24. The Phantom Dancer, along with its downgrade, is a component of the famous "Dunk" troll build. Removed from the game. Armor increased to 25 from 20. 6.84 . 500. i like what your doing but rushing pd is usseles sence your not hiting item spike early, you should get shieldbow first then boots and then you stack runes gain some atack speed from levels and then get pd, so basicly if your not buyng berserkers rushing pd will be weak. If you have the power of shadow, the dark night will be your dance floor. 14 comments. Hextech Rocketbelt Berserker's Greaves Nashor's Tooth Lich Bane Rabadon's Deathcap Zhonya's Hourglass. 6.84 Guide In-Depth. 1. by Ancient dragon updated September 10, 2015. Community . 500. Now builds into Runaan's Hurricane. MOBAFire League of Legends (LoL) Item: Phantom Dancer Phantom Dancer ... shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow my phantom dancer is my death blow. Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow; Ezreal. ... You can build the Quicksilver Sash … 0 Votes. You will need: 2 Needlessly Large Rods, 2 Tears of the Goddess, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow. Night Shadows cannot be moved and can withstand 9 attacks for duration of 14 seconds. 150.9K 24 persian Lancer. by Slogo.captain updated August 10, 2015. Even if it was old build path, going PD first would not give you anymore damage than going it first now. Zeal is an epic item in League of Legends. 500. It grants +25% Critical Rate and +45% Attack Speed. Tri Force Yas (Pretty good) you can go this top. Now builds into … V9.18 V9.19. sorry for bad english. User Info: Hemless. I've been using this build everywhere and I really like Essence Reaver's Sheen passive, it works similarly to Tank Yasuo's Trinity Force in S6.I want to hear your suggestions and see if we can tweak it or whether this will be the way to go on Yasuo.Thank you for reading. share. This thread is archived. As it turns out, having to do the extra work to access that damage potential (unlike Statikk or RFC) on top of being harder to build ended being a pretty big miss. 1300 (300) Brawler's Gloves. V9.22. There is little to no reason to get Berserkers because of PD+Shieldbow. Rapid Firecannon is another difficult item to build as it requires two Recurve Bow (so it brings also lots of attack speed). save. Movement Speed is slowed by 20% while preparing to shoot. 2.4K 0 Unstoppable by ! is it good? 0 Votes. agreed. No longer builds into Phantom Dancer and Repeating Crossbow, due to these items being removed. Build Vs Mage. TFT . List of Items. Home Champions Items Counters ... MOBA Champion Search for Champions or Items. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. can match with the other dps? For Yone, I've been trying a different build, since I personally believe Yone's purpose is to solely purely do as much dmg during E. So I've been running PD rush -> t2 boots (not berserkers) into Kraken Slayer. Night Shadows cannot be moved and can withstand 9 attacks for duration of 14 seconds. Swain Win Ratio 45.35% Counter Miss Fortune Win Ratio 47.53% Counter Tristana Win Ratio 48.86% Counter V9.22. Phantom Dancer was supposed to be more expensive relative to the other Zeal upgrades because of its extreme dueling/damage potential. With assassins and mages such as Zed and Vladimir, Treads and Tabis are essentials. No longer builds into Phantom Dancer and Repeating Crossbow, due to these items being removed. … Phantom Dancer is a great first item for Yasuo to build, this item provide extra critical rate, attack speed, and when your health lower then 35% you will grants a shield that absorbs up to 590 damage for 5 seconds. TeamFight Tactics. 14 comments. Chain Vest Armor can be useful, but the Chain Vest really shines when you mak… I love playing ADC so i allso love Phantom. Infinity Edge. Rapid Firecannon. Going Beserkers, Shieldbow into PD makes you overcap too much AS meaning your Beserkers are essentially useless and makes you an even more squishy target. idk please help. It provides an increase to the wielder's attack speed, critical strike chance, and movement speed. Trivia Edit. The sad truth is phantom dancer is not a top tier class for dealing damage in pve. V10.1 - Removed. Build Phantom Dancer to get shield when your health are low. Phantom Dancer's movement speed only increases flat movement speed, and will not interact with other percentage increases. Apohermion (2) | July 8, 2012 3:19pm. Our detailed guide covers the best items to build with Phantom Dancer and the best champions to equip it! 1. TFT . It is the best 2 items to rush phantom dancer … By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. and stackikg 2+ is noobish, although 1 can be excellent. V9.22. Phantom Dancer was supposed to be more expensive relative to the other Zeal upgrades because of its extreme dueling/damage potential. report . Phantom Dancer (Wild Rift) is a finished item in Wild Rift. New Effect: Being hit by a critical strike from a basic attack or Special Ability instead deals non-crit damage. you can also try shieldbow>berserkers>stormrazor with fleet or just take conq, Seems cool but wouldn't you lack damage early on ? Phantom Dancer Stats LoL Item Statistics and Meta Breakdown. I just don't see it being better than Berserkers - Zeal - Shieldbow - IE - Mortal Reminder - DD - Situational. Phantom Dancer item in Wild Rift requires to build Zeal and Cloak of Agility. Ragnarok Online M:Eternal Love database and resources. As it turns out, having to do the extra work to access that damage potential (unlike Statikk or RFC) on top of being harder to build … Create Guide . Replaced by Titan's Resolve. Amazing if used with Infinity Edge. Basic items. Wild Rift Jhin Abilities. TFT . Build Bloodthirster to get physical vamp and shield when you have full health. It grants you attack speed, critical chance, movement speed, a shield, and a great passive … let say, with quintuple shot robin bow+rosa bracelet+abyssal cry+madman (for … Phantom Dancer was supposed to be more expensive relative to the other Zeal upgrades because of its extreme dueling/damage potential. Statikk Shiv. Phantom Dancer Sett. Sword Great item for raw damage, and has some great combines, but lags behind attack speed so we prioritize it lower. Language. Seraph's Embrace. Runaan's Hurricane. Runaan's Hurricane. 6.84. Recipe. Hold: Draws the bow, gradually increasing the range and damage for the next shot. Its a more meta build with With Tryndamere you want crit chance to scale with your passive Bloodlust. Attack speed reduced to 15% from 20%. Sterak's Gage. Find information on items, NPCs, monsters, furnitures, equipments, cards, MVP here on! Since it grants a small attack speed, critical strike chance and movement speed bonus, Zeal is a great item to buy for slow and immobile AD carries such as Ashe and Varus. Check your Summoner, Live Spectate and using powerful global League of Legends Statistics! Rank Champions. I will personally build Essence Reaver and Phantom Dancer core, we are going back to old Tons of Damage Kog I'm guessing. Sort by. The best part about this build is that it changes absolutely nothing from how twitch is played as an ad marksman he’s, still the same old rat, who goes around assassinating vulnerable targets, and he continues to be a team fight menace, with his ultimate spreading his poison over Everyone dealing insane aoe damage, but he does get a lot of benefits that a.d twitch doesn’t specifically his waveclear … Night Shadow inherits a portion Phantom Dancer’s stats, it will automatically attack surrounding enemies. how many fools can i kill today? Aside from that, lets cut to the chase, I personally believe Phantom Dancer will be the way to go on Yasuo. Yasuo is an aggressive champion and this item will also increase his Steel Tempest (1) damage.. 2. Phantom Dancer Skills Demo Shadow Chaser 4th job Video Credit: Henrey Tey 6.84 Guide In-Depth. ", "M'Yasuo." or meh, rogue is still pvp wise- forever. Being a Crit and Speed items dependent champion, it makes this item a … Build Vs Mage. "Berserkers this season seems really weak BECAUSE of PD. Blade of the Ruined King: Gluttonous Greaves: Runaan's Hurricane: Phantom Dancer: Infinity Edge: Now builds into Runaan's Hurricane. Recipes: Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow; Luden’s Echo = Needlessly Large Rod + Tear of the Goddess ; Ivern. League of Legends (LoL) Item: Phantom Dancer Phantom Dancer Total Price: 2900 | … Infinity Edge. Phantom Dancer was supposed to be more expensive relative to the other Zeal upgrades because of its extreme dueling/damage potential. hide. All living beings are growing towards the sun, but there are some exceptions. Create Guide . Its a more meta build with With Tryndamere you want crit chance to scale with your passive Bloodlust. B.F. Phantom dancers are going towards the darkness like the shadow walks around you. MOBAFire. Hero Spear Build [2017] Hero 2H Build [2017] Highlander Build [2017] Blade Master Build [2017] Sword Dancer Build [2017] Wizard. Consumables. 29 Votes. what do you think of Phantom Dancer (PD) doing Thanatos Tower/Oracle/Infinite Corridor with bow? is it good? The Phantom Dancer is an item originating from League of Legends. Real-time LoL Stats! Build Vs Assassin. Our detailed guide covers the best items to build with Phantom Dancer and the best champions to equip it! Best Phantom Dancer Fencer build path when leveling? share. Which pushes up the total to 12+16=28% which is only 3% extra than what IE used to give before. If you are playing a game vs Assasins (ie) ., you probably want to go with the life steal build because it has more sustain and one-shot ability. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. what do you think of Phantom Dancer (PD) doing Thanatos Tower/Oracle/Infinite Corridor with bow? Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow; Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess; Kog’Maw. The Builder. The build I've been running recently has been: Phantom rush -> t2 boots (not berserkers) -> Shieldbow -> Essence Reaver -> Bloodthirster -> IE. Join Now; Log In; League of Legends Champion Guides. by Slogo.captain updated August 10, 2015. MOBAFire. It is a hard counter against Yordle lineups, units with Phantom Dancer, and Shen as it nullifies his special ability Spirit’s Refuge (it creates a zone around him … Although this build is very slow, you can swap the items around. This pick is right out of the Korean solo queue and features one of the most unique and broken Sett builds that you will … 734,476 LoL Matches Analyzed Tier. Replaced by Titan's Resolve. New Effect: Being hit by a critical strike from a basic attack or Special Ability instead deals non-crit damage. Champions . Phantom Dancer (Wild Rift) is a finished item in Wild Rift. 900 (400) Dagger. 1. sebargh | June 8, 2012 11:08pm. Build Phantom Dancer to get extra shield when health below 30%, can extend surviving chance. 500. 29 Votes. One of my favorite items to get. Phantom Dancer. … So my usual build on zed goes depending on match up is DB or Maw then Ghost Blade and Lord Dom and instead of getting Black Cleaver I tried Phantom Dancer and did ridiculous amounts of damage. V9.18 Phantom Dancer. Zeal. Tier Lists . Going essence reaver to make your next Q/AA deal 150% more AD dmg is more worth it every 1.5s when in a fight. The Builder. 2.1K 0 Phantom lancer guide. Going Shieldbow first doesn't allow you to go items such as Treads or Tabis in a meta that really requires you to. IE on the otherhand doesnt seem the best to get 2nd item as it only gives you 8x2 crit dmg which only goes to 16%. These basic items make the best TFT item recipes in the game. Unlike Phantom Dancer, Runaan's enables marksmen to split their focus and smack down multiple targets at once. Maw of Malmortius. [/i] Most games you are going to want to go crit strike. Hey r/YasuoMains. The build I've been running recently has been: Phantom rush -> t2 boots (not berserkers) -> Shieldbow -> Essence Reaver -> Bloodthirster -> IE. Removed from the game. This build consists of getting four of this weapon, Wriggle's Lantern, and Boots of Mobility, so movement speed can be maximized as much as possible. Its a more meta build with +15s would probably be around the same conclusion for yone decked out on build! 100 % when you have a chance to pick it, try plan... 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