If you give me more information on a playstyle you are looking for I can give you some tips. Imo, Hu sub is good even for skilled Ra mains because it lets you tank hits while charging photon arts such as End Attract and Satellite Cannon. C Strike Ranged: At level 20, This ring give s you +20% critical hit rate and +3% critical hit damage. PP slayer provides a DPD increase. This isn't a very sufficient way of playing the class either. Default skill. Fighter is a viable, albeit uncommon subclass for Ranger. Hunter is good, especially if you don't play Ranger much. Increases your base DEX stat. : It really depends on what you are looking for. In PSO2, there is no concept of secondary jobs seen in other games. Extends the invulnerability duration of Dive Roll. It’s … The full stance bonus only applies to charged attacks, and half of ra's pas aren't chargeable. While the ideal Mag for a Ranger is R-ATK with Et sub, Phantom Mag adds your Mag's DEX to all three ATK stats, making a Dex Mag at least viable. Allows for an attack to be made during a Dive Roll. Most of the skills that made it a tank-class still work when is a Sub-Class so I think that a Hu-Et or Fi-Et combo would work great, maybe neither could do as much damage as the usual Hu-Fi or Fi-Hu can, but it still could do a lot of damage and be sturdy as hell. NoScript). Weak stance synergizes. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. Hunter is the easier path since it gives Rangers needed durability while firing shots. Wielding three types of weapons, the Hero (ヒーロー, Hr) is a powerful Successor Class whose true power is being a master of all. I haven't seen Braver mentioned. Players can unlock Successor Classes by having any 2 Basic Classes at Lv. See a basic Gu/Ra build. My other favored mains are Bouncer and Phantom, both of which are actually ideal with a Dex Mag as opposed to focusing on any one ATK, so it's just a convenience thing being able to use the same Mag for all three of my main mains. @The-Question said in Best subclasses for a Ranger? I use Hunter; however, you can out DPS Rahu with Rafi, using chase skills and TAJAB. Having Resta, Shifta, and Deband available is worth it for me. On the plus side, Gu/Ra does not require a lot of skill points from the Ranger tree at all. It has a lot of failsafes. in the Beta, Ranger/Hunter will be your main until the Successor classes release, you will then swap your sublass to Ranger/Etoile which is way overall better whenever that happens on NA. Increases your base max HP. You will need to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. First of all, I'm really new to this game and trying to figure out the basics right now. @i48TonsOfSlaves said in Best subclasses for a Ranger? Fury Stance + Just Attack potency skills for damage (ranged damage included) and very good survivability skills in Automate, Iron Will, and Hunter Body or whatever that one was called are all viable to keep yourself alive longer. Ranger/Fighter is for min/max damage. I'm a weenie who leans too much on tech access. Ranged weapons are indicated by blue inventory icons. Passive. You get 450 bonus RNG without the stance or % boosts. Fury Stance could be helpful for DPS but does Just Attack bonus do anything? If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. If you have any doubts, make sure to ask for second opinions before finalizing choices. Successor Classes boast power that exceeds that of Basic Classes and are easy to handle, allowing players to output immense damage with ease. What weak stance synergy? I use BrRa for bossing. Increases your base DEX stat. Ph sub grants that, while still maintaining a degree of synergy with Ra main. Dive Roll Shot - Allows you to attack during your Dive Rolls. If you are new to PSO2, maybe try out the Hunter, Ranger, Force or Summoner class. Due to multiple requests, I decided to make this tutorial on how to play Ranger. Automate Deadline Avoid. If you want to stick to some niche playstyle because its "your thing", then go for it but expect to be hitting the floor pretty often as a Ra/Fi at Deadlines level of health. For the Ranger's side of things, we have chosen Skills that are focused around raw DPS, sustainability, and maximizing Precision Damage. Each class is a separate and independent class. The skill tree and photon arts of the subclass become fully usable, but some skills and photon arts may function with a type of weapon normally restricted to the main class, requiring use of a rare weapon without normal class restrictions. You are not able to set a Subclass while you have a Successor Class as your Main Class. Shooting Drive, illustrated by mamuru. There are four races to choose from in Phantasy Star Online 2; Human, Newman, Dewman, and Cast, all of which have two genders, male and female. Hunter … So how about this crazy idea: let’s make Ranger do EVEN MORE damage to weak points! With Fighter’s damage skills, you can take down just about anything, but anything can also take you down if you aren’t careful. Braver Mag does the same thing, which is why I use RaBr until Scions are released/unlocked. You can only choose Hunter, Ranger, Force, Braver, Bouncer, and Summoner when creating a character, but you can choose and switch to all normal classes if you go to the class counter and talk to the Class Consultant NPC, Bhea. Automate Deadline needs about 2000 HP to be remotely reliable, otherwise taking a 500 damage hit will bring you from 26% to 0% altogether. This is so you have a free ring slot when you use a subclass that does not have a stance skill (like Summoner and Ranger). The most common meta's are Hunter, Fighter, and Braver sub classing. Press the Evade button to roll in a desired direction. Discuss news, strategies and information relating to Sega's *Phantasy Star Online 2*! With balanced growth in S-ATK, R-ATK, and T-ATK, as well as the ability to quickly switch between weapons even during the heat of battle, the Hero controls the battlefield with masterful strength and skill. Ranged weapons in Phantasy Star Online 2 include assault rifles, launchers, twin machine guns and bullet bows. As a result, your viewing experience will be diminished, and you may not be able to execute some actions. I've got healing, buffs, durability -I can solo nearly anything without being one latency burp away from resetting a Super Hard stage clear. Welcome to PSO-World! Ranger/Fighter is for min/max damage. Want to know how to get Subclasses in PSO2? 75 or higher. Can not be equipped when you have Fighter sub. If you have any other build requests please let us know in the comments section below. Ra/Hu makes the game much easier, especially for newer players, due to the hunter tree perks: Iron will, automate halfline, massive hunter, and % damage taken reduction passives. With what class do you think Etoile could work well as a sub-class? Your browser does not seem to support JavaScript. Subclass trees are set up in a way that assumes you will only use Ranger main weapons. Innate Skill. Extends the invulnerability duration of Dive Roll. Love to hear your thoughts to help with my decision. Once Scions come out both Phantom and Etoile make good sub classes for Ranger as well. I don't know if there are better subclasses for optimal play, though. Hunter, but Summoner is cool if you're feeling like a more technical playstyle. Fi sub is superior in every way, if you really want that route, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ... A subclass in Phantasy Star Online 2 is a second class chosen to augment a character's main class. It's the one sub class that isn't for experienced players. This topic has been deleted. That said, check out the English community's foremost ranger resource: https://somethingaboutlagging.wordpress.com/ They have guides breaking down the strengths and weaknesses of each class combination as well as all the other material you could ever ask for for ranger help. Will echo Hunter as the most solid overall choice, excellent damage and survivability. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. But there are other classes you can sub with. We are going to continue our work on PSO2 characters to create various builds for most of the available Character combinations. If you enjoy gunner build it since it technically is the best class even after a million nerfs to it. Looks like your connection to Phantasy Star Online 2 was lost, please wait while we try to reconnect. 04/26/2020 Recommended NA Weapons Added a video on why Elder Rifle is good for PSO2 NA… Hunter: Versatile And Ruthless. Core Skill.Press the Jump button after landing on the ground from knockback to get up immediately. either. 1up this, learned how to Ra from it, talked to some of the guide maker too. fury stance is insanely good, and then you factor in that it gives you massive hunter without having to burn a ring slot (which means you can throw your r-atk crit ring in there). Monster SlayerMonster Slayer takes the vanilla ranger theme of the Hunter and makes it better. Ra/Br and Ra/Hu are good, idk where someone got the idea that Ra/Fi would be good when its not. Core Skill.Roll in a desired direction to dodge attacks. Probably better for bossing but I'm not too experienced with that. If used as Ra's Sub: Br sub - 155% from Weakstance, 135% if Average stance,only Safety line is "Quick mate" and "J Reversal Cover" While not really optimal, I personally like to use Ranger/Phantom (Ranger/Braver until Scions come out). Here is a beginner’s guide to each of the nine basic and 3 successor classes in PSO2. Source Last updated: April 8th, 2020 Disclaimer: The information and suggestions this guide provides should not be blindly followed. Increases your damage against weak spots using shooting attacks. Credit goes to an anonymous reader for elaborating some points about critical chance. What subclass should i get for ranger? The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Reasoning for this is twofold. Hunter is good, especially if you don't play Ranger much. Right Rings. Phantasy Star Online 2 Classes - What Sub Class Should You Play? Automatically uses a -mate when your HP falls below 25%. The stickied guide suggested Hunter but I'm unsure as to what Skills in the tree would actually benefit the Ranger Main class. It's the one sub class that isn't for experienced players. Also the stances provide a huge damage boost as … This ring will be your go to ring almost 100% the time. Subclass A subclass in Phantasy Star Online 2 is a second class chosen to augment a character's main class. Braver’s Weak Stance has really strong synergy with Ranger’s abilities. Also the stances provide a huge damage boost as well even without the use of the health % damage boosts. Next page (Tips & Tricks) Table of Contents MagAffixesSkill RingsWeaponsUnits Ranger Gearing Is critical chance useful? You purposely take damage to get below 25% health then play the entire time without healing to keep the bonuses. Here we go over the most important key features I think one should know before playing the Ranger class in PSO2. Increases your base R-DEF stat. Phantasy Star Online 2 is FINALLY coming to the west in Spring 2020. Dex Mag support. Starting Skill.After being blown away and downed, pressing the Jump key allows for a recovery action. Yes and no. MAIN CLASS: GUNNER Core Gunner Skills: Dive Roll - Greatly increases your mobility by allowing you to quickly jump-dive in any direction.Also great for dodging enemy attacks. Other posts in this series: PSO2 Gunner Guide Pt.1: Introduction & Skills Buying PSO2 Meseta with real money is a hassle-free way to get all the items you need for your character. In PSO2, criticals deal 100% of… Reveals hidden traps before they are triggered. Please download a browser that supports JavaScript, or enable it if it's disabled (i.e. Fighter will turn your Ranger into a glass cannon. level 1 Weapons have a damage variance where you deal damage within a set range (95-97% is the minimum). Take this in the Ranger subclass tree if really needed. I'm just a bit confused on what subclass my Ranger should have. Ranger is technically the worst class in jp even after all the buffs. The two best sub-class options for Ranger are Hunter or Fighter. Hunters arguably offer the most versatility across all of the classes … : that class combo does less damage than Ra/Et and you purposely put yourself at 1 shot all the time for something that doesn't even beat the 2 other class combos who have the safety net from their sub skills. I like Ranger/Techer. Extra PP, and unconditional damage/crit boosts go a long way, even if it does fall a bit short of other combos. Usually a good subclass for Ranger is Hunter. Allows for an attack to be made during a Dive Roll. Ranger/Braver (<- Click for skill tree) Ranger does a lot of damage to weak points. Ra main here. Unlocking Your Subclass in PSO2 Your subclass is a second class that you can add alongside your main class and you can gain EXP for it at the same time as … Our recommended setup was made for a level 75 Characters (the current cap on the English/North American server) with the Ranger main class and Hunter sub-class. Br sub - 155% from Weakstance, 135% if Average stance,only Safety line is "Quick mate" and "J Reversal Cover", Fi sub - 165% from Brave Stance + TAJA Fi, 150% if not from front , have TAJAPPSno Safety line, very Squishy, Hu sub - 140% from Fury Stance, JA Bonus, and Combo Up, Huge Safety lines option (Massive Hunter, Iron Will, Automate), Su Sub - 130% from AAB I and II, 155% with Point Assist, 160% if Point Assist + Weak Element, Massive Stat upsOnly Safety line is "Being tankier than other sub" and the HP Restorate, Note: Yeah, I know the bonuses supposed to be multiplicative but I'm too braindead to actually calculate them all so I just used additive, Edit: Fixed Hu's damage from 150% to 140%, a bit typopipis, br is a terrible sub. This isn't an optional raid dps config, but that's not my concern. Hunter for consistent JA damage with defensive options, Fighter for potentially higher damage based on several stacked conditions, Gunner for WB+CT combo and PP regen if you dislike Ranger’s own options, and Braver to stack weak point damage and stronger Launcher normal attacks. Other posts in this series: PSO2 Gunner Guide Pt.1: Introduction & Skills; PSO2 Gunner Guide Pt.2: Builds & Class Combos; PSO2 Gunner Guide Pt.3: Gear and Affixes That’s the idea behind this build. Well, in this PSO2 Subclass unlock guide, we'll show you how to access them and what they entail. There are many variations for the hunter builds. the general rule of thumb in this game is "if you have to ask, and you aren't playing fo or su, than hu is the answer". Increases your base R-ATK stat. A Ranger main tree works well enough as a subclass. Increases your base R-DEF stat. You purposely take damage to get below 25% health then play the entire time without healing to keep the bonuses. Ra/Fi is not as good as you think it is and definitely not one people should be doing reguardless of skill, I mean good luck not dying setting up End Attract and Satellite Cannon and no, an MPA format for having a class work is not a very good idea to try and pass as "ya this class combo works, it does great!" Increases your base R-ATK stat. There are 4 hunter builds, 2 fighter builds, and one braver build that is common meta. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://somethingaboutlagging.wordpress.com/. Suggestions pso2 ranger subclass guide provides should not be equipped when you have a successor as. 'M a weenie who leans too much on tech access damage/crit boosts go a long way, even if 's..., idk where someone got the idea that Ra/Fi would be good when its not once Scions come out.... To attack during your Dive Rolls Scions come out both Phantom and Etoile make good classes... 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