Air has to circulate freely around both sides of the leaf for the fastest drying. Pinch off a few leaves for a sauté…harvest whole plants for pesto…crush a few dried leaves into a sauce. We love it too. • For more Recipe posts on Ann’s Entitled Life, click here. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. The first step in how to dry fresh basil is the harvesting. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Please note: Posts may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. • 10 Easy Herbs to Grow – If you are a beginner gardener and would like to start growing herbs, this list of easy to grow herbs will help you decide what to cultivate. Basil is a warm-weather, fragrant herb that tastes great in many dishes—including the beloved homemade pesto! Basil should be harvested just before it flowers for maximum flavor. Harvesting Methods. To dry herbs, harvest whole stems (with leaves intact) and bundle 4-6 stems together at the base with a rubber band. I get basil, but not nearly enough. How To Harvest and Dry Basil . It’s exactly the opposite: removing basil leaves … The pinching (as Barbee posted) will give you fuller stems. The traditional way to preserve herbs is by air drying or using low heat. Remove the stems back to ¼ inch (.6 cm.) You can harvest your basil at any time during the season to dry, or you can wait until the end of the summer and dry any that’s left. Use a piece of parchment paper so they don’t touch the metal and burn. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! The plant’s leaves are the main component of the flavorful pesto sauce and are used fresh in salads, sandwiches, and many other recipes. My ovens lowest temp is 170, convection and regular. Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the information displayed on this website,, Coupons, Deals and More, LLC makes no guarantee as to the procedures and information contained within. Dry basil has a more intense flavor when it is fresh but it degrades quickly. Basil is an excellent herb to use in pasta, tomato and salad dishes. Drying Herbs. I freeze mine (Both in oil and dry leaf). The publisher of this website will not be held liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising from the use of information displayed on Add the stems to the compost pile, and bring the leaves indoors for an afternoon of cooking and preserving. Especially if you see bloom/buds forming. Easy Recipes, Cocktails, Crafts, and DIY tips and tutorials. The leaf should crumble easily into many small pieces. You can cut stems around 6 inches (15 cm.) It is best to store them in a cupboard or dark pantry where light cannot penetrate. Cut branches in mid-morning. Sonny-boy grabbed some for pesto, and Hubby used fresh in a zucchini stuffed zucchini recipe that was absolutely delicious. above a growth node. above a growth node. Place the leaves on a cookie sheet or pizza pan and preheat the oven to the lowest setting possible, 200 degrees Fahrenheit on most American ovens. What’s the secret? • If there were new leaves started on the shoots, so much the better. Once harvested, it does not keep more than a couple of days, so it must be used quickly, or dried and stored. In a few weeks, your basil plants will be ready to harvest again. I then condense the herbs that are left to further dry onto fewer trays and simply pull out the empty trays for more airflow. This website is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a professional. I have started using my dehydrator more often than my convection oven the last few years. Wine. How to preserve the flavor of summer. Herbs that are harvested for drying should be harvested in the morning just after the dew has air-dried the leaves. Harvest more than you would use when drying basil because the leaves will reduce in size by more than half. How To Harvest Herbs For Drying It’s important to use organic herbs for drying so you only dry the freshness and not the harmful chemicals used in fertilizers and pesticides. Microwave Drying. Maybe that’s why mine isn’t growing in abundance like yours. can be grown in the garden or in containers and are some of the best herbs to harvest and dry for later use in the kitchen. Any hints? Common sense gardening advice and ideas. I didn’t know about cutting it at the tri-. The tri-cut right above the new growth will allow the stems to come back, Gail. If you want to dry the juicier herbs such as basil, cilantro and mint, extra care must be taken to make sure they do not develop mold before they dry completely. Visit to get your free growing guide, “Grow 3 Vegetables in 6 Weeks”. The leaves have high moisture content and need to dry quickly to prevent molding. DRYING BASIL SEEDS Basil seeds should be completely dry before consuming them. Herbs that are harvested for drying should be harvested in the morning just after the dew has air-dried the leaves. • Wash your basil thoroughly. IMO, it keeps it’s fresh flavor better and the texture is far superior to dry. To harvest annuals, pinch off the stem directly above a set of leaves. Gather the herbs singly and tie several stems together with string or an elastic band. I planted two plants and they are huge. These cookies do not store any personal information. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Tray drying is usually used for short-stemmed herbs or for individual leaves; an old window screen or smaller drying tray fashioned from 2"x2" lumber and screening usually works as a drying tray. You can also dry basil in a food dehydrator. Basil is a great herb to grow that can be harvested throughout the summer growing season. I expect to do this several more times before the gardening season is over. • If you enjoyed this post, be sure to sign up for the Ann’s Entitled Life weekly newsletter, and never miss another article! So if one of your plants seems to be tall and scrawny looking, try ‘tipping’ it and see if it starts get bushier. Harvesting basil is a small, daily pleasure of summer. Some have suggested using it to keep the color of the basil true. Keep harvesting … Basil is an excellent herb to use in pasta, tomato and salad dishes. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Drying Fruits And Vegetables: Drying Fruit For Long-Term Storage, Microwave Gardening Ideas – Learn About Using A Microwave In Gardening, Unique Paving Ideas – Creative Ways To Use Pavers In The Garden, Sensory Walkway Ideas – Creating Sensory Garden Paths, Grow A Recycled Garden With Kids: Recycled Planters For Kids To Make, Testing Garden Soil – Why Test Soil In A Garden, Cleaning Up Garden: How To Prepare Your Garden For Winter, Understanding Plant Dormancy: How To Put A Plant Into Dormancy, Fall Garden Maintenance: Autumn Garden Ideas And Tips, Cut Flower Gardening: Growing Flowers For Others, Pieces Of Garden Wisdom – Gardening Tips For Beginners, Garden Renovation: Giving Life To Neglected Garden Beds, Ordering Plants: Planning The Spring Garden Begins In Winter. After an inauspicious beginning, my basil started to take off and really grow! There are two quick and effective methods of drying basil. Hang the drying basil in a dimly lit to dark room with low humidity and warm temperatures. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. A rule of thumb is to use one-quarter to one-third the amount of fresh basil leaves listed in a recipe. Herbs are a great way to enhance your everyday meals. Harvest foliage herbs when they are at least 6 inches tall but before they begin to flower. long and bind them together in small bunches to hang dry. Considering I freeze everything and anything, the fact that I won’t freeze basil probably baffles him. • After spinning to dry, I laid out on some racks and preheated my ovens to the dry setting of 125°. Here are step by step instructions to harvesting, and drying, basil. It takes about 24 hours to two days for drying to be completed with a dehydrator. Interested in more gardening posts? This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The best way to dry basil is by hanging it upside down in a warm, dry place. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Harvest your herbs before the first flower opens, in mid-morning when the dew has dried. Use a fine colander for basil seed collecting, as the black seeds are very tiny. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. • I gathered a good quantity of fresh basil. • For more Ann’s Entitled Life How Does Your Garden Grow posts, click here. After two years of our basil plants doing terribly, I’m over run this year with basil. You want to make sure all the dirt and any bugs are removed. I honestly haven’t seen a big difference between direct metal and parchment paper on drying basil. This is a good time to begin harvesting and drying your herbs. To prolong the harvest, snip off flowers before they bloom. Dry out your basil seeds on a drying screen in a warm space with good air circulation. That way, your basil will have a chance to… You can pick leaves from leafy annuals once the plant has at least six sets of leaves. How to Harvest Basil. I don’t like basil much (so I’m odd), and he’ll use full leaves.. blech). Crush the heads over the colander and pick out the old petals and any chaff. I did larger leaves directly on metal sheets this round to compare (I had 6 sheets in all, 3 trays per oven). Basil: Harvest once the plant is six to eight inches tall. Basil is a great herb to grow that can be harvested throughout the summer growing season. To harvest the herbs, choose a day that is warm and dry, and wait until the dew has evaporated before picking. Dried herbs are generally three to four times stronger than the fresh herb. DFJ will show you how to easily and quickly dry and store your basil for use all year round. When to … (besides I can get dry basil cheaply at any grocer) Glad your plants are finally producing for you. (And probably you too! I agreed, and he removed the air with his foodsaver to keep the basil dry. I check frequently and pull out the leaves as they dry. First, … The trays should be kept in a warm, dark place until the herbs are dry. Gardeners grow basil for the sweet, spicy leaves, so it is helpful to know how to pick basil so it keeps growing leaves as long as possible. Here are step by step instructions to harvesting, and drying, parsley. • That is parchement paper on those racks. • I spin mine in a salad spinner to remove excess water and for faster drying. You might also enjoy these: • How To Harvest and Dry Parsley – Parsley is a great herb to grow that can be harvested throughout the summer growing season. The seeds are contained in the spent flower head. The ideal time to harvest most herbs for the best flavor is early in the morning right after the dew evaporates, but before the sun’s rays evaporate the aromatic oils. You can also subscribe without commenting. • Pick out any leaves that do not crumble readily, and continue to dry them. Copyright © 2008-2020 Coupons, Deals and More, LLC. Remove the stems back to ¼ inch (.6 cm.) Clipping and photographing when you are too lazy to set up a tripod isn’t a lot of fun.). Your email address will not be published. Do not leave a long branch stub above the intersection. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Only clean your shower doors twice a year and have them sparkling clean all year long!? • Store in your cupboard or freezer. The fresh leaves are used throughout the growing season but the plant will die back as soon as temperatures begin to cool. • I bent back the stems to look for a tri-area to clip just above. Prep time: 2-3 weeks • When your basil is dry, you can crumble between your fingers to crush the entire amount, or use a mortar and pestle. Leafy annuals: Harvest leafy annual herbs (like basil and cilantro) when the leaves are tender and contain the most essential oils. They can add new flavors and colors to common foods. Drying fresh basil is an easy way to preserve the fresh lemony-anise to spicy-pepper flavor of the herb. , I think Hubby would love for me to freeze the basil, Barbee. Sign up for our newsletter. How would I adjust the drying time? • I went out to gather a large quantity of basil one day a few weeks ago. After harvesting, gently wash the herbs and dry them thoroughly on paper towels. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. • Disclosure: The links in this post may be affiliate links. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Learn how your comment data is processed. Harvesting or trimming a basil plant can be tricky, because it seems backward. Life Is Good When You're Retired. Check them every minute and remove any that are dry to prevent burning. Final Harvest: At the end of the season (before the first frost), cut the stems to the ground and pick off all the leaves. Crumble the leaves into containers so they are ready to use in recipes. Harvest the basil before flowers and seeds appear on the plant on an early morning before the heat of the day. You don’t want to store half-damp leaves. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Required fields are marked *. • Basil takes a while to dry depending on how large your leaves are: 3-6 hours. It is a member of the mint family and is grown mainly for its essential oil or its fragrant leaves. Travel. Plan to harvest in the morning before the weather gets too hot. After an inauspicious beginning, my basil started to take off and really grow! Can't use all your fresh basil during the season? Food. Herbs with large, tender leaves and a high moisture content, including bay leaf, basil, lemon balm, lovage, mint, lemon verbena and tarragon, should be … After an inauspicious beginning, my basil started to take off and really grow! Basil seed collecting is that simple. Drying basil is an easy way to save the delicious leaves and provide you with that summer taste even in winter. That's right, you can dry herbs in a microwave and it's pretty easy to do! Here are step by step instructions to harvesting, and drying, basil. Flash freezing is a simple method of freezing basil because it has few steps and takes … The easiest way to harvest is to cut off stems with a pair of garden clippers or sharp scissors. ), parsley (Petroselinum crispum) and mint (Mentha spp.) Ann's Entitled Life® is a registered trademark. The container for storage must be dry and air tight. To test your basil, simply pluck off a leaf toward the center of a bundle and roll it between your fingers. Oven is not a option in the heat we have here. Removing leaves seems like it would hurt the basil plant, right? Remove any dead or damaged material. However, by late summer, even the herbs that have not yet flowered will start to decline as the weather cools. Let the morning dew dry from the leaves, but pick before the plants are wilting in the afternoon sun. By: Bonnie L. Grant, Certified Urban Agriculturist. Basil (Ocimum spp. For more of our disclosure policy, click here. When dry, usually within 2 to 3 weeks, remove the leaves from the stems and store whole in an air tight container. Harvesting Basil Leaves Harvest leaves once the plant is 6 inches (15 cm) to 8 inches (20 cm) tall. Before You Harvest: Water your basil the night before you intend to harvest. • Remove the stems, and wash again. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Basil is one of the most versatile herbs and can give you big yields in sunny summer weather. I pluck those flowers that start to bolt asap, although I don’t pinch otherwise. In a hot, dry place, basil will typically be done drying after two weeks. The bag will catch dry bits of the leaves as they fall off. For more of our privacy and cookie policy, click here. • I clipped as close to the bottom of that tri as possible (closer than the pic! I would definitely keep checking, Jackie. Here are step by step instructions to harvesting, and drying, basil. For fast drying, put them on an oven tray. Basil is a great herb to grow that can be harvested throughout the summer growing season. Get rid of these early buds . Herbs with softer leaves, such as parsley, basil, mint and tarragon, are more affected by moisture and can go mouldy during the drying process. Flash Freeze. Plant seeds or transplants after all danger of frost has passed and soil is warm, and it will yield an abundant harvest within weeks. A super fast method of drying basil uses the microwave. … • I have two convection ovens with a drying setting, and that is what these drying instructions are for: If you are cultivating your own tulsi, plan to harvest the plant before its purple flowers appear. Drying concentrates the flavor of herbs so you may need to only use one-third to one-fourth the amount of fresh herbs in recipes. Harvest, sort and wash herbs. I dry mine in a basket with foil down..and make sure I toss each day until they are dry… (an indian friend taught me that, and it works, but does take weeks) Would like to be able to get them dry and dry quickly if there is a way. Dry the leaves for two to 48 hours until they are completely dry and crumbly. To harvest fresh basil, cut back individual stems or branches just above an intersection where side shoots are coming out. For an even quicker drying session without any special equipment, use your home oven to prepare your basil leaf harvest. We are a participant in the Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Please note that any content created using the methods suggested or any products recommended on will be done so at your own risk. Basil is an excellent herb to use in pasta, tomato and salad dishes. While I have clipped any flowering action at the top of each leave-area that began when the basil started to bolt, I knew I wanted to allow my plants to grow so I would have a healthy harvest to dry all at once. Encourage bushy growth about a … Dried herbs will lose flavor over time and excess light increases this process. After its second growing season, harvest any time year-round. If you're in a hurry, though, you can dry basil in the oven or a food dehydrator instead. Good luck! Sage: Careful to only harvest lightly during the first growing season. Cut the herbs from the plant before it gets too hot. Cut the herbs from the plant before it gets too hot. Remove stems and flowers if they were dried with the leaves. If it folds or only breaks into larger pieces that still have some give, your bundles are not dry enough. I have four surviving, and flourishing plants, and that will give is more than enough basil for the year. Every herb is different, and there are different methods for harvesting that work best for various herbs. • You know your basil is dry when you can crumble it between your fingers. Lay each leaf in a single layer on the racks and allow them to dry in the machine until completely crisp. Freezing and drying herbs when they're plentiful allows you to use them later. This will allow more leaves to flush at the cut point. Lay the leaves in a single layer on paper towels and microwave on low for up to 3 minutes. It is also known as Thai holy basil and is sometimes used in Thai cuisine. My first time, maybe I’ll just check it as I go. Gail, I have found that basil responds to pinching and pruning by growing more vigorously. I dry my parsley, mint and basil etc.. in the microwave.. only takes five minutes or so, and the colour doesn’t fade.. what level do you set your micro ?.. I need to dry some myself. Most herbs are at peak flavor when flower buds first appear, before they are fully open. You can also set them on a tray on top of the oven. Crush or grind just before use. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Use caution to prevent the herbs from scorching. Remember that fleshy stems, such as lemon balm will shrink as they dry, so an elastic tie is better for these herbs. Cut off the brown and spent flower heads and let them dry for a few days in a warm, dry location. Place a paper bag around the bundles, which has holes punched in it. The first step in how to dry fresh basil is the harvesting. Your email address will not be published. Ann, I love basil-but NEVER dry it. Well let me tell you… click here to read the secret, Copyright © 2013–2020 Coupons, Deals and More, LLC. Gardening. It’s best to start the drying process as soon as possible after they have been picked, otherwise the leaves will start to wilt and lose flavour and colour. • Hubby insisted we use a food saver jar for this batch. Ann ’ s Entitled Life, click here two quick and effective methods of drying basil the. The gardening season is over towels and microwave on low for up to get all the and. In a single layer on paper towels a good quantity of fresh herbs in a single layer the... 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