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excuses to get out of drill weekend

It was a no-brainer to help them with the very small procedural hurdle to opt out. Im almost 24. (Like Alisons proposed it wont be possible.). That means if you click and buy a product, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. You have a work conflict . This means that a significant proportion of the volunteer labor force comes from people who are already occupied with paid labor elsewhere. Be on your best behaviour: Another thing you can try doing is being on your best behaviour. Call in sick and deal with it later. I am well into Gen X and we did an active shooter training and I hated every moment of it. But seven hours? We were located in an area where street violence was a significant risk. The prurient excitement exhibited by those conducting the trainingsand folks like OPs bossis a sickness in our society. Professor at a college that had a mass shooting. It will not be possible for me to participate.. Yeah, plans with MYSELF to do nothing but LIE ON THE COUCH with a family size packet of LIGHT & TANGY CHIPS. (Id clue in a coworker who could text when that part is over. You can ask to be excused from drilling at that point. Seconding the idea that there is an industry built around these things. Because when you get out of working on the weekends, someone else will take your place. 3. Regardless of that, though, opting out should be a reasonable accommodation for anyone with cause to believe the training will have mental health ramifications for them. OP, Im sorry you have to deal with this. Not sure if you can find information about it in English, but here in Japan we have frequent fire and earthquake drills; there is also a very loud and scary alert that goes from the earthquake detection center to your cell phone. If youre lucky or skilled enough to have made it to the finals, theres no reason why you should have to miss out because of work. Doing what it takes to make these shootings stop happening. None of it was tailored to our facility. Depressing, yet so effective. It was on my mind constantly. I suspect he died chomping on a fire alarm wire. Often the service of someone so discharged will be characterized as general under honorable conditions or under other than honorable conditions. Given that shes already on record as not wanting to participate and the boss reaction, this might be the first time I would ever consider advising someone to just no-call no-show and eat the occurrence. You Were in a Car Accident 8. I am stuck on *seven hours. Hey, apologies for flaking, but my babysitter just called and told me she couldnt make it today. Ive been participating in active shooter drills since high school, know about run-hide-fight, and know people who have died from gun violence. We also dont call it an active shooter drilll, because wed have lockdown for any intruder. Ive been there on a college campus, and, as such, soak up all the training I can get, especially because its a good way to find out about new data, like the fact that run-hide-fight might not be useful; that its good to keep a supply of water nearby; and to not hide in restrooms anymore. Theres probably a very long, very poorly formatted slide deck theyll go over for at least several hours. We all live busy lives and we know that there will be times when we are called on to help out to babysit for a week, a weekend, or even half a day. 3. Question about Army Reserve - skipping out on drill I grew up in the era of mass shootings. And because he isnt reasonable you cant reason with him. It was 3 hours of my life! And where the training is done by people who are professionals *in the topic they are training*. To be clear I am not an emergency response person, so feel free to respond if you are and correct me. Yes, maybe some people had left for work already. Some say that the siren is extremely loud and frightening when it goes off suddenly, sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes when there is no earthquake, and that the sound/experience itself is traumatizing. The kind of situation that can easily develop really complex emergencies that take skilled professionals to safely respond. Never had a garish, clashing lip color since I learned that trick years ago when I worked in department store cosmetics and was a model for make up/hair when my friends went through state boards for their cosmetology licenses. Seven hours?! Make up a story of how your roommate needs your special attention since they are suffering from a. fever. When I voiced my concerns, he made a few jokes about how he would simply redirect the shooter to a younger person, then asked if I was saying I wouldnt be able to take it.. When you miss nine drill weekends in 12 months without contacting your commander or the Navy Operational Support Center to which you report, your commanding officer can declare your . He looked at me with a big grin on his face and said " I got sick,too! Each year the US Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its data on volunteering in the United States. The point is, now, when you get the same news, and youre not as excited as you may have once been. It gives me hives. (I am not being facetious or flip or glib here run means get away from the situation. If you're looking to develop your communication skills for professional environments even further, we think youll like the following video course from LinkedIn Learning. What Happens if You Miss One Weekend a Month in the National - Synonym Criminals have bad aim and bullets dont discriminate. I wouldnt be able to participate in one of these drills either and I HATE that they exist. They played it in the background or had it up during lunch and walked away in order to get credit for watching it. His video gave at least one employee a panic attack at her desk. He doesnt sound reasonable, and I dont think the conversation would go well. Thats just totally unreasonable. As a side comment, if you have not yet sought out a mental health professional who is experienced in dealing with PTSD, you may wish to explore that at some point. They dont have to be genuine for you. I have been battling car issues for over a week now. You can only use this one if its raining there. And at least a third of us are on the introverted side. *Deep breath* Many triggering statements made below, please be advised. (gag). Look, Im a school employee, a military brat, and an LEO wife. His work has been featured in Medium, WikiHow and Chron and is currently authoring his new book on overcoming procrastination and achieving goals. I do think that similar to an ask for PTO that saying its an appointment that cant be moved might still get pushback or be viewed as disingenuously. Run around with fake guns pretend shooting you. Find out more about Divi Cake here. Hey, would love to come tonight- would you mind picking me up? Im so sorry you had to go through that. if your boss asks, just say you woke up feeling too sick to work that day. But Alisons advice is great. They say that the time for RST has passed. We have not been told the training is mandatory, but when I asked my boss and expressed some preliminary discomfort, he said we all need to participate. This is a great excuse becauseit instills a sense of panic within the person youre cancelling on. There were two separate school shootings in my district in the time frame that I was middle school through high school. Ive even had to go so far as to use a very light dusting of a slightly purple-y matte eye shadow to emphasize the dark circles under my eyes for one job (company was populated by a LOT of ex-military). Divi Cakes main goal is to help the members of the Divi community find the perfect premium Divi themes, layouts, and plugins created by leading Divi developers and designers. While the Army does provide some financial assistance for drill weekends, you may still incur unexpected costs like travel expenses or new gear. This is especially true if you have school-aged children. Im a teacher and this comment might be where I have to stop reading this thread for my own mental health. Take care of your mental health first. 1sg I disagree with college as a priority, it is an enhancement, your co/xo have been in the world long enough and know how to balance drill and school, that comes with maturity, what we are dealing with are the new generation, no concept of time management, putting things off until the last minute, I managed to get my diploma, attend drills and raise a family, it takes sacrifice, but that's me. To effectively use these excuses, avoid any unnecessary long details. Lost colleagues and students. Because yes the event itself is life and death but an employer should be held accountable for not re-traumatizing the survivors or the deceaseds family with nonsense about health insurance coverage or pressure to return or paying out of pocket for funeral expenses to be potentially reimbursed later after a bunch of paperwork. Same. I knew people involved in both. I have heard some people talking about more training as a solution to prevent a similar event in the future and it makes me want to scream. You should absolutely be able to opt out of the training. We like them because we get expert-led courses that we can access anytime, anywhere. Know both your annual drill schedule and your college course schedule. As the first step in run-hide-fight, you totally should call in sick, say you are running. Either way the teachers are required by law to reschedule for the service member. Hope you dont get cornered! It ruined my entire week-end. no one is going to know that you are bluffing. Heck, I would probably nope out of any training that long, regardless of topic. Especially for people with a history of trauma. I am glad we did because we learned they fancy themselves a superhero who can run through and put out fires and can stop a bad guy with the power of love. No amount of training can mitigate the danger of letting anyone have a gun. Im sure Id feel differently if I had kids who were being repeatedly traumatized at school this way. My friends kids were FLOORED to learn about the debacle in the House & Senate chambers on January 6. Call in sick. Like what was really scary about the drill at the time was the impression that if it did happen, not only would we be dead, but worse than that it would be our own (collective) faults. by The day she got back to the office, there was news of multiple mass shootings in the States and she was so unaffected. I will have to miss 1.5 days of the conference to make it to drill on time. Thats insane. I think Im about same age as you. Same here. I really cant imagine what benefit they are to adults. Not a drill, but my church employer, with school and preschool attached, had us all watch a video of a shooting simulation at a school. When I was at job from hell, looking at a full day meeting from hell that would solve nothing and put me in a similar place to the OP, I seriously considered getting takeout with my allergen in in, dramatically puking in a trashcan, and leaving for the evening/next day. She knows what to do. A colleague is American and was home over the Christmas holidays. Others believe that you should use your weekends to relax and recharge. What's a Good Excuse To Tell Your Boss Not to Work on the Weekends? I think theyre useful, Ive seen them work. Sometimes the messages are after the fact, to let us know that the school was on lockdown, but everything is ok now. You are going to cause someone mental anguish for little if any payoff in this situation. Wishing you all the best with this difficult situation. We had emergency drill training (which did include a segment on active shooters), and from the get go there were multiple training options presented. They are not going to find out; unless they know your father very well. However, keep in mind that your commander has the final say and may not approve your request. I grew up in the Seventies and Eighties in the UK with the IRA. I got upset, started crying, and had to ask to leave. And I hope that people above your boss can reign in his asshattery towards you. Im a little bit too old to really be a member of the school-shooting-generation (in that I was in undergrad by the time Sandy Hook happened), and my impression when I hear my younger peers talking about it (and from some commenters in threads below) is that the pervasiveness (of both the drills and the threat) is what makes them so traumatizing for many people. Agree. Fire drills are better, but even so I wonder how much of them Id be able to put in practice if I could actually smell the smoke from a fire. This was a school-sanctioned event!! Well I thought a good excuse would be to call in sick which I did. https://www.everytown.org/solutions/active-shooter-drills/ Before you comment: Please be kind, stay on-topic, and follow the site's commenting rules. You may not even know who the person is, but as long as your friends are going, youre good to go. Im so sorry youre in this position, OP. For anyone to work in a position where they may have to do non-violent restraint and not have hands-on training in a controlled environment is INCREDIBLY dangerous and would open your facility to a huge amount of liability, both civilly and criminally. Again, be sure to notify your commanding officer as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made. A good excuse to tell your boss not to work on the weekends is an excuse that is socially acceptable and relatable. Im just old enough to have gotten out of high school with very minimal active shooter type worries. Everyone knows how to call 911. I was voluntold to participate in my companys active shooter drills and I said straight out NO. There was a mass shooting at a supermarket at her college town two years later. Elegant Themes have been building the world's most popular WordPress themes for the past 10 years, and rest assured their products will always be improved and maintained. If youre interested in further reading, weve also included links to our trusted resources and related posts below. I told them the way you prevent that is to click their heels together and wish real hard. Law enforcement continues to train others and practice drills. In the past 10 years, both employees and employers have recognized the importance of fostering a work-life balance. Michelle Rennex, Film Bloodsucking Bastards is out on in select theaters and On Demand this Friday . You've only watched 16 videos of veterans coming home to their dogs and you promised yourself you'd break 30 tonight. Its all for workplace harmony and best if everyone signs onto it rather than facing the truth. Should issue directions? that just sounds unrealistic. OP, go to your primary care provider. I dont want to do it either. What action should OP expect to be taken, as a result of this call? Pretty sure I called in sick that day. Hey [Name], my stomach is not in the best of conditions at the moment so its probably best for everyone if I stay at home this evening. Heres my example: I was working the midnight shift in a chain retail pharmacy. Its a big box store, just a series of giant open rooms! There are a million other much more reasonable ways to devise a safety plan. Certainly when there was a real fire at my office, the quarterly fire drills made things worse people were going back for coats and purses , stopping off at the restroom and so on because they assumed it was yet another drill. what about people who cannot lift a chair? No job is worth having coworkers or your boss threatening to put you in harms way, joking or not. Is there something about your workplace that makes this a particular concern? Afterwards, we did a Run/Hide/Fight video, talked about some specific places for it in our building, and listened/watched some videos from an actual active shooter event from a few years before, as the video showed what police response would actually look like. If there is valuable information being conveyed, I want to know it, but the toll on my mental health if I do this training is going to be immense, and I cannot imagine what content they will be teaching that I havent already heard and internalized many times before. Its not necessarily as private or discrete as you may prefer, and youll still see whats going on in the simulation.

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excuses to get out of drill weekend

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