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missing 411 alabama cluster map

He would never see his son again. Ive been trying to find the best data that doesnt fit with the dominant paradigm of what is or isnt supposed to be physically possible. If the person was targeted outside, other options open up. Missing 411- Geographical Cluster Map- Version 3 But still, even assuming that theyre intentional omissions and not just Dave not knowing a fact or Dave keeping a fact to himself in the interest of the family of the victim, its very human. Ignoring mind control for now (which is technically doable with advanced enough technology that we are already developing), someone who can remotely scan or edit brains can probably also stop someones heart with a more advanced version of taser. Beyond the basic scientific considerations, its important to understand that we may be doing research here against an intelligent adversary, which complicates things. While static city cameras could be known about and avoided, there dont seem to be any related deaths of potential witnesses, who statistically speaking must keep bumping randomly into these people entering the water. Of course, that says nothing about who these aliens are, only that theyre organized. This protocol has its drawbacks because the nature of disappearances in the wilderness tend to be quite different than those of urban centers, where cars and other forms of transportation mean that an abductee can be hundreds of miles away within a few hours. Part of what makes the cases in Missing 411 so bizarre is the seemingly random selection of victims. Needless to say, I didn't go anywhere near it. The hard evidence found here indicates that many of these people must have died on land days after they disappeared, but days before they entered water, or that they must have died in a tumbling stream, when they were found in a pond with no flowing water, etc. Whether its the nature of the terrain or something else, there seem to be concentrations of disappearances in certain areas. These coincidences may of course ultimately mean nothing, or they can have nothing to do with what caused the disappearance or death even if they by themselves are more than just a fluke of random chance. Whatever the case may be, people continue to go missing in the wilds, sometimes under very peculiar circumstances, and for as long as this goes on we will search for answers. A search was mounted, but it seemed as if hed dropped off the face of the earth. Sadly, the bones were found to be those of the missing boy, but it was rather odd, since the remains were found in the middle of an area that had been extensively and thoroughly searched. They would ultimately discover the missing 3-year-old on the opposite side of Spears Mountain from where he disappeared. The more skeptical take is that these are just people who have gotten lost, and due to whatever mundane circumstances were able to avoid searches and go on to become legend, weaving mystery around them for which we fill in the blanks with our own active imaginations and theories in a void of any real answers. The article is a compilation of data and research taking a critical eye on both National Parks and the U.S. National Parks Service, as well as David Paulides, and how the mishandling of the. The case caught the attention of David Paulides, author of The Missing 411 books, who was intrigued because the location of the vanishing was at a place called Devils Head, which has long had a place in Native folklore as a haunted place inhabited by evil spirits, and which also strangely enough had other strange disappearances that had happened in the vicinity. At one spot he was only about 100 yards away from Dametz and went to check on him just 10 minutes after he last saw the Dr., but this time the man was nowhere at all to be seen. Dave also mentions legends from Hawaii and Indonesia which explain that you should not wear bright clothing if you dont want to offend some kind of spirits, or that some spirits demand that you lie naked face down in their presence, which is how Missing 411 people often are found. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. For starters, in all of the cases where dogs couldnt pick up the scent and then the search was unsuccessful, the direction of causality could be that dogs not finding the scent should decrease the chance to find the missing person. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Maybe you did notice and track them more easily because they had colorful clothing, but then, once you got them, you removed it so that it would now be harder to notice and track you carrying them. . For more information, please see our The startled counselor was sure that he was just hiding and playing a game, so he looked around the area and called out to the boy, but there was no sign of him. I could also go on and on, but I think this is more than enough for now. Search and rescue teams found Kirk months later after an extensive search in a spot surrounded by established trails. She was also near a body of water, and the area around the cabin was littered with large granite boulders. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Thanks. But I think theres more to it than that. Speaking of bizarre and inexplicable, these books and documentaries describe a growing number of cases (now in the low thousands) of people going missing or being found under strange circumstances. Im new to this after watching the documentary on Amazon. You could be on to something! . All Missing 411 North American disappearances are on the map. Paulides also explores instances of other governmental agencies arriving at these sites and conducting their own confidential investigations. The Upper Michigan peninsula is a site filled with missing people. Like the Missing 411 cases. The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Construction Workers Find Incredibly Rare Remains of 8,000-Year-Old Village in Massachusetts. The book series is important work and is worth examining, because it involves vanishings and disappearances that happen with surprising frequency deep inside national parks and wildernesses. The only theory other than aliens was KGB, or some sort of organized crime hit, but then it isnt clear why the agents or criminals would fail to properly dress the guy. Speaking of animals, theres of course the dog whistle or similar techniques that could certainly be used to make a dog run into a forest to make its master follow him, and a variety of more sophisticated technologies currently under development, mainly to be used as forms of crowd control. Some of the cases that meet the profile criteria do hint at abduction by neither an animal, nor a human, but others do not. Which are great, so please, Dave, do more of that. Especially if youre an expert with answers. And dont even get me started on synchronicity and how you absolutely would want to use systemic coincidences in order to manage a simulated (or similarly controlled) world. Whats more, one of his favorite places in the region is the Tahquamenon Falls State Park, the same location where Joe Clewley would spend his last known moments. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If you are some sort of wildman creature, you may want to do something primal, like hunt someone to eat them, kidnap someone as a mate or a kid to raise as part of your tribe, get rid of a witness, or attack someone for fun or because they did something to offend you. Free shipping for many products! Forests being bigger and unmarked could certainly be an issue, just like the number and type of local predators or overall crime rates in the area, and maybe thats something that should be statistically analyzed using data that I dont have at the moment (comparing forests where people go missing versus those where they dont go missing based on these criteria). There could also be competing goods, but lets table that for now. Tabitha L. Franklin read more The suspicious nature of the issue in combination with the trends that David Paulides documents are beyond a mystery. Furthermore, if I understand the abstract of the U.S. study correctly, 5% of autopsy reports in the U.S. list the cause of death as undetermined, even though the real number of undeterminable deaths is much lower than that. So compelling was the Demetz vanishing to Paulides, that he created a sort of mini documentary on it, which he showed to the Colorado authorities and which was instrumental to getting the mostly forgotten cold case reopened. Support me on Patreon: http://patreon.com/nartimar. Missing 411 Clusters overlayed on Thru Trail Map/My Experiences Exceptionally odd circumstances surround the disappearance. Missing 411 map clusters. Like mentions of reports of bigfoot on one of the U.S. coasts attacking dogs (in one episode of the On the Trail of Bigfoot series), or a description of an area where there were almost exclusively bigfoot reports on one side of a road going through a forest, and almost exclusively dogman reports on the other (on The Venomous Fringe podcast). However, this only calls for a more thorough screening process for the cases to control for these possibilities. It was a complete mystery as to what had happened to his clothes, why the jacket had been removed, or even how he had managed to survive at all, and even odder still was that considering his young age and the intimidating terrain it was estimated that it would have taken him nearly 20 hours to cover that distance. However, he provided no explanation for what was, by all accounts, a perfectly normal request. Ohio Pipefitters Union Wages, Then, I isolated the clusters and erased the rest of the Missing 411 map, so only the clusters are seen on top of the thru trail map, but it's still matched to scale as closely as possible. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The mysterious part is how the bodies got to where they were found. A little over a year later on the 17th October 1932 in Palermo, New York, farmer Clarence Clark a similar age to Pitsenbarger at 62 would disappear from the farm he ran with his wife and his elderly father. scientists or drones, in order to hide from humanity, youd need a place where you can hide. Which are great, so please, Dave, do more of that. This is a site not far from Sunrise High Sierra Camp and the lake where Stacey Arras disappeared. Several researchers have spoken of their belief of such programs existing. Yeah, thats a weird one, which probably makes it a good profile point. Blount County What should be done first is a comparison with the distribution of times at which people from a random non-Missing 411 sample disappear in the same areas. The fact that they were never identified or caught is also the first indication of their organization. Comparison is key. Missing 411 Map Missing 411 cluster map. And even then, there often still should have been enough time to use the phone to report or record what happened. When Government Agencies Secretly Work in the Field of the Supernatural and the Occult, About That Time Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Supposedly Saw Aliens on the Moon. Before I get into the things that connect all the cases, like profile points, geographic clusters, and the possible logics behind victim or perpetrator behaviors, I feel I should first address all the ad hominem attacks leveled at Dave (he keeps calling himself Dave from the point of view of third persons, and Im a third person, so why not). Once you come across one, you know that following it will get you back to civilization within at most a day. For the profile point, it means that more weight should be given to cases where the disappearance after separation was abrupt, but also that the feeling unwell or the wildly running into a forest-type separations should be looked at separately. The lake was nearby within earshot of the site, and the area was not known for any instances of animal predation. https://consthagyg.blogspot.com/2020/01/28-missing-411-cluster-map.html The truth is, we could continue to examine and recall each one of the remaining cases and there are literally hundreds but aside from patterns that emerge (and will continue to do so) we are still no closer as a collective to discovering just what is causing these disappearances, and how we can protect ourselves from suffering a similar fate. Granted, Elisa Lam is a rare name, so its a case of a rare name of a test that is the same as a human name, which was the same as a rare name of a person who died unusually, while the test was being used at the time and place where they died. In one example both the FBI and National Guard engaged in a search for a missing child in 2013. At most, they managed to say that someone is following them, but not exactly who or where they are, or if they described a specific location, they were already gone within moments (if the location they gave was accurate in the first place). Id wager that afternoon is the time during which forests see the highest levels of traffic. We are continually adding names to the list as we get more data. Unfortunately, they aren't perfectly matched, but I think I got it to be pretty close. After about 20 minutes of this, I started feeling physically ill and had to run out into the pouring rain to puke twice. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. Dametz was just there one minute and gone the next, and no one has seen him or any remains of him since. This was the case for the Stacey Arras case and Ronald Kirk. Finally, the seemingly most ridiculous element of all of these stories, the stool sample, is a clear sign of organization. There are multiple instances of Starfleet observing pre-warp civilizations (which it is not allowed to interfere with due to the Prime Directive) from a secret base cloaked as part of a mountain. mario creepypasta victim #1. There is at least one case in which the dog was proven to have been almost certainly fed (venison), which might indicate some perpetrator may have been more respectful of the life of the dog than that of the human target, as well as there are cases of dogs likely not having spent time in the area where they got lost, like the one dehydrated dog found in a swampland, or a number of cases of dogs being found in a surprisingly good condition. After all, thats how a sudden health crisis or mental break would start. I guess I should look into places in the Czech Republic with our version of this, involving the word ert in the name. Thus, her father likely thought little of his daughters actions. The U.K. study also suggests that the truly undeterminable deaths (called the sudden adult death syndrome there) can be incorrectly misdiagnosed as a different cause of death as much as two thirds of the time. While sudden arrhythmia can account for some of the Missing 411 cases, there are just too many. If those exact statistics arent available, similar ones should exist to give us an estimate. Its basically just as magic as teleportation. Maybe if in all of the cases, the phone lost charge too quickly, it would be less strange, but thats only the case sometimes. Just how he had managed to cross the waters remains a mystery. Especially if the body wasnt even found by dedicated searchers, but by random hikers or passersby after the search was over. Sure, random things happen, even extremely unlikely things. Missing An isolated concurrence so unlikely that its suspicious by itself. People dont have good reasons to lie down on their faces and Paulides is correct to point out that corpses in water can offer a lot of reliable information about the deceased person. At one point DeOrr Jr.s father and girlfriend left the boy at the campsite with the grandfather for a short time, and when they returned he was gone. Anything that makes you more visible from a longer distance by default makes you an easier target for any kind of predator, animal, human, or otherwise. For example, in a random sample of a thousand normal missing persons cases, how often do people go missing with a dog, in contrast to how often that happens in a sample of a thousand Missing 411 cases? Given that brain damage is almost never involved even in the cases where the Missing 411 subjects were found dead, theres no good explanation for high incidence of amnesia. That feeling of being watched intensified so much when I left the tent, I was afraid someone was going to grab me as soon as I walked out. There was [sic] active efforts to distance themselves from each other [FBI and National Guard], us [National Parks Service], and even the parents of the missing kid.. In mid-July, slightly northeast from the site of where the Mystery Mans body was discovered twenty years earlier, Timothy Barnes vanished. Interesting history topics are just a click away. I have a few, but just msy be coincidences. The grandfather told them that he had simply been there one second and gone the next, and a search of the area turned up no sign of him, nor did an extensive official search of the area. If your child will play baseball or softball this spring, youll need to stock up on appropriate clothing and equipment. Bizarrely, he had taken his jacket off despite the intense cold, and his clothes were ripped, although there was no sign of physical injury. If there is someone out there with some kind of tech doing this, the tech clearly should involve remote brain or full-body scan capability (to ascertain hidden health issues or intelligence), perception altering, and memory editing.

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missing 411 alabama cluster map

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