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shortened descriptor example

15+ Restaurant Description Examples Eat, Sleep, Wander When cardholders dispute legitimate charges, this leads to friendly fraud chargebacks. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Short description meaning and usage. To submit a notice of claimed copyright infringement, you will need to submit a notice of infringement using the form below. Login to your 1. And last, but not least, keep your description ATS friendly. The descriptor may include the business name, the transaction amount, and a brief description of the purchase. Once you've found three to five sample listings that describe your job goals, copy and paste the text of each job description into a Word document and bold any phrases that routinely pop up. 15+ Words to Describe Yourself on Resume: Examples & Tips - Enhancv Blog He could see this on his billing statement: OQT* Tires 111-222-1212 $279.00 Enter the details of your request here. 9. 6. The file descriptor for the text file can also be used to open a text file. Focus on the book's contents, not the author. And stay that way. Or, tell your audience what you like to see in your industry, whether it's an innovation, a business philosophy in practice, or an initiative. These descriptors may include additional information, such as the location of the business or a customer service number. A shortened descriptor is a shortened version of a field descriptor. calculated_statement_descriptor in API responses is always the Latin statement descriptor, but it doesnt mean the issuer will select the Latin statement descriptor rather than the Japanese one. Meet our team and This feature is not officially supported in the Payment Elements, and has been deprecated. A website URL only is acceptable if it provides a clear and accurate description of a transaction on a customers statement. General business description examples give you an idea on how to write a business description or company profile for your company, so that it communicates your field and scope of business to your target audience in the most effective manner possible. URLs of any websites connected to the account. The first sentence clearly explains the page's value while the rest of the description provides a call-to-action for LinkedIn. Instead, you could use descriptive words like: gusty torrential breezy windswept Advertisement Adjectives as Descriptive Words Because the billing descriptor is created as soon as your merchant account is linked, the customer can identify who made the payment in this manner. Write in third person. When you activate your account, you can set a single statement descriptor (static statement descriptor) that appears on all customer statements. Note, card data is securelystored on Stripes servers, not on your site. They can be adjectives, adverbs, or participles that describe the subjects or actions of your sentence. If you meet the Buy Now requirement, this will allow customers to checkout via a popup modal. The Stripe Pro Payment Gateway requires the following (version 2.9+): In order to use the Stripe payment gateway, you must first have a Stripe account. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Including a phone number is always a good idea, and it helps to make sure there's someone on the other end of that number as often as possible. Friendly fraud can be done intentionally; this practice is sometimes called cyber-shoplifting. Thousands of businesses have turned to Stripe for payment processing. There are three different types of merchant descriptors: A typical merchant descriptor consists of about 20-30 characters and includes the merchants name as well as location and/or contact information such as their phone number, URL, city, state, zip code, or country. Company description can be a simple description that is an integral part of the business plan of a company or it can be a job description available in the company. shortened descriptor stripe example - Haus Ruh Dich Aus 1. Please note that we can't reply individually, but well contact you if we need more details. A descriptor is a key component of the credit card experience. 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Choosing Your Billing Descriptor Wisely - Fidelity Payment Services "top::memberareas:creatingmemberareas":"New Release Team (Chat)", If you havent checked or updated your descriptor in a while, look it up and think objectively about whether or not it provides enough recognizable information to cardholders. Version should be set to Latest API version. The file descriptor serves as a key to a lock. What Is A Billing Descriptor? - Small Business Credit Card Processing A government-issued ID. Typically, this option is used for pre-orders. If you're coming from the Acuity Help Center, you'll find the help you need here. How do I prevent them? Go to WordPress admin Downloads Settings Payments, then enable the Stripe payment gateway. Many companies kick off their job descriptions with a . 1. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that's set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. They want to know if your qualities will benefit their company. When fraud occurs, cardholders usually only find out about it when they read their statement and spot a transaction they don't recognize. After a customer places an order on your site with a credit card or Apple Pay, Stripe sends basic information about your business and the purchase to your customer's bank. Easy Digital Downloads comes bundled with our Stripe integration. The Easy Digital Downloads Card Elements integration required that there be a

tag with the id edd-stripe-card-element. Also, see Stripes business information requirements. By making it easy for your customers to pay, you can make payments easier to manage. Some issuers will display additional information about the merchant alongside their billing descriptor when cardholders look up their statements in their online banking portal. The Stripe Shell is best experienced on desktop. All guides about Squarespace Scheduling also apply to Acuity; the handful of features that are different are clearly marked. How to Write Product Descriptions for T-shirts - TshirtGrowth "top::media:video-storage":"New Release Team (Chat)", Expressive and Engaging Experiences: Joybird. This value then appears on all customer statements for charges or payments. If a cardholder doesn't recognize the merchant descriptor on their account statement, they may assume that the charge is fraudulent and dispute it with their bank. When a customer makes a purchase from a merchant that uses shortened descriptors, the customers bank will typically display the merchants name as it appears on their website or app. 33 examples of great meta descriptions for search - Econsultancy We believe in creating awesome user experiences. This address is typically your home address, but if you own a business, it can also be your business address. 2. (Not required for two-factor authentication issues.). By utilizing soft descriptors, banks can inform and alleviate any potential confusion or frustration that may arise. For example, the field descriptor Ljava/lang/String; can be shortened to L/String;. A merchant descriptor or billing descriptor is the name that appears on a customer's bank or credit card statement when they make a purchase from that merchant. The use of file descriptors is essential because they allow you to access files from a variety of programs. Contains at least one letter (if using a prefix and a suffix, both require at least one letter). Descriptor Abbreviation. Moving Company Description Template. To add the appropriate webhook endpoints, in your Stripe dashboard go to Developers Webhooks(direct link). Longer names are abbreviated. Any additional documents, such as Legal Representation documentation. These stores have been given access to an option to switch to Payment Elements during the initial phase of this release, allowing them to verify any customizations to their checkout page are not affected during the update, before making the switch to Payment Elements via their EDD Stripe Settings. Product Description: 9 Examples of Product Descriptions that Sell Statement descriptors can be static in one of two ways: The static component refers to either the static prefix or the static descriptor, and is set on the platform or connected account, depending on how your platform sets up charges. Past participles end in -ed or -en, present participles end in -ing, and they all look like descriptive words that you probably use all the time. This tool can show you which businesses charged you on this transaction as well as the amount charged to your account. If you have the space, including your URL provides another easy way for cardholders to look you up and jog their memory. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Here are six job description examples that do just that and what you can borrow from them. 12 Product Description Examples to Boost Conversions in 2022 Lonely Planet (Search term: "travel inspiration") A complete statement descriptoreither a single static descriptor or the combination of a prefix and suffixmust meet the following requirements: A static prefix, also called a shortened descriptor in the Dashboard, must contain between 2 and 10 characters, inclusive. A company description is an overview of the company's plan, vision, and relationships. Whatever the market conditions or current trends, you will always find Awesome Motive leading the way to help our customers gain competitive business advantage and stay ahead of the curve. For Express and Custom accounts, the platform account sets the static descriptor with the settings[payments][statement_descriptor] argument and the static prefix with the settings[card_payments][statement_descriptor_prefix] argument on the Account object. These documents typically include the company's name, business structure, mission statement, and an overview of the target market. How to Write a Business Description (with Examples & Templates!) - LOCALiQ You can create an account for each employee and have them generate statements that show how much money they have in and out of each account. Merchant descriptors are typically set up when a merchant first enrolls with their payment processor, and new merchants who are eager to get started making sales and processing cards arent always thinking about how this information will look to cardholders. The distinction between the two is clear (now). In many situations, mentioning race or gender might . All product and company names are the copyright, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Merchants should also take advantage of dynamic billing descriptors if their payment processor offers that option. A shortened descriptor is a shortened version of a field descriptor. +40 Resume Summary Examples [+How-to Guide] - Novorsum Most sites should not enable this setting. Mission Example "I grew up on the Mississippi River and watched it get clearer over time as manufacturing standards improved. Easy Digital Downloadsis a Sandhills Development project. 6607). Stripe Pro payment gateway extension is a optional extension that adds support for Preapproved Payments and removes the fee added to Stripe Standard payments. You can set all descriptors and their corresponding prefixes when creating a Japanese Custom connected account as follows: You can set dynamic kanji and kana suffixes when creating card charges with payment_method_options[card][statement_descriptor_suffix_kanji] and payment_method_options[card][statement_descriptor_suffix_kana]. Your profile has the potential to help you make positive impressions that enhance your professional development and success. For custom development and consultation, we have partnered with Codeable. Related terms for short description- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with short description. Taxes note:if you have taxes enabled, only the full address option may be used as those fields are required for accurately calculating taxation amounts. Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for Easy Digital Downloads, Easy Digital Downloadsis a Sandhills Development project. Well ask you to try that first if you havent yet. Select events to listen to: Select All Events or if you want to limit to only the required events you can select the following events: charge.succeeded charge.refunded customer.subscription.deleted customer.subscription.updated customer.subscription.created invoice.payment_failed invoice.payment_succeeded review.opened review.closed. Upon updating, your store will remain on Card Elements, and give you the ability to switch to Payment Elements only after youve confirmed your checkout works with it. Using illustrative descriptors makes your writing impossible to put down because yoursentences aremore vivid. Third person works great for this. See our Terms & Conditions for licensing and refund details. Dynamic suffixes are supported only for card charges. When it comes to using descriptive words, variety is key. Set statement descriptors with Connect | Stripe Documentation Descriptor Abbreviation - 4 Forms to Abbreviate Descriptor The ones that result from unclear merchant descriptors are the exception to this rule. If the customer purchased Basic Product, that's what will show up on the bank statement. Enable to allow prepaid cards as valid payment methods. Using the third person is best in most cases, but it's wise to have both first and third person options available. This two burner grill is built to fit small spaces, and packed with features such as the powerful GS4 grilling system, iGrill capability, and convenient side tables for placing serving trays. Website Page Descriptions | Learn Basic SEO | KristofCreative.com Make it simple for your customers to pay by providing them with payment information. When a refund is detected, the corresponding purchase in EDD is also marked as refunded. 4. Business hours are Monday - Friday, 5:30AM to 8PM EST. Book icon with list of descriptive words adjectives, adverbs and participles, Book: Lisitsa / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Background: Tolchik / iStock / Getty Images Plus. Writing a short professional bio is a great way to build your online presence. When we're stuck for words and don't know what else to add to our product description, we often add something bland like "excellent product quality". This often occurs when the descriptor is different from the customer facing-name of the business. If you meet the Buy Now requirement, this will allow customers to checkout via a popup modal. FAQ: What is a chargeback? Dynamic descriptors can be especially helpful for merchants who have multiple brands under the same merchant account. All rights reserved. Using the file descriptor for a spreadsheet file, you can open a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel. Appeal to your readers' senses with a list of, Learn to describe a persons (or characters). Until they appear, a generic ST*ONLINE PAYMENT, (kanji), or ST* (kana) statement descriptor may be visible to cardholders. A bank statement that shows the bank header, bank accountholder name, and the most recent Squarespace charge. Descriptive Text Examples | YourDictionary Note: The following section is only applicable to customers who used our Stripe integration prior to the introduction of Payment Elements. Communicate recruitment goals and objectives with recruiters. But theres no reason to believe that their more reasonable colleaguesto the extent that, Meanwhile, for much of North America right now, the operative, Veteran leader isn't exactly the most natural, The bulk of that funding is assumed to come from countries domestic spending on nature protection a flexible, Post the Definition of descriptor to Facebook, Share the Definition of descriptor on Twitter, Before we went to her house, Hannah told us her aunt was a. shortened descriptor example - Pentagon Rides Stripe charges a fee to the merchant when a customer makes a purchase through their website. Don't be surprised if none of them want the spotl One goose, two geese. Note: only 22 characters are allowed for statement descriptors. You don't need to show readers the narrative of your story in this post. nouns. While cardholders can usually sort these issues out by calling the phone number in the descriptor, some may be hesitant to call a number that they believe to be associated with a possible fraudster. How To Write a Professional Short Bio (With Examples) It is critical to incorporate a recognizable name into your design so that unintended disputes do not occur. A meta description is a short summary, usually a character count of 160 or less, that is shown in the search results and gives a searcher an idea of what your page content is about. The merchant's name is usually shortened to three letters plus an asterisk, followed by a brief description of the exact product or service purchased. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. The Stripe payment gateway has complete support for the Recurring Payments extension. Submit a request about a deceased customers website, URL of the site connected to the deceased users account. For details on how this works, see ourBuy Now Buttons documentation. What To Know And How To Avoid It, Can You Use Venmo In Nigeria? cardholders can use them to understand the terms and conditions of their card, as well as track their spending. For the majority of businesses, the static billing descriptor gets the job done. Here are a few examples: (A) "I'm the head of digital marketing at a large New York-based agency that serves clients in the media and entertainment industry." If left blank, product titles (including price option labels) are used instead. Please note that information provided in a notice of copyright infringement may be forwarded to the user who posted the allegedly infringing content or the site owner. Billing Descriptor Types. With a dynamic descriptor enabled on Yapsody, the statement descriptor for customers would show the event name for which the customer has purchased tickets. Feel free to submit topic suggestions, questions, or requests for advice to:win@chargebackgurus.com. If you used our Stripe integration before the introduction of Payment Elements, weve given you temporary access to a setting called Elements Mode in Downloads > Settings > Payments > Stripe. Check this if you would like to collect payment information but not collect the payment until a later date. Write funny menu descriptions of food.

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shortened descriptor example

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